Anyone starting chemo in July 2013? We are now the July Junkies!

Hello Boxofrogs, sorry to hear you’ve not been doing very well. I used the cc twice and for some reason after cycle 2 every time I thought about it I had gagging reflux. I had some sort of a smell in my head which I associated with it. Since then everytime I go for treatment I ask them to sit me faraway from the cc stations. When I was having my first T done on thurs a nurse was explaining how cc works to another patient, I had to reach out for the sick bowl!  Supermarket freezer isle gives me the same feeling too. Also lost most of my hair on cycle 2, so I felt it was no point carrying on torturing myself. I am getting over the feeling slowly,  but far from being 100%.  Give yourself time. 


Hope all other JJs doing well!


Day 3 of first T, and my joints are aching.  Not being nauseous is so good!



Mahsa xxxx

Whiskers, how are you doing?
What date did you get your first T? I can’t work out if you are a day ahead of me or we are the same.
I had mine on Tuesday 10th.
Last night I got another dose of diarrhoea!!! But this morning I think I just have chemo mouth not thrush mouth. Had a piece of toast for breakfast with jam on and it was lovely.

Best wishes to all JJ x

Hi All, good luck to everyone in tomorrow.

T cycle 1 - Day 4


Hello Ladies


Hope everyone well and had an enjoyable weekend!


I am not too bad. My legs are hurting, but this as much as T SEs goes for me.  I don’t want to speak to soon.


Kat & Tamsin,  sending you big hugs for tomorrow. Hope you’ll have it reasonably easy. 


Kat, is it your birthday this week too?


Anyone else being dunked this week?


Sending everyone hugs & kisses


Mahsa xxxx

Hi Junkies,
For all you doing T this week.
It really is the start of the end. I have my 2nd dose on 1 Oct. 7 weeks till the end and that includes the 21 days after treatment.
Take that thought with you as you go in.
Love you all for your support and cheer. X

good luck Tamsin, Kat and Lynda for tomorrow.  The end is in sight!!!


Hope everyone is well.  Yes I enjoyed reading the June jewels.  Im in touch with 2 of them so Im kind of aware of what lies ahead but as we all know everyones side effects are so different.

Good evening ladies, hope you all have had a good weekend and the se’s have been kind to you. I have had a great weekend and can’t believe how well I have felt. I have managed work and a couple of nights out with friends. It has helped me remember my old life and why I am doing this to get it back. Have worked out 4 weeks tomorrow will be my last chemo and that has given me a big boost. I have 3 weeks of radiotherapy after but I honestly think after everything I have already conquered this will be a walk in the park. I am now starting to look forward to Christmas and making next year my year :smiley:


Good luck to all up this week for there T, go kick some ass :smiley: x

Hi Bruce, I remember skimming a post about dark nail varnish but can’t find it now. At least one nail is so thin and ribbed you could grate cheese on it. Can you fill me in. Ta x

Thank you Pollyanne,

Thank you Pollyanne,
I am not sure hubby would countenance black but I am going to try a really dark red that I normally call winter toes. Hubby would in fact let me do anything that helps at the moment but he is not a fan of finger nail varnish.

Good luck with T this week. I have not been affected by the steroids so you may not be either. I know I was really worried about the change over, it was what drove me to sort out my forum membership, I think we are all saying it is easier. And if there are problems they seem prepared to reduce the dose.
Good luck this week and wishing you a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Certainly let others wait on you. X

Ps to look back just above this comment box on right sidecis a box with 1 of 43 tap and you get 43 pages of comments.

Hi All, just been trawling older groups. There appears to be evidence of some hair regrowth during T!!!. I had a grade two cut during my 3rd week and still have some spikes. Lashes started to thin cycle 3 Fec and I am now filling in brows in morning post 1#T.

But if Hair regrowth is a possibility it is another plus for all you hitting T this week.

We can do it.

good luck all.


yes Kat just got in now from dropping him off.


These ladies have proved tax is doable so go getv em girls

FEC-T cycle 4 day 4


Good afternoon ladies

Hope you are all doing well.  Lovely to see your nice long posts piggsy, they always make me smile :slight_smile: So glad you were able to get away for the weekend and be looked after.


Had my first T last Thursday and had the usual steroid high, but countered it with the sleeping tablets this time so I didn’t feel as bad as previously. Have sore hands but no nausea which is great. I have been warned about the muscle pain which I haven’t had so far despite having the injection every cycle so have been taking painkillers in anticipation. Not noticed too much yet apart from sometimes painful wrists.


I still have my constipation issues though. Still have to take large amounts of lactulose to keep everything nice and soft otherwise it annoys the haemorrhoid and gets all painful again. Eating is tough as everything tastes awful plus I am trying to stick to yoghurt, fruit and soups to keep things moving. Still, could be worse I guess :slight_smile:


My onc said not to use the nail varnish at least for the first cycle of T as it masks infections. Seem to be so many conflicting views on this one.


I see someone has started a thread on ideas to keep you busy when you have time on your hands which is a great idea. I tend to crawl the walls when left at home to my own devices. Just not used to it at all and daytime TV is horrendous! I have been tidying and sorting, catching up on books (though not on the steroid high days as I just can’t see the page!).

Also been spending some time in the garden whilst the weather is mild, putting some new plants in (discovering the neighbours cat likes to poop specifically on wallflower plants lol), feeding the birds etc. I make sure I wear gloves for the gardening to keep those nasty bugs at bay as well.


Thinking of risking going to the cinema on Friday as I really want to watch the film about the rivalry between Nikki Lauda and James Hunt in Formula 1 (I’m a huge F1 fan). I think if I go in the daytime when its quiet and sit on the end of the aisle, I can always dash out if someone starts coughing and spluttering :slight_smile:


Take care ladies and may all your se’s be minimal and manageable

Deb x



T # 1 Herceptin # 2
World is spinning from steroids, antihistamines and sedatives. Hope everyone else good. Cross fingers for tomorrow for anyone going to be dunked. Kat xx

T1 - day 5


Tamsin / Kat, hope you’ll manage to get a good night sleep. 


Lynda, hope it wasn’t too bad for you with minimal SEs.


Senga, good luck for tomorrow, wishing you an easy ride!


Hope everyone else doing ok! 


Piggsy,  a great post as always.


Sweet dreams lovelies

Mahsa xxxxx

Hi all
I have been warned that reactions are possible with T in fact I have a friend who had a drug imported from America. For those following they should all be watching us like hawks but that should not stop us from shouting nice and loud if we feel off. My nurse said reaction at 2# T was quite common.

Linda you may not lose more hair without the cc now. I had a grade 2 cut and still have a reasonable cover. Not enough to not be bald but I don’t think I have lost any with 1#T. I have lost eyebrows and I think eyelashes but still have enough brow to just fill in with a brow brush. Courtesy of LGFB wksp.

Forgot to put on sun cream this weekend. Really did not think there would be that much strength in the sun. Well I have burnt. cheeks and sore eyes. Put cream on today. But can’t do anything about eye lids or sore cheeks. Heard weather cooling tomorrow.

Wishing all of you who were done today a good nights sleep you are officially half way there, if you are 3x3, all the best to those going down tomorrow. We have done it you can too.

Hope no one from last week is suffering to much with side effect.

Sleep tight x

wow that sounded really scary Lynda.  The staff sounded brilliant though and got you sorted tout suite.


Hope Tamsin and Kat are doing well this morning aqmid the steroid haze aqnd tiredness.


Good luck today to Senga ( I think???)


Think Im off to bed got a cold and this is meant to be good week so not happy

bloody fed up again, hosp today expecting 1st herceptin but told results of muga scan are at 38 which is too low for treatment at the moment, no idea what 38 means, anyone??? Have been given my tamoxifen ready to start tomorrow, just deciding whether to take it morning or night, hmmmmmm xxxx

Tamsin, watching GB Bake Off and thinking of you :-)  Hope you had a reasonably good day today with little or no SEs!


Kat / Lynda, hope you haven’t had any SEs surprises. I must say I am managing T better than EC.


How are you doing, Senga?


Chezz, sorry to hear you got cold again. Take it easy, hope it won’t cause too much of a problem.


Hope all other JJs doing OK…


I must send one of my long post soon!


Lots of luv,

Mahsa xxx



Hi ladies, hope you are all doing well. I’m continuing to have a good week and managing to operate quite normal. Still managing to work and enjoy a social life. Even tthough the bad days for me were worse on the T they were much shorter and the good days were ten times better. I am finding I do suffer from short periods of muscle and bone ache in my legs but it is definitely bearable.


I have an appointment with my chemo doctor who I haven’t seen since before I started which is bizarre  on Thursday.  Don’t know what for as the letter doesn’t say but just going to turn up, no point worrying now.


My nails seem to be holding out at the mo but I’m not gonna count my chickens as it’s still early, the same goes for my eyelashes and eyebrows. Half of me thinks I should just get them taken off and HD ones done now as I am waking every morning expecting to see them on my pillow.


Gearing up for Monday which will be T number 2. Not feeling to down about it as I keep reminding myself there will be only one more to go and in just under 4 weeks I will have done it and lived to tell the tale.


On a lighter note I am enjoying my life as a secret agent as my friends call me. There

is nothing more amusing as a chap trying to impress you 2 nights in a row and not realising you are the same woman lol. Friday night I had curly long blue hair and Saturday night long straight purple hair, oh the fun you can have :smiley:


Best attempt to sleep now. Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying there week as best they can.


The end is in sight :smiley: