Anyone starting chemo in July 2013? We are now the July Junkies!

cheers Lynda will let you know how he gets on

Aww Man Tamsin what a crappy week you have had.  That must be so frustrating especially the delay its not something you look forward to but nonetheless you just want it over and done with.  Plus having to have the HIckman refitted to boot.  No wonder you are feeling a bit in the doldrums.

Wish there was something could say to cheer you up.  Is the chemo delayed cos they have to refit the line or because of the infection?  The only silver lining is that you get an extra week to make sure your bloods are absolutely spot on so it wont be like last time where you were waiting on the day to see if it would go ahead.

Hope you can maybe take heart from that and that you wont be feel crappy for when your little man goes back to school.

Completely understandable BOF whilst the treatment is vile its a kind of security blanket that keeps this BEEP at bay.  When that finishes its kind of like what now and the worry of recurrence etc.

Chemo is both a blessing and a curse.  On the one hand you cant wait for it to finish but then you worry about the future when its all over.  Im already having those thoughts too it all came out when I went for counselling last week.  I guess when its over with time it becomes less of a worry but at the mo cant envisage a time when bc wont be at the fron t of your head every hour of every day

Big hugs to you

glad you feeling better BOF

Tamsin  - Rafa startes next Mon and Sergio blood tests again this Wed thanks for asking

Hope everyone doing well

Piggsy so glad you had lovely anniversary

Fec - T Cycle 3 day 4


Afternoon ladies

Sorry to see so many of you are having problems at the moment. My only issue this cycle is with these darn steroids again. No sleep and feeling wired means no work for me today, which then means trying to amuse myself around the house. Still, could be worse :smileywink:


Had quite a few issues with constipation on cycle 2 and the tear in my backside I got whilst relieving it (sorry if that’s too much info). But was so painful. Make sure you get your prunes out and senna the second you think the constipation is starting ladies!


Weight gain seems to be a bit of a topic today - I have been managing to keep losing weight so far using a mixture of the 5:2 diet and simply having chemo mouth for a week after treatment. Got rid of 3.5 stone since April and determined not to put it back on!!


Sorry I can’t reply to everyone but I find it hard to concentrate on the lap top when steroid high is doing its thing!


Take care ladies

Deb x


bloody hell Tamsin the saga continues with that blasted hickman line.  Good on you for staying upbeat about it all.  Think Id be tearing  my hair out if I had any ha ha!!


Lots of us seems to have lost weight just before diagnosis.  I actually believe it was due to me losing the baby weight that I felt the lump.

Ive been on treadmill today and yesterday and am managing half an hour jogging each time now so am quite pleased with myself.  Up to now not had a sore mouth so am like a blinking pac man eating everything in sight and craving carbs like crazy!!


Welcome to Justina I cant see a post anywhere though???


New to site, I am 37 and am now almost half way through chemo fec-t with herceptin starting on cycle 4, started late july so i guess i am a junkie!! i discovered lump when brestfeeding my then 3mth old. i also have a two yr old so chemo SE’s are a pain to deal with whilst trying to keep going for my babies.

just wondered if anybody could shed any light on periods?! was told that they would probably stop but i am currently having the heaviest period i’ve had in years! luckily without cramps! i guess everyone is individual?!

Also my hospital has asked if i want to take part in trial for herceptin - 6mths V 12mths…any thoughts?

thanks x

hi Biggley.

There are pros and cons for the trial.  The pros being that they will monitor you really closely.  The con would be if oyu were in the group that only gets herceptin for 6 months.  I assume they are running tests to see if its is just as effective in the long run if you have 6 or 12 months.  The best case scenario would be doing th trial and ending up in the 12 month group but I think you dont get any say as to what group you get placed in the control group or other group.


Im similar to you I have an 11 month old ( 11 months yesterday) and a 4 year old.  Im 39 so just couple of years older.   AllI can say is I know EXACTLY what you are feeling , thinking etc and yes its tough looking after babies and small children and trying to keep things normal for them.  You are further ahesad than me just.  I have my 3rd cycle next Monday and wont start herceptin til October


Where abouts are you located??

Have you posted on Junkies also?? 

ah re the periods the first week after cycle one I came on ( 2 weeks early) but havent had anything since.  Yet another side effect am dreading as I dont want to be left infertile but I suppose its a small price to pay if I get to see my 2 boys grow up

sorry am being dense this is the junkies thread!!  And Ive seen justinas post too

blame the chemio brain!!

YEs Biggley would totally agree any risk is too big you stick with the stuff that they know works for sure.  Have you got boys or girls?  Mine are both boys.  Im based in Manchester.  Everyone says how much they admire women going through this with small children and how they cope but in a way its them that give you the strength.  Think would have chucked towel in by now if it wasnt for the boys.  Everytime have chemo or am about to have blood etc ( which believe me for me is just as nerve wracking as I usually pass out) just keep saying my mantra doing it for the boys!


Tamsin - I know you will as you seem quite a determined woman anyway but make sure you get them to give you all the options for  the line and the pros and cons of each.  After all 5 months is  along time and you need to make sure you have something that is sustainable and above all comfortable.  Sorry that sounds  abit like am trying to teach grandma to suck eggs!  You know what I mean though

bless you.  Has your lad gone back to school today?  Good luck with echo at least that doesnt involve bloody cannulas and lines!!

yes he has bloods tomorrow. Results will prob be couple days later.  Im going in work tomorrow though cos if I dont go in the six weeks will be clased as sick and I need to save that starting from next Monday.  Only going in cos inset days and no kids in otherwise I wouldnt bother.

How was your echo today?


where have all the junkies gone?  Theres only you, me, Piggsy, BOF, Pollyanne , Kat, Mahsa and Sakura now that post regularly.  Am worried that Naz hasnt given an update in ages

Julie seems to have gone awol too.


If you are out there girls let us know how you are getting on

wow Tamsin you dont do things by halves girl.  Suppose most frustraing is the delay in chemo when yuo have a finish date in mind and then it gets scuppered with one thing and the other.  Thinking of you through it all


Piggsy re passing out etc yes I have a portacath fitted but as its near my line of vision when I see them coming at me I just flake out.  I am a complete wuss where bloods etc are concerned.  Even turning my head to side so I cant see it doesnt work cos I imagine it anyway.  I once went for a job interview at a hospital and they gave us a tour.  They opened this big fridge and unbeknown to me it was bags of blood.  The guy took one out to show us next thing I know Im zonked out on floor and they are bringing me round.  Needless to say I didnt get the job!  The other guy up for interview must have thought allhis xmases ahd come at once! ha ha

Fec-T cycle 3 day 6


Hi ladies


Nice to see a couple of new people on here. Think it’s gone a bit quieter due to people going on the facebook group which was set up during the sites downtime.


I can’t believe what a rotten time you are having Benedictus. Hope it gets sorted out for you.


My steroid high has finally gone west and I got some sleep last night. Going to see my doc about sleeping tabs for starting tax as I’ve already been given the steroids ready and it is 4 tabs twice a day :womansurprised: I will go mental on that lot if I can’t cope with the current dose very well. Took some senna yesterday and been to loo with no issues today, fingers crossed it continues.


Sorry to see you’ve lost your post cat, I did that last week with a relatively long post then gave up and contributed a little post instead. So annoying.


Nearly time to get out of work. Trying to wear myself out so I get good sleep tonight :smileyhappy:


Deb x

hey junkies hope everyone as well as can be

Was in a and e with SErgio todaay as he went very wheezy and unwell after being told by GP he was fine.  His bloods clotted again yessterday so they could nt test so he had to have yet another today.  At last they came back normal hurrah!  However he is still very wheezy and has been giveen a different inhaler.  Said he isn basically a very wheezy boy and he should grow out of it but his weight is nt helping so might have to put him ojn Puiggsys 5 :2 regime ha ha


hope everyone doing well.

Glad herceptin went well ish apart from the fever after Kat.  Are you likely to get this every tiime or just the first time?

Hi Lovely JJs


I feel somewhat normal after 7 days! Luckily, second dose of anti-viral meds stopped the Shingles appearing again too. Hopefully I will have no more surprises and few normal days before next cycle. Just have to put up with hot flushes for the time being, which is nothing in comparison…


Looks like I will be on Taxol next cycle as the tumour hasn’t responded to EC. Like all of you I am also concern about the side effects, and allergy reaction. Let’s keep our fingers crossed for uneventful ‘T’ cycles for us all. Next week I also have to go for LNs FNA, they were clear when they did it last time. Hoping for the same result. Makes me think, perhaps I should have insisted on surgery before chemo. At least I would have known where I stand with this beast. On the positive note I have my first counselling session next week too, so it would be good to talk.


Tamsin - Looks like you are suffering quite a bit, hope you feel better very soon.


Chezzap - Hope you are not serious about 5:2 diet for Sergio! But I have heard they say is good 3 days before chemo cycle. Apparently make the SEs more bearable. When is your next cycle?


Kat - Sorry to hear about your reaction to Herceptin, hopefully it won’t be like this every session. Love the quote from the card. Your posts always makes me smile.


Deb - Hope you managed to catch up on sleep. My Onco team quite happily prescribe me Lorazepam to take at night for the days I am on steroids. But, not more than 5 each cycle.


Lynda - When are you up for your T cycle? Hope you won’t suffer too much.


Justina & Biggley - Welcome to our cosy thread…


Wishing everyone a peaceful evening, and a very good weekend.


Hugs & Kisses…


Mahsa xxx


P.S. Smiley inserts didn’t work, so no emotions on my post… :slight_smile:

Hiya :smiley: Thought I should sign in after many months of being a late night guest on here. Firstly would like to say how much of a help it has been being able to read through all of your experiences and  how much of a difference it has made having  this site to come too :D 


I started my first chemo on 2nd July and am now 3 Fec down and about to start my first T :frowning: I have had an MX  also and so far baring up with little SE.  Fingers crossed minimal SE’s  continue along with my good spirits .


Good wishes to you all :smiley:

Thanks for the warm welcome :slight_smile: I start  the dreaded T on Monday. Just had my bloods taken which took many attempts as my veins had collapsed in my good arm so had to resort to my bad arm :frowning: I now have random pieces of cotton wool stuck up and down my arms which will look very fetching at work tonight. 


Hope everyone is baring up well :slight_smile:


*HI ladies

Tamsin thats great news re echo and not such as long a delay as you first thought

BOF sorry to hear you are having a rough patch.  HJope those wbc go up quickly so you can get back on track

Thanks Kat you are second person who has recommended swimming for his wheeze

Mahsa gl;ad to hear you are having an easier time

Good luck to Piggsy today and anyone else up.

Im up on Mon for cycle 3.  Had bloods done and neutrophils are 5.5 so full steam ahead for third dunking on Monday.