Anyone starting chemo in July 2013? We are now the July Junkies!

Lynda. I think you need a visit to Benchland to sit on the "guilty’ bench. Don’t feel bad about putting your rellies through the mill yesterday. If they understand at all they will realise that you are ‘going through it a bit’ as well and won’t be phased by things. Could you contact them and explain why things were particularly bad yesterday? Must admit I did very much the same thing and only later did I realise about the day 5 crash. At least we will be ready for it next time.
Re: your other post. I’ve just looked at my gums and they’re very white as well. Another joyous SE I think!
Hope your OK-ish continues - or even gets better!
Many hugs to all xx

Good afternoon ladies

Hope all is well, and those that have been having bad times are doing better. I have a bit of a sore botty after letting myself go too long without a bowel movement - note to self not to do that again lol.

Glad to hear your treatment not delayed froggy. Hope all goes well for you Tuesday Benedictus.

With regard to those down days, I think we have all had at least one. I know on day 4 cycle 1 a good friend had to come and sort me out when I was having a complete fit about it all, and that’s definitely not me so was definitely a lot to do with the drugs.

Off to meet up with a few friends this evening that I haven’t seen since before the bc diagnosis so that should be interesting

With regard to the white mouth - watch for thrush. I have had it on both cycles. GP gave me Nystan oral suspension which seems to do the job (tastes of cherry which was an unexpected bonus). Pharmacist wouldn’t give anything without prescription as over the counter stuff can interact with chemo meds.
Have a great weekend all
Deb x

Hi Girls,

Hope you all well, and having a reasonably good weekend! Thanks for your kind words and cyber hugs.

After 9 days I am now free from chemo SEs, HOORAY. But putting up with Shingles and SEs of anti-viral meds. At least is not too painful and has remained in situ.

Hey ho, this will pass too…!

I am thinking of Julie too, hope she is not suffering too much after her 2nd cycle.

Take care,

Mahsa xxxx

Good to hear you are on mend
Piggsy how are you after number 2 yesterday???

Yeh, not too bad Chezzap. A bit wobbly on the old pegs, so hobbling about like a feeble thing And feel a bit out of it. My lovely mum took me back to her’s so being looked after for the weekend. Wishing you all good health.

Morning JJ’s,
Did try and catch up but so much to read!! so I think I will just jump in. Well here I am have been in a dark place feeling sorry for myself but this wkd I have tried to reduce the painkillers and that seem to have lifted my mood. I have missed theatre, proms, a wedding and the last few days my brother was in the country and my nieces 21st and feel really bad that our hol was cancelled because of me. I am still exhausted but at least I can walk up the stairs instead of crawl and then need a sit down!! Having echo next week to check out my heart.
Do feel a bit of a fraud having stopped chemo (for now) but do so need to get over this episode. I’m curious what the onc has planned for me, but have to wait for Tuesday.
Tamsin are your family at HCP?? I didnt get my head shaved cause I left it too late and then had a sore head!! So have a few wispy attractive areas. Did wax my legs cause the hairs are hanging on by a wisper so was a doddle.
Mahsa shingles, what rotten luck but sounds like they are under control.
Piggsy sounds like #2 is being kind to you, def stay on the sofa and eat cake esp when brought by someone else.
BofF I had tooth ache, not fun. touch wood it has settled down but then you have the anxiety it will return.
Well I have been in the garden and dead headed for all of 5mins and then had to sit down. We have a new cross trainer I think the nearest Im going to get to it is with a feather duster!!!
Everyone else Im sending cyber hugs and lots of love to you Kat xx

sorry to hear you have such a rotten time Kat. I really feel for you. Best of luck for Tues. Im sure the onc will have something up his sleeve for you to beat this b**tard!!

Goodness Kat, you’ve really been through the mill. I’m glad that you’re feeling a bit better and hope you feel resigned to everything you’ve missed - I think it’s easler that way. Yes, the family have been at Hampton Court this week and have had a fantastic time. I’ve sat at home and have done very little apart from have hospital appointments. How great is that! My OH is already planning Paris at half term for everyone (apart from me - chemo week!!!) because my daugher is doing French and will be Y13 and then is talking about skiing in February half term with the boys “because they always go”. I’m glad for them but sad for me…
I’ll be interested to hear what the onc has to say. Will it be dependant on the results of your heart scan? Are you happy to give more chemo a go if you get the go-ahead? Did you have rads last time cos if so, I assume that’s off limits this time? Goodness, it’s like 20 questions!
Hair still hanging in there at this end. Although it’s started falling out more today I haven’t had the hurty scalp day yet. If I can make it last until Tuesday (chemo day) I think I will, then shave it off after that.
Hope things go really well tomorrow Chezza
Going to miss everyone this week. Hope all keep well and look forward to seeing everyone on the other side…

cheers Tamsin good luck for Tues hope your bloods pick up and start behaving themselves!!

6 x FEC-T, FEC Cycle 2 - Day 3
Good evening ladies.
Well I’m really pleased to report that so far, apart from steroid rage today about hair loss, I haven’t had any SEs at all. So hurrah for that.
Pollyanne, sorry you’ve had a bit of an emotional meltdown. It’s really hard isn’t it, when you know it’s the drugs and you can’t control it. Loved ones do understand, but it’s always worth acknowledging when you know you’ve behaved out of character. I think it can help them come to terms with dramatic personality changes.
Sakura1971, I think being bunged up is far worse than the squits and so I try not to let it go on for more than a day. I find shredded wheat, linseed and prunes are a great combo lol! White mouth, thrush, cripes. I’m off to bed shortly so will have a good look.
Masha, hurrah for you with SEs but boo hoo for the shingles. Have a very gentle cyber hug {{}}. As if we don’t have enough to put up with.
Chezzap, I’m doing really well thanks. How about you? Good luck for tomorrow.
Boxofrogs, I’m sure you’ll have a lovely time being looked after by your mum. We all need some TLC.
Orangecat, it’s not your fault you got ill, so try not to feel guilty about the events you’ve missed or cancelled. Easy for me to say, but guilt isn’t going to serve any purpose. It’s not like you can learn a lesson and not do it again lol! Which in my opinion is about the only thing guilt is useful for. My OH and I had to cancel a longed for holiday we were due to take in September, and it is hard. But we’ll just have to have a better one next year. Sorry you’ve had to step off the chemo train, but hopefully it’s just for a couple of stops. And toothache as well. Jesus, this is the disease that keeps on giving isn’t it?
Benedictus, I think you’re being exceptionally brave waving your family off and staying at home. Not sure I could do it. re hair, may I suggest that you don’t actually shave it off, perhaps get a friend or your hairdresser to give you a No.1. It’s quite nice having a bit of fuzz to run my hand over, although I notice that there’s really not much there now. But that’s what’s worked for me. Well, kind of.
Be thinking of everyone who has appointments next week.
Sweet dreams fellow junkies. xx

hurrah piggsy you are back I miss reading your posts if you dont post for a day or 2 they always cheer me up and motivate me!
thanks for remembering Im up tomorrow for number 2. Having different anti sickness this time and not taking steroids after so hoping not to have the steroid crash this time round
Shaved head to a number three and although blubbed like a baby doing it I feel a serene kind of acceptance now plus I can now wear my wig and hats.

Good luck tomorrow chezz, will be thinking of you xx. Your right Piggys I think they realised it wasn’t “me” to behave in that way , and the really odd thing was I went to sleep an absolute wreck and woke up as calm and serene as tho the day before didn’t happen, I really do believe it was a steroid blip and will have a word to see if they can be stopped or reduced next time , much love to you all esp those of you up this week hope the site isn’t down too long as its obvious its a big support for a lot of people , Im off now for a shower, been putting it off cos sure what remains of my hair is gonna end up in the plug hole but hey ho , sleep well all and good luck to the Maisie’s who are starting this week too. Lynda xx

Well I’m in a right pickle with this new site!! Can’t seem to see everyone’s posts whilst replying and took me ages to find you all. I hope they took chemo brain into account when they changed this!!

Hope all is well with everyone. Jealous of the butterflies Piggsy I only seem to have cabbage whites but have enjoyed watching the silly bees, they do make you feel good.

Well I have a plan. First to rest and recuperate, line next week can’t have a PICC so going for something that requires a GA.(joy) Starting Herceptin on the 2nd and then Docetaxel to be added with the next dose. They promise to take it slowly and start on reduced dose, and watch me like a hawk. Every day I feel stronger, still have a nasty looking arm that I cannot straighten but I am told it will get back to normal but it may take months.

I hate mirrors too!! I am always shocked to see that person looking back at me cause I feel like me on the inside.

Trying to get away for a few days, need to see the sea and have a paddle, but I would try it on the bank holiday weekend!!??

Love to all Kat xx


hi junkies Ec cycle 2 day 4

yes think will take some getting used to new forum

Kat glad you now have a plan of action and you are feeling better

Piggsy with you on the fatigue.  Even though physically well I went to zumba last night thinking was doing the right thing and was wiped out this morning. 

Tamsin at same stage as you re hair.  I just left mine at a number 3 - 4 and its still coming out loads.  Think gonna be completely bald. 

hope all others find us soon enough

Hello Lovelies,


This new forum is driving me crazy!!! Glad to have found you again :womanhappy:


I think we are all having a bad hair day, I am avoiding mirrors too. Had an ultrasound today, and there are no changes too the lump yet. I have to wait to see doctors next week to see if they will carry on with EC treatment or change it.


Chezzap - I salute you for being so brave and doing zumba on day 3. I envy you…!


Love to all,

Mahsa xxxx

hi piggsy.  Hope you feeling a bit more upbeat soon.

I have absolutely no energy today.  Dont feel ill just bit like in a stupour.  Think its the anti sickness meds as says can cause drowsiness.  Hoipefully energy will pick up tomorrow.

hope everyone else ok and manage to enjoy bank holiday

Hi ladies, things havnt been too good for me, day 6 after 2nd ec, my temp was 35.6, hadn’t really Eaten for a week , felt shocking, called hosp, went for bloods to be taken, whilst there I blacked out, had a fit and was admitted with oxygen and a saline drip, chest xray revealed severe chest infection, cat scan needed but was clear. Came home after 4 days, still on anti sickness tabs and 2 weeks of antibiotics, not sure what the plan is now regarding carrying on with chemo x x x x

Julie sorry to hear you have been having such a rough time with the chemo.  Do they give you the white blood cell booster jabs?

Im sure that they have more tircks up their sleeve and even if it means stopping or reducing the dose of the chemo they will have a plan for you

hope you start to feel better soon hunni xxx


cheers Tamsin.  He is 4 so is just starting reception.  I had asked re morning and after school club but they had no spaces.  When Jose goes back to work he is starting at 8 so too early to take Rafael though he will be able to take Sergio.  I guess Im going to have to plan in advance it will help once I can predict what days am feeling rubbish might be able to ask neighbours to drop him off and pick up etc.

Am more worried when I change from EC to tax as thats gonna be weekly for 12 weeks and am scared going to feel awful the whole time without the sanity of week three.

Feel so peeved that BC has to overshadow my boys first day at school.  It is such a cruel disease.

thanks for all the support and advice as I know you have been there and got through it before.

Tamsin, thanks for your words of encouragement.  I am seeing doctors on Wednesday and if blood test comes back ok, will have cycle 3 on Thursday.  just have to wait and see. 


Hope all lovely JJ’s are well and having a good weekend.


