Anyone starting chemo in July 2013? We are now the July Junkies!

FEC-T cycle 1 fec – day 16
Good evening ladies.
Hair hung around yesterday but by this morning it was coming out in chunks. So my darling OH took the scissors to it this afternoon. I had a good cry (we both did) but actually I felt so much better once it was in a pile on the table. And OH said that he found me strangely attractive with stubble! Lordy, how I love that man. Apart from the hair I’ve had another good day with no SEs.
Pollyanne, you’re only a couple of days ahead of me. Glad you’re feeling OK. Know what you mean about next session. Although it’s saving my life, I’m dreading it. It’s so counter-intuitive. Good luck with the cc. I think the hair loss continues with the T but it’s not so severe. Not really sure, so I’ll check out the April and June girls.
Juliemb, it’s a good idea to at least know whether scarves suit you. They definitely don’t suit me, unless I can do something to give the illusion of height like twisting the long bits and turning it into a sort of turban which I’ve been practising, not very successfully, today.
Benedictus, Chezza, yes I think tingling is a sign, although I haven’t had much. But actually if you give your hair a gentle tug you’ll soon know. I was devastated when hair started to come out. Feel much better now it’s gone.
Nazgirl, I’ve asked for counselling although I’ve no idea why or what I want to get from it. I’m dreading questions like “Why do you think you need counselling?” or “What do you want from counselling?” because I’ve literally no idea. Is “Because it might be interesting …” a good enough reason, lol. Wow, half way. Good for you. I think dread is perfectly understandable! I wondered about your face, thought you’d got some awful allergy! I totally get the shower thing too. I can’t bear to touch my own breast, but don’t mind touching the false one, even though there’s no feeling in it at all, which is weird weird weird.
Sakura1971, hope you continue to feel OK. I understand about feeling nervous the first time out in a bandana etc. but actually people generally are very unobservant. I don’t envy you having to work. I’m so glad I’ve retired and don’t have to cope with that as well.
Lottie12, glad you’ve been feeling OK. Know exactly what you mean about Uncle Fester. All afternoon I’ve been forgetting about my stubble and then I catch a glimpse in a mirror. It’s a shock, but I’ll get over it. I must say though, it does feel nice when I rub the top of my head.
Debsalicious, glad this cycle seems to be starting better than the last one and that you’re going out and about with the wig.
Welcome to all August maisies. Hope we can allay some of your fears and answer any of your questions.
Boxofrogs, I had a sort of granular feeling in my mouth for a few days but I used a warm salt water mouthwash and it’s gone away now. Just think it’s another SE.
Bruce01, I think it makes a huge difference when OH is as supportive as ours are. Makes me feel that I’m not unattractive, despite what the mirror tells me. I’ve also been thinking about keeping my hair really short when it comes back. Somehow this hair loss is beginning to feel liberating.
Jacquie08 thanks for the tip about Naked. I’ll be investigating.
Is dexamethasone the T part of FEC-T then? I thought it was Docetaxel. Or is it the same thing? I’m really dreading that one. But then I dreaded each stage until I got there, so I shall park that for the moment lol.
Going to snuggle on sofa with OH and dog, so good night JJs and others. Sweet dreams and minimal SEs to all. xx
PS Sorry war and peace again

Hi piggsy. Do love your lovely long posts. No hair loss here yet and not much tingling today. But when the time comes I will be OK with it thanks to your post. Thanks for creating the footsteps for us to follow in. The dexamethasone is the steroid we are given to counter the effects of the chemo. For FEC we are give some iv at the time of chemo and then for 3 days afterwards. Because T is even more toxic the dose of dexamethasone is upped - you have to start taking it the day before your chemo and then double dose (if I remember correctly) for a few days afterwards. As Debs described, the steroid made me feel horribly dizzy - I could almost feel it coming on within a few minutes of taking it - and I was really glad to come to the end of the course.
Day 11 here and feeling OK apart from thinking I’ve been flattened by a steam roller. Did big supermarket shop this morning in readiness for OH and children going off on hols tomorrow for 10 days. I think that finished me off for the day. Worst thing about today has been really sore eyes. Anyone else had this?
Bedtime soon, methinks. Night JJs xx

hi Tamsin my eyes started to hurt and seemed very dry just used an eye wash and they seemed to get better. Think you were day after me so expect we will go through very similar se at more or less same time.
enjoy the peace and quiet next week!!! Hope they have a lovely daddy and son time together

Thanks Chezza. I’ll go and chat to our lovely local pharmacist tomorrow. Going to be weird at home. OH and the boys normally go skiing every year so I’m used to them going off but my daughter normally stays at home with me. This time they’re all going. Certainly will be quiet!

some well deserved you time!!!

Well hair defo going, hanging in there tho which i believe is pretty good seeing as i am on day 19!!! anyhow wiglet should be ready thurs i reckon so need to hang on a bit longer lol, i do have a serious bald patch at the back as my hair was dead and turning into a dreadlock so was chopped off by wiglet maker!!! oh the joys, of being bald at 42, lol,
love julie xxxx

EC cycle 2 - Day 3

Hello JJ’s, is good to read your positive posts and feel that I am not alone! This time round nausea doesn’t seems want to ease off. I am using cold cap, but my hair started falling too. I feel very sad, end of this journey seems so far away! Wishing you all the best… xxxx

Hi Mahsa, i too am having ec chemo, the majority of women on here seem to be having fec so i feel left out, lol, i had terrible nausea after 1st cycle (tues 23rd july), which lasted over a week, really dreading carrying on,
Julie xxxx

Hi y’all. Sounds like the JJ’s are taking it in our stride. Hmm, top of head a bit sore this eve and hair is noticeably coming out now. My poor 16 year old son is so freaked out at the prospect of bald mum. My ex is bringing round the hair clippers tomorrow. We haven’t communicated since the split, 18 months ago. I’m totally in shock that he responded to my request he return them, and a bit freaked out about meeting him. I’m also really freaked out about the whole wig thing. I haven’t got one yet. and the scarf thing, haven’t got either. Maybe I’m in denial. Wish it was winter when a beanie would be perfect solution. Got consultant appt tomorrow. I have a long list of things I need to write down. Hope she doesn’t get fed up with my whingeing, I have a lot to bring up, so to speak…

Hi Julie, sorry to hear about your first cycle experience. Mine also lasted 1 week, then followed by migraine type of headache for another week. Now 4 days into 2nd cycle I am still feeling nauseous despite medication. Looks like more we dread the feeling more difficult it gets. So let’s fight it and count down to xmas.

Wish you well for your 2nd cycle, please keep me posted. My 3rd round is on 29 Aug.

Take care and have a relaxing day.

Thank you Mahsa, hope you are feeling much better soon, it really knocks you off your feet doesnt it
julie xxxx

Good afternoon ladies

I made it to work today (don’t really have to as they have very kindly got me a temp to cover when I don’t feel up to it). I prefer to keep busy though so it’s done me good to get out after yesterdays tired day.

Boxofrogs - don’t worry about having a long list for your consultant - that’s what they are there for. I am so glad I made mine aware of how sick I was the first cycle as they really got on top of that for this one. And good on you for getting the ex to bring the clippers around. I found chopping my hair off to be quite relieving, no more dreading when it was going to happen, no more piles of hair on the pillow, the bath towel or down the plug hole.
Thanks for your posts piggsytrotter. You put so much effort into them, I am sure the support helps people

Juliemb - sorry to hear your first cycle was rough. Make sure you note it all down and tell them. If they can stop me being a sick as the proverbial pig, then they must be able to do something for you too.

Mahsa - I am up for round 3 the same day as you, (albeit with a different type of chemo) hope it all goes well for you (and that you feel better soon).

Has anyone else noticed they have a very rosy looking face? Mine is glowing today. Temperature is ok, just look like I have overdone the rouge somewhat!
Have a lovely evening ladies

Deb x

FEC-T x 6, FEC cycle 1, day 17
Good afternoon fellow JJs. You’ll be relieved to know this will be a short one, as nothing to report. Still amazed to be feeling so well. I’ve been able to eat normally so I’ve been carrying on with the 5:2 which has kept my weight where I want it to be. Paranoid about putting it on again, as I’ve finally at age 63 got the figure I always wanted. How effing ironic!
Sakura1971, thanks. Sorry, i haven’t got/had a red face. Got a bald head though haha! Speaking of which, I didn’t bother with scarf or wig when I took Daisy out this morning. It felt really good to be mentally putting up two fingers to BC. Edited to say not necessarily as brave as it sounds. We walk on Salisbury plain, so not like there’s loads of people about lol.
At hospital 3 times this week, me for bloods and chemo and got to take step-Dad to fracture clinic tomorrow. He fell over in the garden yesterday and ended up spending 3 hours at A&E. Silly old s** won’t be told. He managed to get up the two steps on to the terrace and then lost his balance. Did he use his stick - no. Did he use the big pots to steady himself - no. How many times have my mum and I told him, every day since the terrace was done in April. Hey ho, the joys of having elderly parents living with you.
Enjoy the rest of the afternoon / evening ladies, and may all our SEs be extremely little ones. xx

Pigsy you are amazing good on you. Scalp still tingling but no hair loss as yet.

went to a LGFB session today and was nice to meet other ladies and they all looked fab bald and just got on with it.
I managed to jog for a mile on treadmill and then walked til Id done half an hour. Nowhere near what I was doing couple of months ago but felt good just to get back on it.
Portacath tomorrow so nervous!!!

hope everyone is good on here

Hi JJ’s
Glad all is well with most of us lovely ladies, I am well and I even woke myself up this morning rather than my two or four legged monsters :slight_smile:
So tonight I am off out with my “friend” who has not been there for me…it will be an interesting night that is for sure!!! I told her she was not there for me and she got all defensive so this is the first time we have seen each other since; I maybe home after the starter
Wish me luck ladies, some things need saying and if I can fight BC I sure as hell can say to someone I love where the F*ck have you been!!!

good luck karen. Get it off your chest so to speak

FEC-T cycle 2 day 1
hi ladies
back from number 2 and so far ok, feel as though I have had a few drinks too many at mo. damn fiasco with the cold cap , sat ffor hour and a half waiting for the machine to get to right temp, it didn’t happen although it felt cold wasn’t cold enough , Sio in the end nurse used the old fashioned ones out of the freezer and changed them every 30 mins. Got this feeling that it isn’t gonna work for me , hair shedding fast. Hope your all well Lynda xx

welcome back from the bar Lynda. Hope this evening goes well and you get decent rest

Well ladies, i am officially bald!!! Yes i have been to the hairdressers and had a bloody good shave, lol, havnt even git a wiglet yet lol, feeling better as i saw my consultant today so am carrying on with chemo, got lots of meds and was even given the wonderful emend without even having to ask!!! Picc line and bloods tomorrow, 2nd ec wednesday, so fingers crossed!!!
Love Julie xxxx

Good luck Karen, I had a friend dump me when I got my dx. I don’t think I will ever get the opportunity to let them know how hurt I am, so I’m hoping you get the chance to offload and feel better for it. I just spent 2 hours with my ex over a cuppa, After 18 months of silence. It was well weird but quite cathartic. I hope we can be friends. It would be so nice for my 16 year old if they can rekindle their relationship. Feel very emotional.