Anyone starting chemo in July 2013? We are now the July Junkies!

Gosh Whiskers, you sound brilliant. I love the thought of the two different yous. My grey wig just makes me feel a bit drab. I never was grey going for blond to white last Christmas.

I am still affected by metal mouth and as I love my food this is what is dragging me down more than the T. The diarrhoea and tiredness from day 5 to 10 was an acceptable se but the thrush and now metal mouth is just endless. I really don’t do being sick. I also tire quickly.

Other than the thrush which I first got 3#FEC wk 2 I think I prefer T. Bonus is like whiskers I feel I am on count down.

Pls someone what does OH stand for. I am guessing partner or hubby but O H has me stumped.

Last night I was asleep by 9 pm and now I am wide awake at 3 am. Need a drink and some sheep to count.

All the best to anyone going down in the morning. This a busy week I think

Whiskers. at our unit everyone see the onc mid chemo. I saw him the day before I started T. He explained about the radiotherapy and got me to sign all the paperwork so he could pass it all on to the R unit getting the ball rolling so there will be no delay. So don’t worry it should be just a routine check. I always take any questions in triplicate, one for him, one for me and one for any hangers on, this time it was a student. That way nothing gets missed. Notice I am talking in the singular, I go to a cottage hospital and I have only ever heard one onc mentioned. The chemo unit only has 6 chairs with 2 more due to be added when the knock down a wall and decorate later this year. The bonus is that there are 4 senior specialist chemo nurses, one sister grade and one staff nurse so the patient nurse ratio is always very good.

Great news pollyanna, don’t over do it this week as the se hit a bit later with T but no problem in making hay while the sun shines. Hope all who have been done this week are still feeling good.

Chezz hope the cold is getting better and doesn’t cause any delays.

Well I am going to try to get back to sleep now I have cooled off a bit, it is 22c in my bedroom at the moment.

I have been a bit enthusiastic in the garden with the lovely weather we are having and have winter spinach, and five punnets of pansies to plant before next Tuesday.

Nette x

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Lynda… :smileywink:


Wishing you all the best. Hope today will be better than yesterday for you.



Mahsa xxx

Happy Birthday Lynda. Wishing you a wonderful day

hey Lynda happy Birthday have a good one.  Its my 40th on Sunday the day before bloody chemo number 4!


Nette  OH means other half.


Whiskas you sound a right laugh with all your wigs.  Did this fella spot you in the same place?  You sound like an international woman of mystery!!!


Ive seen my onc about 3 times so dont worry its just a review to see how you coping with the chemo etc.


Still full of a cold and wondering whether chemo will go ahead or not on Monday.  I get bloods done tomorrow so assume will take it from there.


Hope all you tax ladies are doing well on the new regime

Julie not sure re the muga all I know was mine was 68% b ut wasnt explained what it meant

bloody hell Tamsin 8/8 without ovaries.  How does your body make the oestrogen without ovaries ??  Sorry am not very clued up on hormonal receptive ones.  Sounds like you have had a right rough ride of it and you are still getting through it with a sense of humour.  Its the one things this b**t*rd cannot take from us!

I have a friend who went through all this last year her saying is “Cancer is wasted on people like us” and she is dead right. Go girls we are all getting there.

I had right b DCIS HER2 pos last year and ER+ left breast this year. No one will talk to me about the one floating ovary left over from my hysterectomy in 1990.
I am going to keep asking till I see a geneticist or a cancer gynecologist but they won’t back me an appointment till after radiotherapy has finished so that will be next year. I don’t want to give up another year to this #*#*.

Pleased all the Ts from this week still seem to be ok, gives me hope for next weeks reduced dose.

Have found chewing gum helps with metal mouth as it stimulates siliva.

Drizzle all day today so winter spinach and pansies still in punnets.


Hi piggsy, I get most of them from a site called and ebay. Just make sure they are high quality kanekalon which is heat resistant (all the ones on wi wigs are) they are fantastic value for money and feel like real hair.


My hair was fire engine red before and very thick so I thought sod it I’m going to have some fun and not hide away, far from it you can see me coming a mile away with my bright array of colours. I am very alternative looking and thought ars to it if I’m changing who I am because of this.


I remembered watching sex and the city when Samantha was diagnosed and thought I’m going to deal with it like her, will say though never went for the Lil Kim look she went for. Maybe that will be wig no 31 :smiley:


Happy birthday to Lynda and Chezzap for Sunday,  hope you both manage to enjoy your days. I started my chemo 2 days before my 37th, I reckon they do it on purpose. I spent a majority of my day planning next years big celebration by booking a trip to New York :smiley: x

Actually I highly recommend anybody who hasn’t watched that series of sex and the city to give it a go. Certainly made me smile and made me think of things differently. I am the Brummie Samantha Jones, well sort of lol :smiley:

Ive never seen it so might have to take a look.


New York sounds like a briliant idea whiskas.  Do you seriously have 30 wigs?? where do you store them all???

Oh I love sex and the city and have the whole lot in a shoebox boxset :smiley: season 6 is def worth a watch as one of the main characters gets diagnosed with breast cancer and the way it is dealt with is brilliant in my opinion and actually helped me alot to rewatch it.


It will be my 4th time in New York and I adore it there. My dream one day is to open a little coffee shop there. The people are so friendly and it really is like you see on the TV.


I recently moved house to get more bedrooms for my shockingly huge amount of shoes and clothes  and managed to squeeze in an extra wardrobe to hang all my wigs in. I have grown quite attached to my collection and think I may actually have to keep hold of them after. I have had my friends round for a bit of wig wearing fun and when I first had to go out in them for the first time they joinned me so I wouldn’t feel so awkward,  now I love them and try to have fun with them :smiley:

Hi Junkies

Good to hear you had a good birthday Lynda

Whiskas love the idea of a wardrobe for wigs!   Your friends sound fab also very supportive it majkes a huge difference doesnt it?


Good luck Piggsy for tomorrow will be thinking of you


I just got back from bloods they are fine so chemo going ahead on Monday for my last EC then I will be half way through.  Just been told to keep eye on the cold.


Hope everyone else ok. 


Hi everyone.
I am still not up to speed on individuals so sorry.
Cotton wall mouth and not being able to eat anything with sugar sounds like thrush. Get some meds I don’t think it will clear without.
If you have thrush you need to avoid yeast, and fungi as well as sugar.
Yeast is all bread, I couldn’t eat anything with flour, marmite which was my staple with FEC.
Sweet, is all sweets, fruit yogurt.
Fungi, mushrooms and any thing with mushrooms in it.
You need to make you mouth alkaline, so lemon in drinks is good.
From thrush I have graduated to metal mouth but find chewing gums is helping between meals but not much help at meal time.
It is our wedding anniversary today, 43 years, but I have decided it would be a waste of time to go out for a meal.
Hope this helps main thing with cotton wool mouth is get meds. I think I will be on them till the end now.
I have tablets, nystan and a per food suspension. I can check the names if anyone needs them.
I also have mouth wash and mouth rinse.
Good luck everyone. I think cotton and metal mouth are the worst se as they go on so long.

ah bless your little lad Tamsin thats so cute!!!  I think now that after this has happened to me that your diet should be a bit of everything.  I have stupidly been watching every morsel that passed my lips since my teens and now I ask myself what the hell for!!  I would have had a damn sight more fun eating cream cakes Im telling you.


Piggsy I understand your apprehension as its fear of the unknown again.  However try and flip it on its head and say that the change of cocktail means you are past the halfway point and you have come so far already.  Think back to few months ago when we were all really scared of starting chemo and look at us now.  You have been so strongminded up to now and have been an inspiration to myself and the other women on here.  A meltdown is more than allowed and it sounds like it might have been what you needed.


Kat hope you feeling less shaky


Sending my best wishes to all the other junkies and wishing you well



Piggsy,  will be thinking of you tomorrow, you’ll be fine. I have no doubt! :heart:


Tamsin I was sent the same article. I find that relation between food and cancer is very contradicting most times.  oncologists wants us to eat what we feel like particularly during treatment,  but then nutritionists want us to eat less with 75% of our plate be vegs and fruits! They now even say that food labeled ‘organic’ is not necessary organic, like meat and dairy products. Anyway as you said, everything in moderation is ok.


How are you, Kat? Hope. You feeling better.


Chezz all you need now for your cold to disappear and for you to have a wonderful birthday weekend…


Today been Okay for me. Went to office after 2 months, stayed for 3 hrs and didn’t do any work! So many people wanted to just have a chat, I wanted to catch up with all the gossips :smileyvery-happy: Then I went for a Shiatsu massage at Haven, which was relaxing. I realised my bones are even more painful than they actually feel.  


Lynda, you ok?  Hope everyone else doing great…


Sweet dreams girls…


Mahsa xxx



Sorry to hear you have cold, just in time for the weekend! I had one just a week before my last cycle, they told that I can take paracetamol and over-counter medications, but not too many as they can mask the high temperature. I stayed at home for 3 days to avoid people and risk of turning it to something more serious. 


Hope you feel better soon.


Mahsa x


Same thing here have had cold for few days.  I took lemsip etc but took my temp beforehand to make sure wasnt masking an infection.  Lack of noasal hair makes it seem worse than it is as nose constantly running!.  Im due chemo on Mon and as my bloods were ok they didnt seem too concerned about the cold.  Just be sensible listen to your body and if in doubt call hotline

Hi bof, I have had a runny nose for most of this cycle. Try vaseline round the nostrils if you have lost nasal hair this will help block the bugs. If it is a cold it will stop you turning into Rudolph.

Yipeeee day 18 T#1. I am back to full energy just walked 5 miles with energy to spare. This is not so different to FEC. You see one happy girl. The T se have been different but I feel I will go into T#2 on Tuesday at a good point and my dose is going to be reduced by 25%.

Please don’t worry about T, I like others cried before I had my first dose, but it has been ok and on Tuesday it will just be 6 weeks more. I have lost eyebrows but still have Hair on my head with no cc and other places.

Just brought some slippery elm food from H&B told it helps you sleep as a night time drink also lines throat and helps digestive system. I will let you know what it tastes like tomorrow.

Have a good day all x

5  miles blood and sand thats fantastric Nette I feel jealous as I should be doing stuff too  but have not had enough get up and go this week.  Let us know re slippery elm Ive heard of that too

have good day xx

Hi All,
I too was at my fittest, although a little over weight, we had just retired and OH is a mad walker so I was losing weight, when I was diagnosed last year and again this year. I have never eaten processed food as I have cooked from scratch all my life. I am a huge fruit and veg eater and don’t use sugar. So I agree the only way to go is eat a moderate varied diet, take as much exercise as your life allows, avoid stress if you can and most of all be positive and as happy as life allows. Since joining this group I have been inspired by everyone even the wobbles seem to end up positive. Have a great weekend it looks like the weather is going to be fine. I am going to see two of our four grandchildren so happy days. X

Piggsy - Bill Bailey sounds wonderful he is brilliant hope the evening went well.
Chezz - Have a Wonderful BIrthday. Hope the sun shines and you are not suffering from any SE.
Whiskers - How are you feeling? I am getting edgy cos I hate the blood test nearly as much as the drip. I will be thinking of you on Monday. I just keep thinking just 6 weeks and it will be over.
Benedictus - I felt a real sense of achievement being able to do a good walk again. I really didn’t think I would this time as I do feel more tired. So it is a good aim so I will look for you post in two weeks time. Just did 3 miles today but it took 2 hours with the grandchildren so just a tiring as a longer hike.

Today we went to York it was a lovely day. Watch granddaughter play football in the morning then walk round the town wall stopping off for a licc ice cream. Very nice as ice cream seems to be the only food not affected by metal mouth.

Slippery Elm - well I had it last night as a bed time drink and slept well. I also went to bed with a lump in my throat that had been there for two days and this morning it was gone. It is very bland but quite pleasant. I am going to keep using it particularly through the next cycle to see if it helps with the se days and the diarrhoea. I will keep you posted.

I think someone else had a birthday this weekend but I can’t find the post so have a lovely day tomorrow and if it is you birthday have a special one.

Tomorrow planning another hikenif the weather holds and an anniversary Indian now metal mouth has settled a bit.