Anyone starting chemo in July 2013? We are now the July Junkies!

HI Ladies soory been MIA last few days so many posts to catch up on!!


Tamsin hope you doing well today after yesterdays dunking and SE kept at bay

Julie greart news first herceptin done and rads due to start v soon

Mahsa love the dream.  You are our very own Martin Luther King!  I have been to the mountain top and I have seen the promised land it is the land of No Evidence of disease ha ha

BOF good luck for tax 2 today hope it goes ahead and try clove oil on the tooth!

Lynda hopefully you wuill have had your last one when you read this.  Even though you prob dont feel like celebrating please feel a sense of achievement you have got through chemo!!!

Kat hope the bake off went well and hope todays planning is productive.

Bumble as far as I can gather if you are over 35 its likely your periods either wont come back or come back very irregularly.

Deb whats with the no showering for 8 days ???  Are you practising the grunge look or is there method in the madness???

Nette hope you emerging through final SE now

Piggsy how are you???


Im good.  Just note to self whilst on chemo dont go to cinema for kids film felt fine Sat and by Sun in bed all day with D and V!  Just 24 hours thank God and chemo still went ahead yesterday so thats 2 down 10 more weeks to go.  Starting to see finish line even though its 2 months away still its there in the distance !!!

Fec Done T#3 day 8
Got up normal time and made my own porridge. Still got jelly legs but improving. Defrosted large amount of fish and started to prepsre fish pie. Looked on internet and found out that I should avoid fish with thrush.
Just heard from Castle Hill have appointment for set up with tats tomorrow. Had to organise transport vos caravan booked in for service tomorrow in York. For those not in the know that is in two different directions. Had thought this might happen so a friend had said she would take me but she is not answering phone. Organised a standby lift. Hubby decided he would rather take Van to York now than early morning so he has now set off for York. Fish pie in fridge.
I am now home alone and wondering if popcorn is a balanced meal or if I go and see a neighbour if I wil get invited to dinner.

Really pleased to get started with rads. Haven’t told hubby who hates getting up before 8.30?since he retired that I told CH that I would take early appointment at 8 to 8.30. He will not be happy. I just want to get on with out any more delays. Feel better just to know things are moving.

Bumblebee hope you are coming out of SE, can’t say I am but I am feeling stronger and hope it is tge same for you.:
BoF hope tooth better and antibiotic working
Kat hope meeting with onc went well
Chezza Masha hope all well for you
Nette x

Hi Nette, I’m starting rads wed 13th Nove at 8.30am everyday for 20 sessions so maybe we’ll get to meet up!!! I had my CT and markings last Fri xx xx

It would be lovely to meet up for a natter!! Xx xx

Evening ladies, good to see so many posts and looks like we are all semi OK!I have blood, onco, and counselling tomorrow, busy day. Then hopefully the last T on thursday if blood OK. Been having lots of mushrooms, fresh veg juice, melon, etc… To avoid any delays because of wbc. Fingers crossed…I felt a bit guilty after reading Nette’s post about fish pie, because I treated myself and mum to a roast chicken dinner with all the trimmings,  just like Aunt Bessie’s adverts. :smileyhappy:

Kat, just saw your post. A big hug coming your way from Putney to Hampton. :heart:, when you feeling up to it challenge them about tamoxifen, I am sure you will. 

I shall be back soon my lovelies. 

Take care,

Mahsa xxxx

Kat big hug. One thing I have learnt over the last two years is that they seem to understand BC and even if we are all different they have seen it all before and will give us the best treatment possible. They also seem to use loads of models so it is not guess work but the accumulation of years of treatment. BIG HUGS OXOXOOO.
Julie. & Bumblebee - It will be great to meet up I will get my timetable tomorrow and will have an idea of the lie of the land. Cafe, waiting area. We will havevto wear red roses. It will also be a bit odd.
How long did the set up take? Did the tatoo hurt? Did you have any injections, I hate injections? Were are your tatoos? So many questions.

Well big day tomorrow so I am off to bed. I can keep the radio on all night and the light if I want to. Small pleasures.

Nite all Nette x

Mahsa - full chicken dinner. Yum!
Bumblebee - still got jelly legs, feel like an under stuffed rag doll. But 100% better than yesterday.
Amazes me how quickly the weakness hits and how quickly I recover, and how predictable it is. Day 1 dose, d2 ok, d4 - 7 extreme fatigue, d8 recovery starts.
I can’t believe it just had two dark choc coated gingers and mouth feels almost normal. Joy of joys
Nette I am off to bed now. Nite

Hi Ladies :slight_smile:


Lovely long post by piggsy I see :slight_smile: Really sorry to see they have messed up the ending of your rads and hope something can be sorted.


Chezza - whilst the grunge look would suit my love of Nirvana, no showering was due to any sort of hot/warm water contacting my hands and feet encouraging the pores to open and the palmar/plantar reaction to get worse. It’s caused by the chemo seeping out of capilliaries on your hands and feet and damaging your skin. I didn’t realise this last cycle and helped make myself much worse than I needed to be by my love of long showers and baths. So wet wipes to the rescue this cycle and will need to do the same again next cycle. I am sure there must have been times when i smelt “interesting” but family and friends were very polite lol.

Strange that you should mention sickness from public places. I went to Bangor Uni on Saturday to look around with my niece who hopes to go there. When I got home had severe stomach ache and vomiting. Lasted for about 5 hours then went away as rapidly as it had arrived. Most bizarre.


Froggy - really hope your toothache is bearable today. Not nice on top of everything else! I think you are in for tax today or yesterday? If so hope it went well


Good luck to everyone that has just been dunked again, really hope your se’s are as kind as possible to you and well done to all that have had their last one. I get last one Thursday next week. I have bought some nice choccy biscuits for the nurses on chemo ward as they have been lovely. I shall skip out of there once my session is over and hope to never look back :slight_smile:


Kat - sorry to hear that you can’t have more chemo. They must genuinely feel that the risk of the reactions is just too great. Were you getting the tamoxifen for 5 years anyway before this decision?


Apologies to those I have missed. I am supposed to be working :slight_smile:


Deb x

T#3 Day 9
Just got back from Castle Hill, now a proud owner of two new beauty spots. I did ask for Brown but they only had black ink.
Julie and bumblebee I start on Wed 13th at 8.20 CL4 so we will be there together Julie. On Mon 18th I am in at 8.20 on CL4 again. My latest appointment is 8.35 finishing Tuesday 3rd Dec.
I am very tired again today but it has been a busy day.
On the mouth front there has been a serious improvement so I an hope yhat this time with all they anti thrush drugs I am taking it will be short live. OH said the fish pie was lovely so a result.
Another early night for me
Nite all Nette x

So we start the same day!!! Would you like to meet up? I’m having 20 sessions each appt is at 8.30am xx xx

Hi Julie - meeting would be fun. I am at 8.30 on Thursday & Friday that first week so they would probably be best days. I will have OH with me but no problem. May be nearer the time, I am currently brain dead, we could exchange a discription for first day as I am sure we will both be looking at every woman in the waiting room. I understand we will be delay free at that time with good parking. They start at 8 so we will arrive early on the Wed with luck I will be drinking tea by then again.
See you soon!!!
Nette x

Looking forward to it!! Xx xx

Cheers Deb for explanation I would never have made that connection and thanks for tip.  I not had any numbness or tingling yet but have only had tiny doses so far so could well start in next few weeks

BTW everyone I have news of Naz girl!!!  Tasha has just let me know that she is ona younger womens FB page so Im glad she is still around and posting somewhere even if its not here.  Im not part of that group but will ask tasha if she can maybe send her our best wishes and let us know how she is getting on.  She must be near end of chemo now or finished already

evening jj’s! hope you are all hanging on in there with strength and smiles. been busy, busy here had the mri scan followed 4 days later with results and chat with surgeon. whilst the chemo has shrank the tumor well i have suspected ‘pre-cancer’ cells surrounding it…so we discussed options and in their w

clever way with words he steered me to choosing a full mastectomy with re-con and stripping out the lymph nodes reassuring it was the best option for me to give best results. so i meet with plastics this friday which is great. what isn’t so great is that i may well be eating a turkey dinner and pulling my crackers in hospital:smileysad: i know it’s only one xmas but it’s my baby’s first! bummer.

very achy legs and teeth…never eaten so much soup!

did wear it pink friday with the kids at a local group and they raised £220 selling cakes and wearing pink etc…

love to you all and hugs

nicola x


Nette and Julie, i would love to say hello etc with you both at some point when i start my rads from 18 nov at 8.30, the rest of my appointments are 8.40. The cafe at reception is nice and there are lots of comfy sofa’s there too. My hubby will probably be there too but he is very nice and sociable lol !!!

I do hope we dont get any side effects from the rads, think we have suffered enough, and i need to get stronger as we are hoping to visit the son in Manchester in the second wk of rads…the christmas markets are there and i want to try and walk round them!!!

Even if it kills me!!!

bye for now, bumblebee63 (aka Annette in real life lol). Feeling more like myself today apart from the legs!






T#3 Day 10
Hi Annette, look forward to meeting. By that Monday Julie and I should have meet so you will be able to see 2 ladies chatting.
I asked about tiredness on rads and was told it is a physical se. Somewhere I have read about someone who went home and to bed for an hour after each treatment and was ok. We are taking our Caravan to Beverely to cut down travelling time so I plan to give it a go. I start on day 23 so I am hoping that I well be able to build up some reserves before starting. When will i stop thinking in days?
Feeling better today had massage and nail done, then went shopping. Visitors tonight. Life getting back to normal even if I hung on the trolley and walk lije a 90 year old.
I am sure some of you where being zapped tonight. Sorry I have again lost track. Hope everyone had a good day.
Nette x

Hi Girls,  last T done… HOORAY! Had to have a mammogram today as well for surgeons to check changes,shrinkage,  etc… seeing surgeon tomorrow,  hoping to get a date for surgery soon and no later than early December. Feeling a bit fuzzy headed from pre meds, i’ll be back soon.


Hope everyone doing reasonably ok.


Lots of luv,

Mahsa xx

Congrats Mahsa woo hoo all done!!!


Biggley seeings as its baby’s first xmas will they not delay op for few days??  How long isb the stay in hospital?  i was out next day so yu might be surprised at the turnaround time.  Granted I didnt have recon just a mx but it really is like a conveyor belt it seems


Julie have you come across nazgirl on the fb page???

I don’t recall a nazgirl, no, but her fb name may be different xx

Hang in there BoF. SE seem to go as quickly as they come just give it a few more days.
Off to meet genetics.
Nette x