Anyone starting chemo in July 2013? We are now the July Junkies!

the one b ig one the day after chemo .  Yes the headaches kick in much quicker then the bone pain that takes about a day to develop wheras headaches in first few hours.  On top of the tail end of a cold still am not looking forward to the joys hat this cycle has to offer me!!!


BTW has anyone had flu jab during chemo?? There is discussion on August FB as to if you can have it or not as usual different oncs have said different things

Hi All,
back from T#2. What with flushing, anti nausea, something else and the docetaxel it took 3 hours. They watched me like a hawk but it went in easily although the had the antihistamine on stand by. I just suddenly felt unbelievably tired and so put the legs up and back down and napped. Tomorrow I will go up for my White blood booster.

Whiskers - I hope you are Feeling better. I asked about the American drug it seems now gives it routinely whenever a patient as a reaction. It is called Abraxane it is the same drug as docetaxel but has a coating my friend who had anaphylactic shock had no reaction to it. It is worth asking if you want to.

Benedictus - you must be the proudest parent alive today and tomorrow at the RFH. What an achievement this year of all years. Congratulation I am sure from us all. Enjoy tomorrow. I envy you your plum tree our garden it to small. Don’t do to much and enjoy the rest while the kids are out.

Chazzap - Hope SE not too bad. I take paracetamol and Ibuprofen to help with leg/bone ache. I have been prescribe ibuprofen 200 this time.

A meet sounds nice. Although I live in Scarborough I have a daughter in Leicester. We also have a caravan so can get to most places and make a week of it. I am planning on having a very busy 2014 making up for 2 lost years of retirement.

Who else is up this week I have lost track?

Goody bag as big as ever and also been sent to GP for Sucrafate as a more effective mouthwash than the Difflam & Chlorhexidine.


welcome home Nette

what a relief that no reaction this time.  have you just got one more chemo left now til you graduate???

Tamsin congratulations on your daughter’s achievement, such a proud moment for every parent.


Nette, glad today went reasonably well for you. I am up on Thursday.


Chezz good to see you up and about. I will ask about flu jab tomorrow when I go for pre-checks. As always there are lots of contradicting messages amongst medical people.


I am already getting excited about the possible get together, something to look forward to.


Take care darlings…


Mahsa xxx

Just finished typing up drugs chart so when I collapse hubby can keep up with what he must give me. For some reason he finds this a real challenge.

Chezzap - yes this was penultimate dose. Just one more on 22nd then 3 weeks of SE and we can say good bye to this faze. Then radiotherapy I have not been told about tablet regime after this treatment. My onc likes to drip feed information while I like my ducks all lined up as far ahead as possible. Breast nurse no help but say I would not start for some weeks after chemo ends.

Benedictus - shame you won’t be at RFH, but you won’t pick up any germs.
I ran Duke of Edinburgh’s award for many years and presentations often were restricted to one parent or guest it was a policy I fought as often as possible but numbers and room was so often the issue. Never mind you can sob at home with pride and joy. In fact I may join you.

hi all, whiskers and nette, you are both 2 days ahead of me, second T on thursday. Have felt rubbish the whole 3 weeks so not lookin forward to the next dose.  I am just taking the bog standard off the shelf paracetamol and ibruprofen which isnt touching the arm and leg pains, also my fingers and toes feel like they are freezing and stiff… However i have managed to stay off the sleeping pills apart from an odd night, and definately need a nap in the afternoon. Jus t ordered my next 6 six week sick note from the doctors…cant imagine ever having the energy for full time work again but i will have to!!  

Boy do i hate not being able to taste anything, even sour sugary sweets taste of nothing but the sugar does seem to clean my nasty tongue!..i havent tried the sparkling water but will get some in soon.  I appear to have gained lots and lots of either blood dots or new freckles all over my legs, any ideas what they are?

I presume we are all heading towards radiotherapy after this chemo finishes, i havent been told much apart from the fact there will be 15 sessions…joy.  I dont think i will be having anything after as am triple negative apparantly…!

Hope everyone has a good night and im off to have a soak in the bath before bake off!! xx

Hi Everyone,
Day 2 x T#2
Had good night’s sleep and walked to hospital for PEG G blood boost jab. Only 15 mins walking very slowly. Bit dizzy, bit tired but ok. No real side effects yet. I am on full thrush meds, fingers x with reduced dose and meds I may get through with only a mild dose not expecting to get away Scot free.

Masha - Good luck for tomorrow. Hope all goes well.î

Bubblebee - same, good luck for tomorrow. Hope all goes well.

I have found chewing gum is very good for bad mouth. Cider vinegar (Aspall’s Organic) very good.
Alkaline diet is what we should aim for I have heard. Fancy the pee sticks must get some.

Quite tired again and comment box not working

Love and hugs to Masha & Bubblebee for tomorrow.

Hope everyone’s side effects are reducing as you all head toward T#2

Love x

Aw sorry you’re having a **bleep**ty time hope things get better real soon x x x x

Piggsytrotter - I began to feel a bit better on T#1 on day 7 so hopefully you will be getting more energy over the next few days.
I am full of admiration for all you with children young and older but still at old. I just have OH. Grown up kids all safe with their own families.
You are also driving which I avoid when so tired. Hence the walking but a luxury I can afford being retired.

I have noticed it is very quiet today hope this is because everyone has better things to do. It has been dull and a little drizzly here today.
Good luck Masha & Bubblebee I will thinking of you tomorrow.

Piggsy sorry to hear you are not doing so well, hope it won’t be too long before you are feeling much better.  


Nette hope you won’t have any nasty SEs to the jabs.


Tamsin hope you won’t end up in hospital, perhaps is just combination of SEs from chemo and the jabs. Keeping my fingers crossed for you. Is so cute your older son reading a bedtime story to his younger brother. 


Thanks everyone for your kind wishes, another long day on uncomfortable chairs tomorrow! For whatever reason my WBC and Neutrophils are at their highest since beginning of chemo and also have some hair growth.  Perhaps T is not working as well as it should!! Will find out in couple of weeks…


Kat, are you OK?


Hugs & Kisses…



Hi All,
9.30 and in bed after dozing in chair for last hour.
Funny thing this hair business. Pulled out long dark hair from top lip today, Don’t know how it got so long, I have just stopped checking I guess. As think I will need to check chin. I don’t think I have lost more head hair with T but defo lost brow and lash. Anyone who has not made make up show yet you need a brow pencil with a brush on one end. I look fine with wig,hat or scarf but a little manic au natural.
I think we all need to be kind to our selves so take care.
Benedictus try for an early night with whatever help is available. Will be thinking of your daughter tomorrow. I can’t imagine a prouder parent.

Sleep tight all.

Hi Linda, what a nightmare for you. Hope you’re better real soon. Xx xx

Oh Linda,
Lots of hugs and kisses.
You could look at, if your neuts are zero think what it has done with any fast growing micro cancers floating around. ZAPTED.

Morning so sorry to hear we are having a rubbish time these last couple of days.


Tamsin hope you are feeling better after a good nights sleep and Oh and your lass have a brilliant time. 


Lynda my word hope you are starting to feel better you have really been through the mill this time.  massive hugs to you for a speedy recovery

Mahsa good luck today

Piggsy hope you vare gathering some more energy considering you are feeling pooped you are stilll doing more than most of us!

Nette how is the walking going? 

Julie hope you keeping well?

Whiskas and Bumbkle how are you both?

Kat and BOF are you around and doing well??

Ive been trying to avoid Sergio’s cold he has been up last couple of nights crying so trying to balance going to him and picking him up with avoiding the lurgy.  Today and tomorrow will be my worst days usually so am just trying to get throughy next couple of days as well as I can

Love and hugs to all xxx

Hi chezzap, town today with my youngest, bit of shopping then lunch!!! Feeling much better probably as I’ve had no chemo for over a month!! Xx xx

I will!!! Xx xx x

hey Kat good to hear from you but so sorry aout your friend.  My sympathies are with you

Julie you sound so much better go and hot those shops

Tamsin even though you not going with your family today yu sound quite upbeat and you must be so proud!

Hi all, thanks to piggsytrotter, benedictus, orangecat and dhezzap for the good luck mentions. Was at chemo for 6 hours today so a bit tired, waited ages for blood results! So second ‘T’ done, they didnt reduce the dose even tho i told them all about the diarrohea last time and achy bones etc. However i did get a  supply of imodium and cocodamol. F eel ok at the moment thank god, see what the next few days bring.  Will be having a chat about radiotherapy at my final chemo in 3 weeks… havent been told much about that so far. 

Nettew .hope you got on ok today also. xx


ooh just remembered to mention that i told the doc i was alternating paracetamol and ibruprofen and he told me not to take ibruprofen as i am on prednilolone steroid long term.  oops!!

T#2, Day 1


Evening lovely JJs


After 3 cannula attempts and 5 hrs on those uncomfortable chairs, T went through.  Had some reaction to pre meds, but nothing serious. Feeling a bit light headed with heavy legs.  I shall be back soon.


Thanks for your kind wishes. Hope days ahead will be SEs free and uneventful for us al.


Thinking of you…


Much love,

Mahsa xxxx