Anyone starting chemo in July 2013? We are now the July Junkies!

Hi everyone, I’m from the September group, I hope you don’t mind me crashing in but wonder if you Fec T girls can help.
Many of us September girls are just about to start the T and we are discussing the best way to hold onto our nails. What have you done and how much success have you had? Also we have had conflicting reports regarding hair, has yours grown on T or has what you had left completely given up the ghost?
Many thanks for your help, take care xx

Just wanted to say a quick thank you for popping into September to give us your advice. The gel nail polish that was mentioned, where can you get it from?

Hello my lovelies, how are we doing? Looks like lack of motivation has hit us again!


T train has stopped a day earlier by my house, the pain has started from this morning. I am just hoping this means it will depart ahead of schedule too. Apart from that I’d like to lose the weight I put on during T, must be combination of steroids and lack of activity. I have a date for surgery 3rd Dec. Saw the surgeon yesterday and he said we can just do a lumpectomy and SNB. I am not sure whether I want a mastectomy, but also not sure if that would decrease chances of reassurance. He said he will make a final decision once I have done MRI and a subsequent Ultrasound. Dreading MRI, how can you keep still when you have all this pain in your body. When I did it at the time of my diagnosis, I cried all the way home. The nurse who came to the room to get me just stood and watch me struggle getting of the bed after being kept still for 45 mins. Anyway, hopefully this will be the last time.


Thinking of you Kat , how are you? Did you get the Herceptin yesterday?

Nette , how did you get on with Genetics?

Tamsin , are you OK?

Whiskers , Hope you well, haven’t heard from you for a while.

Piggsey Enjoy your weekend, looks like you have a full house!

Chezz & Julie, good to see your faces on YWF on FB :smileyhappy:


Hope all other JJs doing OK, lost track a bit in knowing where everyone is in their journey.


Have a pleasant, pain-free, and relaxing weekend. Blues sky and sun is shining in London, pity I can’t move…


Love you all,

Mahsa xxx

Kat darling, sorry to hear about your friend! Sending you a huge warm hug whilst holding on to my HBW tightly… :smileyhappy: When you feeling up to it let me know, we can meet up somewhere in the middle. I think it would be easy enough for us to get to either Kingston or Richmond. (PM me whenever you fancy it).


Tamsin, hope you’ll mojo appear again soon and wishing you P&Q over the weekend! :womanhappy:


I am retuning to my new best friend, HBW…


:heart: to all



sorry to hear such sad news kat. big hugs x

hope you are all able to enjoy this fine Sunday.

opting for re-con after mastectomy using tummy tissue…plastics said i am a good candidate for it and they hope to do it on the 16 th so should be out for xmas…even if i can only lie on the sofa and watch the kids i’ll be here!:smileyhappy:

so one more chemo to go on friday…hooray.

hope you all have few s.e’s and are well.


Hi ladies

Biggley great news about the op never mind the song all I want for xmas is my two front teeth we need to change it to all I want for xmas is my two front t*ts! ha ha good you will be home for little one


Kat sorry about your friend awful news for you


Tamsin hope you are getting more energy slowly

Piggsy congrats will be in order this time next week.  Seems to have gone quick hasnt it.  Seems like yesterday we were all wondering what SE  chemo would hold for us and some of us are through it already.


Mahsa and Ju yep good to see you both on FB


Kat/ Tamsin - Naz said she could nt log on when forum changed.  She finished chemo couple of weeks ago and starts her rads  in next couple of weeks.  She is well and sends her love to you all.

Hi All
FEC DONE T DONE I love saying that DAY 15
Kat - so sorry about your friends. Hugs and prays coming your way.
Piggsy - finished Thursday it is a great feeling and I think I am recovering better this time.
Mahsa - hope mri was ok. I am with painkillers and I just shut my eyes and try to blank out everything. The wedgey is the hardest to ignore.
Benedictus - have you finished chemo or are you on a different regime. Sorry chemo brain I loose track.
Chezzap, Julie and Bumblebee hope you are ok. We did a recon yesterday to look at campsite in Beverley and OH wanted to check out distance to CH he probable knows I will be zoned outnext Wed.
Biggley - I had a tram reconstruction (tummy tuck) last year at Leeds. I had pedicle tram which meant they left kept the recon tissue attached to the blood supply this meant they cut my abdominus rectus (6 pack muscle) putting mesh behind. I went down for free tram but a vein was not big enough to supple blood. (lift out then drop in). I was in night before 48 hours under heat blanket & 10 min checks in icu. Then moved to single room with heating on. Out day 5 with drains. More in via private messager if you want.

Genetic produced little new expect I will be entered on to cancer chip when it is up and running. We are a cancer cluster as my generation have - me 2 primary BC, sister 1 BC, sister bile cancer, sister clear. They are going to do a new test on my blood. I already knew my BRACA 1 varient is not yet mapped but they don’t think it is linked to BC. So watch this space.

I seem to be recovering better after T#3. My eyes are the real problem as they are continually coated with tears, still have metal mouth but it seems to be easing, sleep is a problem but may just because I am so sedatory at the moment and tend to doze in the evening. Thrush appears to have gone. Hooray.

Looking forward to going on my hols next week in the Caravan. Castle Hill and rads will be over by 9 so we will be able to explore local area and Hull just so long as I am not to tired.

Well that is it for now. Had daughter and family over for weekend before all back at school today.
All the best to everyone in for treatment this week. I think more will be joining the finishers. Others still having chemo hang in there we are stil routing for you.
Nette x just found private messaging

Hi all hope evryone is keeping well


Apparently Lottie who was part of original Junkies couldnt log on either.  Dont know if you remember her a young girl who is getting married early next year.


Tamsin hope that arm gets better soon.  what a pain literally.


Piggsy will be thinking about you as the final countdown begins.  Hope you get through it ok and blast and botheration about the phone!


Hope everyone else doing well.


Lynda how are you now you have finished???

Evening lovely JJs


The final T is working it’s best to leave a lasting impression. Bone pain has been worst than ever with nausea as added bonus. Perhaps accelerated version is catching up with me physically. I feel better today and hope by end of this week the only reminder from dreaded chemotherapy will be my monkey look! :smileyvery-happy:  still waiting for MRI appt, they just called me asking if I could go in tomorrow.  I said with all the pain I have I won’t be able to keep still for too long, so they have to find an alternative timing.  


How is everyone doing? 


Piggsy & Biggley, good luck for Friday. Wishing you a smooth ride during and after. Isn’t Whiskers due to have her last cycle this week too? Tamsin, I think you have broken the record for antibiotic intake during your treatment.  Hope your arm feels better! Chezz what happened with your TV debut? Hope your weekly chemo regime is not too harsh. Kat, glad to hear H #4 went OK. I am sure your contributions for surgical teaching purposes were very valuable whether you smiled or not…:smileyhappy:


Sending you all a huge hug. 




Well hosp have cocked up as nothing has been sorted for my heart scan, I’ve rung oncs secretary twice and still no joy. Now have left message with onc nurse so hopefully will hear soon, useless gits xx xx

Hi Biggley I sent you a long private message yesterday but I can’t find my sent message box so have no idea if you got it.
Anyone thinking of reconstruction. My breast is very good and my sister’s is excellent 6 years on. Down side. Surgeons only seem to think you want a good as possible replacement. Sister still has problems with her back and shoulder. I had tummy tuck leaving tissue attached to supply blood they cut my six pack muscle done the middle and put a ridged mesh behind. 17 month on I still can’t lay on my front without some adjustment and can’t ache my back. I can’t sit without stretching out for any resonable time. Tomorrow I return to see my surgeon.
When I heard I needed an mx all I wanted was a recon. I have no regrets re my choice. I would not however make the same choice again as it has dominated my life and I think I will be another year recovering at least total 54 mths if ever.
I had pedicle tram but I think if they had done a free tram ( lift out, drop in) it would have been very different.
Hope this helps people thinking of recon. Very good information on Macmillan web site.

I am still recovering well from last T, still got metal mouth but can taste sweet things, savoury just tastes bland. Beginning to get back into the swing of my life. Actually looking forward to starting rads.

Off to Leeds tomorrow. Don’t think anyone is done on a Wednesday but Good luck to everyone up on Thursday.

Sleep tight se free Nette x

Hi Biggley
I love Christmas too and am going to really miss doing the cooking and having all the grandchildren for dinner, parents to. I set up two tables great fun.
I am going to do my shopping in Hull and Beverley during rads.
Good luck on Friday. Yeep
Feeling really happy at mo.
Just watching news. Hope no one is being treated at Colchester. It is really terrible.
Nite all Nette x

Hi Pollyanne I’m in October Optimists and would like to ask you for more info regarding fast track rads trial as this sounds interesting thanks Tracy xxx

Thanks Lynda xxx

Hi Girls, just a quick note to say I am ok. No hbw today, but have numbness in my toes. It lasts longer than before and have no feelings on two of them. Hoping all this will subside in couple of days, otherwise, I shall give them a call. Received a call at 7 o’clock this evening asking me to go in for MRI tomorrow at 8:30, so a nice start to my day. Anyway, I’ll have shiatsu in the afternoon, so will try to think of that instead. 

Love W&P posts by Tamsin and Piggsy, thank you ladies. :heart:

Wishing you all my lovelies sweet dreams,


P.S. Quote from 22 yrs BC survivor; " Ladies, I can tell you that cancer will not consume your every waking minute in time. Gradually, your life comes back, just better. The small stuff never bothers you quite as much, and you learn to smell the roses along the way." Cant wait for that day…!


FecDone T#3 day 16
Much more energy. Went to Leeds to see PS he nearly cried when I said I wanted my recon b reduced.nhe just looked at his beautiful handy work and you could see him holding back the tears but did agree it was large so has agreed to reduce. Seroma is now a healed over picket and can not be successfully drain with a syringe as the two separated sides need to heal together and they will now be healed so I will need another tummy tuck operation. Said I wanted to wait until next October so I would get next summer and time to recover from the last two years.

Sore eyes - Johnson’s baby no tears shampoo diluted 1:10 wiped over eyes. Hot water compresses. Both are drying so use with care. I also have Lumecare Eye Gel for dry eyes. This works very well even though my eyes are tearing all the time and have a continual coating. I carry a clean tissue all the time to wipe the tears away. Hope this will go away soon. Hope it helps. Bene.

Piggsy - My pedicle tram was decided in the theatre. I went down for a free tram or a diep but when they got in they decided the vein in my upper chest was not strong enough to supplie the recon so they decided to do the pedicle. I wish I had said free tram or nothing but I didn’t. But still no regretes. It is a very big operation. I think in deciding age and marital status is an issue. I am 63 with a hubby of 43 yrs so flat or boob is just for me he just wants me well and happy. Hopfully you will never get bc in your other breast so recon is worth it. I knew last year that I wanted recon as soon as mx was mentioned even though a week earlier I had been saying about a friend “I don’t know why she bothered at our age”. Recon is a very personal decission and whichever you chose will be right for you.

Busy day again tomorrow nite all
Nette x

T#3 day 17
Just written an amazingly long post which I have lost.
Boxofrogs - Please don’t feel alone. You are entitled to as many meltdowns as to need. Your ONC will be used to dealing with tears and alot worse. If you feel it will help use your meltdown to get more help. There should be councillors at your local hospic. I find just talking to my bn helpful to put everything in perspective. Remember our hormones are as messed up as a class full of teenage girls. That is not our fault so shout and scream and cry if it helps. I know over the last two years I have often wondered if I will ever get my life back and following my visit to my ps knowing I need another big operation it is hard to imagine being normal. I have met many cancer survivors who are back to normal although most seem to be having more fun and more holidays. I don’t know how long it will take. I am sure we are all different and it will depend on our treatment. What I do know is that we will all get our lives back and we will go on to live long and happy lives. So BoF soon you will sit with your friends and be back to you old self but with some added woof.

More info on radiotherapy - Just spent an hour on the phone with my bn. Not everyone gets se with rads but most get some. Tiredness is a physical fact. The effects are accumulative and they are at there strongest 7 to 10 days after the end of treatment. The skin burn is also accumulative rather like getting sunburnt and then going back into the sun the following day. Has anyone been told when to start using the cream?

Has anyone with ER+ been told about their tablet routine either tamoxifen or post menopausal equivalent? I have heard nothing from my ocn.

I seem to have recovered much better this time than form T#2 I can only put it down to positive thinking with it being the last time. Hope everyone else is as lucky.

I know some of you had your last dose today. I hope all went well. I hope any going down tomorrow gets through quickly.

BoF big, big hug.
Going back to tv now

wow lots of posts. will try and remember as much as I can!


BOF sorry to hear you feeling so down.  Sometimes friends cant understand the real tangible fear we have and just expect we will bounce back and its hard to explain that person has now gone.


Tamsin bathroom  sounds lovely ah a warm floor!!!  Let us know about the super rads machine.


Kat well done with H 4.  Didnt realise you had already had a recon Ive still got to consider it.  Would have to be the back tissue for me the lat one.


Lynda glad to hear you got through last chemo albeit with a mess up on their side.  let us know how rads go.


Mahsa hope you starting to feel yourself again as each day passes.


Biggley and piggsy good luck for tomorrow!!!

 Nette sounds like you have been through it surgery wise very long ops. 

Where are whiskas and Senga???


Im doing really well been missing in action due to just being busy out and about.  Saw onc today and can have sub cut herceptin once chemo finishes so can get the blasted port out soon!!!


Has anyone going into rads been told when we should start using aqu…us cream? I was given a tub and told to use it twice a day when having rads but I am wondering if I should start now?
Nette x

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