Anyone starting chemo in July 2013? We are now the July Junkies!

Its so upsetting reading how hard its been for so many of you. Its so unfair. I try not to cry otherwise I won’t stop and might drown in my own snot and tears, hope you’re all feeling better soon. Love and hugs Julie xx xx xx

well done bumble and Mahsa the end is in sight ladies for you!!

Tamsin I shall have a read of Swallows this pm she sounds like a very talented young lady.

Piggsy hope you feeling bit better today my love.  Sending you lots of positive vibes.


Not much to report here its pouring down so am not venturing out the neighbour bless him has even taken Rafa to school and back today and yesterday as dont want to risk standing in the rain and truth be told I have zero energy.


Hope everyone else getting better by the day and we manage to have a decent enough weekend xxxx

Day 4 T#2 completely wiped out. W&P when have energy to type.

Piggsytrotter have you asked if you can use ibroprofen gel. It is very good and does not effect stomach the same as tablets.

day 2 of ‘t’ 2 and as per Nettew feeling totally wiped out but no diarrohea this time thank god.  Just managed to bung ready meals in oven for out tea tonight, though tasted of cardboabut rd as is everything but at least no washing up lol…

Fingers too shaky to type anymore but wanted to check in briefly.  Hope everyone has as good a we weekend as possible with as least side effects as possible. Looking forward to strictly without Bruce tomorrow night!!!


JJ’s!! Cannot believe how long i have been MIA for!! Sorry gang! I have caught up a little with some of your threads, hope you are all ok this fine friday. I have been dog rough to put it mildly.  last friday was my first ‘T’ cycle plus herceptin so a lovely long  5hours in the chemo suite. Felt ok the day after but then day 2 WHAM! Stated hallucinating from the corners of my eyes…thought i could see rats running round the edges of the lounge!! Felt very spaced out and ‘trippy’ …but not a magic mushroom in sight! Then the aching joints arrived which is vile and making lifting the babies difficult - not good.  My mouth is developing some ulcers and tongue feels furry and tastebuds screwed. So aside from trying to cope and possibly get william into pre school for a second session to ease the pressure off my mom, i’m weaning eleanor and trying to get some xmas gifts online.

On the plus side tumor has shrank from 72mm to around 16mm!! awesome i know…mri on the 24th to determine surgery type.

i wish you all well and should be back in the saddle a bit more now!! hugs to all xxx

FEC done T#2 day 5
Bit better than yesterday, no diarrhoea yet, still tired out of my mind. W&P put off for another day. Thrush still holding off, anyway no exploding cotton wool mouth. Taste not right though. All good just tired.
Hope everyone else not to bad. Better than T#1.
Nette xx

thanks benedictus, hope you coped with the plasterers!! yes you are right we ‘just get on with it’ what else can we do as mom’s?!!

have a rather strange rash appeared…small lumps that get quite itchy when i’m warm all over my body! had a bath with savlon antiseptic, think it’s just my sensitive skin reacting to all the drugs.

yes nette tastbuds are lousy…really off food as not much appeals. discovered r.whites lemonade ice lollies though = lush! having to vaseline my lips hourly so dry and two ulcers in mouth.

enjoy  a snoozy sunday if you can xxx

T#2 - Day 3


Hi girls, hope everyone doing reasonably well!


As expected bone pain in my legs started today, just keeping them warm and taking paracetamol.  In general I feel quite exhausted without doing much! Hot flushes are quite frequent too… I hate the fact everyday to me is the same, no more Friday feeling or looking forward to the weekends.  In London, particularly in central London, you don’t necessary get to know your neighbours. However,  I am thinking of putting and advert in the local website to find few people to chat with, or just meet for coffee,  etc… I’ll have to take control of my life again and build motivation.  One good news I received yesterday, my genetic test result has not identified any fault in  BRCA 1 & 2 genes.  At least one less thing to think about. 


Biggley, keep an eye on the rash, I had Shingles after cycle 2.  Call them straightaway if they become more like blisters. 


Thinking of you all. Will be back soon.


Lots of luv,

Mahsa xxxx

Get well soon Mahsa xx xx

Mahsa what fab news on the genetic front. Feel better soon, top up that hot water bottle and stay warm. Biggley good news about the shrinkage and hooe you get a date soon. Nice to have you back with us.
Hope everyone is OK and SE minimal. XX

Hi Junkies

Biggley good to hear from you hope you start feeling better soon. 

Tamsin hope your bathroom now done and the builders are gone!

Mahsa hope you are feeling better now and the boneache subsiding

Hope Piggsy and Kat ok

Julie hope you enjoying yourself and are startingn to feel more like your pre chemo self


Im okish just still fending off this blooming cold.  seem to have had it for 3 weeks now on and off.

thanks chezz & orangecat…good to be back!!

any tips girls on thrush…my tongue looks gross - full of white spots.

rash doesn’t seem to have developed into much…just itchy when warm?!

mahsa hope you feel well soon, where in london are you?  have journeyed in twice on my good weeks…


Coping with thrush

Tablets - Fluconazole; Oral suspension - sucralfate; Mouthwash - cholorhexidine; Benzydamine mouthwash; Nystan oral suspension. All from unit or GP

Avoid yeast, bread, pastry, beer. Avoid sugar. Avoid fungus, mushrooms. Avoid Gluten.

1/4 tablet berocca tablet dissolved on tongue
Suck ice / lollies
Brush teeth and tongue with soft brush
Sparkling water
Use a straw to get drink to back of throat
Aim for an alkaline diet.
Lemon water.
Chicken noodle soup
Possible slippery elm???
Antiseptic lozenges
Hope this helps
Nette x

FEC - T Cycle 4 day 18


Good morning ladies, looking back it seems like some of you have been having a rough time :frowning: Hope things start looking up for you.


I have not been able to get online for the last 2 weeks as I had palmar plantar syndrome from the Tax. Hands and feet swelled like sausages and were so sore I couldn’t use them properly. Very hard to walk and not able to open things etc. Couldn’t put hands in water so had to wash with wet wipes. All skin now peeling and feet itchy rather than painful.


I also bunged up again and aggravated my haemorrhoid. Have to see ONC tomorrow and will be letting them know that Tax is not happening again for me as once you get this reaction you will get it every time until they stop it.


Gone back to work today so a bit busy now but will try to have proper catch up soon


Deb x

FEC-T. Fec done T #2 day 7
Back in the land on livinging after 3 days of barely being able to get around house holding furniture.
Whiskers - hope T#2 went ok for you Monday and that you are beginning to get past SE
Bumblebee & Masha hope Thursday was ok, you will probably e feeling very tired today but it does pass.
Benedictus I have written Swallows up into my journal it is beautiful particularly the line about the ‘crumpled lines of insects netted in 2 of 4 corners’ it is a picture I will remember always… Beautiful. Hope the bathroom is now completed and beautiful.
Pollyanne sorry about the hosp stay hope you are now on the mend.
Chezzap hope Sergio’ s cold is improving and you have avoided it, try Vaseline round your nose as a barrier.
Orangecat so sorry about your friend you are in my prayers and thoughts.
Pollyanne & Orangecat I was given bruise cream for the cording in my arm it seems to work although when I twist my arm it looks corrugated.
Biggleys wonderful news about the tumor shrinkage. Bongel helps with the mouth ulcers.

Slippery Elm very bland check out the web for claims. I take level teasp in milk at night. Seems to lub throat and helps sleep.
Sakira se sound horrid hope ONC sorts you out today.

All the best to evryone hitting T#2 this week and any other doseage.

Woke up tiday with a really cold head so now wearing a buff to bed. Very elegant. Poor OH not just nipple less on both sides, boobless on right side now got a wife wearing head gear to bed. And he is still massaging my arm. Any one else got burning under arm were nodes have been removed.
Finally chewing gum helps with metal mouth.
Off for a nap now Nette x

Hi all good to see that for most we are starting to feel human again

Tamsin  - swallows is beautiful you must be very proud.  Hope OH and the talented lass had a ball  of a time

Debs/ Sakura you poor thing tax is evil by the sounds of it.  Whats the plan if no more tax??

Kat yep you are right its like pass the parcel with this bloody cold.  Althought to be fair I dont feel ill with it just constantly snotty.

Nette hope you are emerging from tax hell

Mahsa get better quickly hoping you feeling on the mend.


I just been to zumba and was quite pleased that after in the changing room when was getting undressed that some women actually spoke to me about the taboo subject of BC and the mastectomy.  They were lovely and asking me all about it which to be honest I much prefer rather than those self pitying looks or the double takes and rapid looking at the floor you get from most women.  I wasnt ashamed of how I look etc  as it is what it is in a way and I thnk more awareness of this vile disease is needed.  How stupid is it though that I feel confortable in my own skin around other women but wont let my husband near me!!!

Huge cyber hugs comin ur way xx xx

Massive hug BofF. You wobble away, ask loads of questions and get your head in a good place. Xx

T#2 - day 5


Hi Lovelies, just a quick note to say hello :smileyhappy: today is the worst day of this cycle, lots of bone pain. Feels like someone cutting my ankles with a chainsaw.  Feeling pretty useless, moving from sofa to bed and vise versa.  Hoping for a better day tomorrow! 


BOF sending you a big hug, I feel lonely too. I get very confused and concerned after each appointments,  I feel like not only have to get my head around what they say, I also have to read between the lines. Definitely communications or lack of it amongst teams involved causes lots of unnecessary confusion.  Wishing you luck for tomorrow… xx


Tamsin, Swallows took me to the cottage. It was very well written, you could imagine yourself in the poem.


Chezz, well done to you doing zumba and not hiding in the changing room cubicle.  


Piggsy, 2 hours in M&S! Good for you. The way I’ve felt since dx, I don’t think I’ll ever enjoy shopping as much as I did.


Biggley, I live in SW London, Putney area. 


Julie, how are you getting on with Tamoxifen? 


Kat, Lynda, Nette, Whiskers, and all JJs thinking of you . Wishing you SEs free time.


Lots of luv,
