Anyone starting chemo in July 2013? We are now the July Junkies!

Roller Im exactly the same.  I passed out when I had my ears pierced, passed out when hearing about accidents etc.  Now I know its an actual condition I dont feel as bad

FEC-T cycle 3 day 9


Afternoon ladies

Welcome to bumblebee and whiskers :slight_smile:


My constipation is back and painful rear end again which I could do without, but ho hum, back to gulping the Lactulose. Been a lot rougher in general this cycle with a lot of fatigue which I didn’t have on the last two.


I go for my first tax on 19th Sept and will definitely be looking for sleeping tablets.


I find this new forum a bit frustrating as I can’t look back at posts and can’t remember who said what. Hope your son gets better soon Froggy, I know what you mean about being paranoid about infection. Chezzap good news about your sons bloods, hope swimming helps him out.


Watching the formula 1 today and hiding from the sun. I thought it was meant to be torrential rain in Wales but looks like summer in my garden.


Off to have some soup for lunch to keep to a liquid diet.


Have a lovely weekend ladies

Deb x

wow Senga that must have been so frightening.  How is he now??

I’ve tried that Kat, but whenever I click on it it just returns me to the main thread and I lose what I was writing - as has just happened cos I thought I’d try it again just in case!  


Hope you’re OK.  Are you being done again this week?  I’m sure it’ll be fine now they’ve seen what happened last time.  Really hope so xx

Afternoon ladies


How awful for you Senga, I hope all is ok with hubby.


Benedictus - yes I have been to the out of hours docs today after deciding I’d had enough with more pain this morning. Now have choice of suppositories and ducolax to get it all softened and encourage it out. Also have cream for rear end which needs to be kept in fridge so that should be nice and soothing :slight_smile:


Bumblebee - isn’t it nice to meet up with someone that has already been through it and come out the other side. I have a couple of wigs and scarves and badanas but often revert to a trusty blue scarf when the wigs just seem too hot. I guess I will be greateful for them come the winter.


Deb x

Good evening lovelies,


Hope everyone reasonably well and fine! 


Just wanted to wish Chezzap and Whiskers good luck for tomorrow. Hope you won’t suffer too much.


I’ve been having couple of normal days, which is very refreshing. :womanhappy:


Take care everyone.



Mahsa x

bless you Mahsa thanks and great to hear you are back on form

Thank goodness he is back home.  I guess he will be taking things a bit easier at the gym from now on.

thanks for your best wishes for tomorrow


Piggsy I was meant to be having 4 cycles of tax but as I had such bad recation tothe steroids they fit me a portacath and have decided to give me weekly paclitaxol instead.  I hear with that you dont take steroids beforehand but its from same family of drugs as tax.  If you have  a line fitted it might be worth asking your onc about it and see if it could be right for you

with you on it.   I was shocking on just the two days of dexamethasone 2 tablets per day I was climbing the walls.  Apparently on paclitaxol weekly you take piriton beforehand and as its weekly the dose is much less so allegedly the SE are meant to be less too


Evening all

Hope whiskas is back and resting.

Tamsin - university challenge wow you must be bright I feel dead chuffed if I even get one question right!!

Good to see your post  Kat and hope you keeping well


Well eventually had cycle number 3 today.  Rafa’s first day at school , Sergio’s first day at nursery.  Took lots of pics of him inhis pristine uniform which wasnt so pristine when he got home.  Chemo was meant to be at half one but they said were couple hours delayed so to go home and come back after picked kids up.  When they finally saw me it took them 3 attempts to get the needle in the right place in the portacath its a good job I had the numbing cream on they use for kiddies or I would have been on the floor!  Anyways its done so thats 3 down only one more of EC so fingers crossed will have a good cycle


cheers Tamsin.  I wish I knew that bout the port beforehand.  You are right at Salford Royal they arent trained to take blood from it so gonna have ot trek to Christies every time they need blood. 

are you not posting on Aug anymore?  A lot have gone to FB but the FB group were asking bout you so hope you dont mind I told them you were active on July thread and that your chemo had been delayed due to line being pulled out etc.  They all sent their best wishes to you, especially Gilly  aka Batman!!!

Well that was the first of the T today. Not to bad to be fair and no reaction to it. Worse part of all of it was the cold cap as always.  The poor lady next to me who was also on her first T and did have a reaction an hour after she started which I was confused about as I was lead to believe it would happen within the first few minutes. No sickness though and have even managed housework and shopping this evening.  Fingers crossed for the rest of the week.


Hope everyone else is bearing up well :smiley:

well  done whiskers.  Theres a lot of hype about tax isnt there but some women have found it easier than FEC/EC  I hope that is the case for you

Hi whiskers I have one more of EC as I am having 4 then its paclitaxol weekly for me over 12 weeks its from same family of tax

Tamsin just seen your pm and sent one back xxx

Ive been told I dont have to take steroids qwith that one but must take pirition beforehand.  So thats a bonus as sterpids do not agree with me in any way shape or form

We certainly are hardcore so hardcore in fact that Im of for my counselling session now.  Dont you just hate it when they ask you how you are!!!

Thats good about not having to go through the joys of steriods Chezzap. I currently feel like one of those kids toys that have those googly eyes lol. Takes a lot of balls to go to counseling so good on you for taking the bull by the horns and getting your feelings out there. I do snigger at the ‘oh your so brave’ comments,  like we have a choice.  Just have to keep reminding ourselves they mean well lol.


Benedictus,  my hot water bottle has been a life saver to me over the years. I was born with a curvature in my spine and suffer from muscle spasms too so it has provided so much relief over the years. sounds like you are having a rough time with the infections :frowning: hope they clear up well so you can get along with the rest of the treatment.  I think it’s the delay that is one of the worst part of it even more so than the side effects of the infections in some cases. I got infections on every dose of Fec and was constantly worried about delays.


Sorry to hear about your infection too Orangecat, fingers crossed for you and a speedy recovery so you can steam through the next stage :smiley:


Good luck to anybody else that’s up this week and thoughts to you going through the aftermath :slight_smile:

That choccy cake sounds lush Tamsin!! 

Bumble are you on zopiclone to sleep?  I find they help you fall asleep but if you wake up in night you dont get back to sleep

Kat good to hear you are doing well.  When is your next Ive lost track of everyones regimes


Box of Frogs not heard from you for coupleof days so hope everything ok your way


Well the counselling didnt actually turn out to be counselling in the end .  I didnt melt down but she suggested that In have hypnotherapy for my needle phobia.  She said I had that condition that someone posted on here the other week.  You have heard of the fight or flight choice when faced with anxiety well apparently when I pass out thats me rolling over and playing dead ha ha!!

Anyway thats next week so she said would help with that and my maybe slightly irrational fear of recurrence/ secondaries.  Just hope I dont burst out laughing as she says a la Little Britain look into my etyes not aroubnd the eyes look into my eyes 321 and you are back in the room.

yes they dont like giving out too many do they cos they are scared of addiction.  Sure they wouldnt say that if they needed them themselves!  What happened with the rice pud???