Anyone starting chemo in July 2013? We are now the July Junkies!

thanks again Tamsin… thats what Im hoping that if given weekly its a more manageable dose.  One of the June jewels is going to have it like that too and she is a couple of cycles ahead of me so will see how she is doing on it to gage an idea. 

Mahsa good to hear from you and fingers crossed your bloods are ok next week


Naz and Pollyanne are you ok girls not heard from you for a while??


Piggsy how are you??

hey piggsy sorry to hear how you are feeling.  We can all identify with it.  I dont find hair loss liberating either its just feels like another part of femininity gone.

I suffered from diarreah on day six last time and so this time have taken an immodium as a precaution and touch wood Im ok so far.  Do you normally have IBS etc as I have ulcerstive colitis so I kind of expected that it might be up and down throughout the chemo.

I know its hard but just think you have 33% under your belt an d you are still managing to walk dog etc and you are allowed days when you feel emotional and it sounds like your OH is a rock.  I think you are doing bloody marvellous and you are an inspiration.  Your posts always cheer me up

hey lynda good to hear from you we were asking bout you last night

Im going balder by the day

when is your next cycle???

EC - 3 days to cycle III


Piggsy - Love reading your war & peace posts, please keep them coming. :womanhappy: I am with you about hair issues and not feeling liberated at all (not yet). I still have some hair left, but I hate looking in the mirror. The person in the mirror is not me!


Kat - Glad to hear you made it to the seaside. Thanks for sharing the Christine Headwear link, very useful and nice too. Do you live in London?


Lynda - Well done for giving the cold cap another go. I am not sure how, but I was a bit traumatise by cold cap after cycle 2. I felt sick every time I thought about it. So no more cold cap for me.


Chezz & Tamsin - Thanks for keeping us all together on this thread. In comparison to other monthly thread ours is very quiet, but at least we are all get equal attention. :womanvery-happy:


Hope all other JJ’s are well and happy…!


I feel like I’ve been abandoned by my friends. Anyone else feels the same? When I was diagnosed everyone were all over me like a rash and all I wanted was a bit of a space to get my head together. Now looks like they’ve got over the shock and moved on. They still call but when suits them. I think being single and live in London makes it even more difficult to cope with what we are going through. Luckily, my mother lives with me and been great having her around.


I’ve been reading a book called ‘Anti Cancer - A new way of life’ by Dr David Servan- Schreiber. Is about food relation with cancer. Is an eye opener. According to that all of us with BC, should eat oyster mushroom and green tea. Also a study was done in Canada, They added 27 type of fruits and vegetables to a weekly diet of women with BC, apparently made a significant difference. Anyway, I am only 1/3 through the book. Will keep you posted on conclusion.


I shall love you and leave you for now.


Take care and keep smiling.




M. xxx

evening Junkies hope you are all well

Worried about Naz now as she usually checks in every couple of days hope she is ok

Piggsy good to hear you have picked up somewhat despite the dreaded squits!!

Lynda good luck for next Monday and well done on keeping some hair!!!

Mahsa agree what everyone has said re friends  you learn who is important and can be counted on

Kat glad you managed to get away for few days

Tamsin hope you keeping well we have our next cycle together I think or are you day after me??  Im 9th Sept for number 3

hey junkies good to see couple more of us posting

Piggsy as ever an uplifting post

Kat hope you ok after your swan dive!

Tamsin hope you ok not heard from you for couple of days??  Hope you spending time with your family

Ive just met up with 2 of the June jewels for food was great havent laughed that much in ages!!!

Good Evening lovely JJs,


Hope everyone OK, with no or little side effects!


I don’t know if I am coming or going right now! I had a very long consultation with oncologist today. I am due for cycle 3 tomorrow but white cells are down. They will repeat blood test again in the morning to see if they can go ahead with the treatment. So far 2 x EC hasn’t shrink the tumour, so I will have to have another ultrasound before next cycle to determine whether to carry on with EC or go straight to Taxol. Last week’s ultrasound also shown one of the LNs has enlarged since the initial biopsy, so another biopsy before next cycle as well. Cherry on top the cake is that they put me back on the Shingles anti-viral tablets for 5 days, they think this cycle will wake them up again. Plus 5 days of white cells booster.


So much to get my head around. I feel like I am taking more steps backward than forward. Anyway, I knew this is not going to be an easy journey. At least I can come here and talk about it.


Looking forward to reading your news.


Take a good care of yourselves…



Mahsa xxx

bloody hell Mahsa thats awful.  However I know other ladies who have thought chemo wont go ahead and then overnight their white bloods have gone up enough .  Think that happened to box of frogs

where has everyone gone on this thread???

good luck tomorrow let us know how you get on

hurrah Tamsin wondered where you were.

Yes am with you on the lack of energy I had 2 days of complete fatigue.  Didnt feel ill just couldnt even be bothered to get up off sofa

Lovely that your little lad is enjoying himself with OH

We need to make most of next week before number 3 is upon us

Time is flying which I suppose is a good thing

hey Kat good luck witht he port.  Ive got one but had it done under local and it took ten mins.  Your neck will be very stiff for few days but after that it gets much better plus no more cannulas!!!  Yipee

Have they given you this lovely pink stuff to shower with called hibbi scrub??


FEC-T cycle 2 day 21


Morning ladies. Hope all is well with you.


Mahsa sorry to hear about your problems. Hope it can be sorted out for you. There seem to be so many options available I’m sure they will sort something for you.


Bnedictus - have you tried eye drops? I use the stuff you spray on closed eyelids as I am a wuss with putting things in my eyes and it really gives me relief on sore eye days.


My next dunking is at 3.30 today so making the most of my last ‘normal’ day for a while. That will be halfway stage though so trying to look on the positive side :smileyhappy:


Good luck to anyone going for their next session soon.

Deb x

Congratulations and have a lovely time away Piggsy

Hey Lynda good to hear from you.  Am dreading the extra steroids as had real bad comedown from them on first cycle.  Didnt take them cycle two and has been a breeze in comparison

Lynda I didnt have to take any at all this cycle.  They gave me emend for sickness and the long lasting one with the chemo and that was fine so  didnt have to take the dreaded dexamethasone.  Found thihs cycle so much more bearable, bit more tired than cycle one but no sickness or nausea and no wired feeling with the steroids

Hey BOF hope you ok.


Ive been reading the June jewels thread to prepare myself for the T part and mixed reviews some seem to be struggling with sore feet and a real zonked out feeling.

Do you have a picc line etc as with me they are nt giving me tax as such but piclitaxel weekly for twelve weeks in a smaller dose.  This way Im told the SE are less extreme as its a low dose each time and you dont take the steroids before i think they give you piriton instead

do you have to have herceptin too after the chemo??  If so def ask for a line otherwise dont know you are almost half way ish so is it worth persevering with cannulas or less stress getting a line for last remaining ones??

EC cycle #3 - day 2


Hello girls


Just a quick note to say i am here in some shape and form! Treatment went ahead yesterday but feeling so rotten. Even though this time I am on Emend, nausea is not any easy. It must got to do with this dreadful Shingles medication. I called them today and they suggested I should also take Ondansetron to ease with the sickness. I hope I feel normalish again soon.

Sorry I haven’t read everyone post properly.  I shall be back soon.

Take care…



bless you Mahsa you haveing real tough time of it.  Big hugs to you for a speedy recovery

Hey Kat good to hear from you.  How are you finding the port?  I asked to be put asleep but they said no but they did sedate me at least otherwise dont think could have done it.


Good luck with the herceptin tomorrow.  Think from what others have said you have to stay for 6 hours after to see if you have any recation to it so take plenty of books etc as you will have a long day darling.  Courgette brownies???  What do they taste like?? Someone on come dine with me put beetroot in brownies that might help with our bloods!! ha ha


Hope everyone ok

Really worried about Naz as she hasnt posted for ages

Naz if you are out there reading this let us know you are ok

Lynda good luck tomorrow will that mean you are half way through??

SE for Herceptin are would you believe it weight gain, so a whole year of being really careful. (Says the woman sat on the sofa eating chocolate) OH is in the other room shouting out SE and finding it funny expecially warm dry nose, jokes about the vet !? And a lot of laughing Kat x

oh no weight gain you gotta be kidding me!!!  Ive just worked so bloody hard since xmas to get rid of baby weight.  Why cant a SE be reduction of cellulite and increase in  metabolism!!!