Anyone starting chemo in July 2013? We are now the July Junkies!

merry xmas to all us Junkies!!!


Piggsy well done for finishing rads.


I had my second sub cut herceptin yesterday and passed out in true Chezza style!


hope everyone doing well and as Mahsa says we srtart the new year happy and healthy xx

To all you wonderful Junkies that have helped me get though the last year. May I wish you a very Merry Christmas and a return to full health in the New Year.
Santa I want the same as Masha. PLEASE.
Julie and Bumblebee it was a real treat to have meet you and your families this year and made the rads fly past.
To anyone still waiting to entre rads nothing to fear go forward with the end in sight.
To the few still doing chemo please don’t think you are forgotten we are still here rooting for you.
May you all drink and be merry and enjoy your presents.
Best wishes and big hugs to you all
Nette and OH who so appreciates how much it has helped using the forum and not bending his ears all the time.

Hi everyone
It is very quiet on here these days, hopefully this means most of us arecmoving forward and not needing the. Vety special support offered by the forum as much these days.
I am going through a stage of real anger. Manly regarding the lack of check from furing my first diagnoses in 2012. If I had had a scan that year before tge mx and pedicle recon they would have found the 2nd cancer and I would be back to gaining full health now instead of still suffering tge after effects of the operation and looking ahead to a reduction operation later this year.
Having said all that I am looking forward to a healthy 2014 with minimal hospital visits and lots of time away in the caravan.

Wishing all the July Junkies a wonderful 2014 this is a new start. Health and happiness to you all. I am not forgetting those still in the middle of treatment either heciptin, radiotherapy or still doing chemo. You have be progressing since July the worst is over just a short tine to go now.

Happy days Nette

Happy New Year to all my lovely JJs…

This is the year for chocolate and champagne!

2013 was the year best forgotten, and 2014 will the year to build bridges sgain with ourselves.  

Without all your support I would have been very lost. You are my inspiration,  you are my comfort. We’ll build our lives again. THANK YOU… 

Love you lots




happy new Year junkies

hope you all have a good one.  Im due to finish chemo on Monday am very excited!

Hope that the reason we are all quiet is because everyone is trying to get back to whatever passes as normal
I went to see my GP today and was with her for 45 mins on a 10 min appointment. I ran through the waiting area with my head down. I don’t even stop to make another appointment. She wants to see me after I see the onc. I do hope there is no more bad news out there.
She had a good look at my arms and breast area and she identified some thickening of the breast muscle that needs excercising and massage. She also told me that the tingling in the tips of my fingers and the souls of my feet may not go away as it is caused by damage to the tiny nerve ends at the extremities. She has recommended that I return to swimming and continue with walking.
I told her how angry I am that was not scanned in 2012 before they did my recon mx. I know we can’t go back but she is going to write to the breast clinic and my plastic sureon to find out why the normal checks were not carried out.
I know many of the reasons but they need to know they failed.
I know to most of you this will mean nothing but it is so cathartic to write it down.
I don’t have another outlet unless I start another ribbon and I am not sure whether it is helpful to run a ribbon to highlight problems. Maybe a bcc will advise.

Other than the tingle I feel great and have just found European Inc. Spain annual travel ins for me and OH for £150.00. We are both looking forward to getting our life back and I am hoping life will be better than before. It looks like we may be able to gomfind some winter sun in Feb.

Love to you all and I hope you are all feeling as well as I am.

Chezzap, congratulations on graduating from chemo uni. Hopefully, you are celebrating right now! 


What a nightmare we all went through last few months… we all deserve to have a happy and healthy future ahead of us. 


love to all my JJs…




thanks ladies


nette hope you ok and the rads go well.  Winter sun sounds lovely whereabouts in Spain you thnking of going??

Kat. Thank you so much. Why does it make us feel better to hear of others in a similar boat. Maybe because you have survived and I will too. I would have found it easier without the continual discomfort from the ped tram. I will check out that web site as soon as I hit post. We have never been to France.
Without scare mongering it is worth flaging to all first timers that you are at higher risk of a recurrence once you have had one bc. That is why you get annual checks but only the scans appear to be reliable.
On a positive I went swimming today for the first time since March. I manage 16 length crawl. Not my normal mile but my shoulders worked well and I think Feel a little looser.
Chezzap well done chemo done last last of se. I think I have bounced back well and hope you do to. Are you having rads now?
We are looking at Canaries for winter sun. But as we are committed until Feb then we hit 2 weeks of half term then on 10th March I am booked into center Parcs, sherwood forest I am not sure we are going to manage the winter sun until we are into spring. Maybe we can then think of France.
All the best to everyone

I was beginning to think I was the only one left it has been so quiet.
Well done kat last rad Monday well done. My GP kept reminding me that the rad burn continues for about 3 weeks after so take care and keep using the creams. If fact I saw her last week with a pain under my MX and she said there was some hardening caused by the rads and that the after effects would continue. I finished my rads at the start of Dec.

Bumble lovely to hear from you hope Ian is well. Re your cholesterol I don’t know if it is relevant but my sister got high cholesterol from the meds she was taking and it dropped as soon as she stopped.

Do you remember all the discussion at the start of T about our nails and that Ali, at CH, complained that hers were breaking about 4 months after finishing her chemo. WELL I have two toe nails that look dead from just above the base. My finger nails I had gel nails then last time it was removed I had normal varnish put on as I thought they should be fine now. How wrong was I when I took the varnish off I had 3 nails that were not at least partly dead. I am now thinking I will need to gel nail them again.

I hope everyone else are still looking in and maybe some others will post this weekend. It’s nice to know everyone is progressing well and getting back to the good life.

I don’t see my onc until 10th Feb and before that we are going to Holland for 9 days to be pampered by my cousin and her OH. We didn’t get over last year so we hope to see lots of cousins. My mum was Dutch but regretfull I can’t speak a word beyond thank you but I love to visit.

Love to all JJ
Nette x

I have sent you an email with a link. Returned as email address failed let me know if you get it or not.
Nette x

Hi bumble
I tried sending message back to you again it didn’t work so look in messages on this site.
Nette x

HI all Junkies

Hope evryone is well and some of you have finsihed all active treatment hurrah


Hows Piggsy???


Im due to start rads 6th Feb then its just herceptin for me and a possible reconstruction some way down the line not made decision yet to be honest


take care all onwards and upwards xx

Hello lovely Ladies

Good to see everyone getting on with their lives. Feels like chemo was ages ago, although it’s legacy lives on! I don’t think my fingers and toes belong to me anymore, they’ve been hijacked… Actually every bone in my body is aching, and I haven’t even started Tamoxifen yet!!! I am due to start rads this Friday, 25 sessions plus 4 boosters. I think I am going to be cooked by the end of it. Right now my life a bit slow, but trying to introduce some normality back in. Went to Norfolk for a week staying with a friend, made me realised how tired I am. I don’t think I’ll go back to work until May, need a proper holiday before then. At the moment a trip to LA is on the card, but haven’t made any arrangements. I want to wait and see how I feel after all active treatments. Also may have to move house, as my lanlord passed away and his beneficiaries not interested to keeping this property.  Anyway, everything will always works out…

Is good to hear from you all, July seems to be a long time ago. Let’s keep in touch, and let’s meet up in Spring. Would be nice to put a face on every journey.


Lots of luv,

Mahsa xxxx

HI Mahsa

Good to hear from you we all seem to have gone very quiet which I can onlt take for a good thing.


Sorry to hear about the house and landlord but great news about LA  sounds fantastic.


25 rads sounds a lot doesnt it.  Just keep slapping the E45 on or a friend of mine from August Thread has suggested diprobase which you get on prescription


Take care lovely x

Hi Mahsa, diprobase is good, I also got an ice pack from the chemist. Never put on skin but wrap in a tea towel takes out all the burn. I got gel strips from the unit but they were useless. I took dirobase prescribed by GP in a small pot and put on straight after dose. I did have early morning appointments. 25 does seem a lot but they are easy. But keep on top of any soreness.
Sorry about the house, not what you need now but you seem ok with it, so good luck with the house hunt.
Check out the travel site before planning LA my understanding is insurance for America can be prohibitive. Good luck. There are specialists insurer and everyone is assessed individually. I have manage to get European cover. But a couple of firms wouldn’t touch me cause operation, chemo etc were less than two years.
All the best to all the JJ. July does seem a life time ago but when my armpit burns it is worth remembering that it was only just over 6 month ago.
Love to all

Thanks, Chezz & Nett! 1st rads done, 24 to go. They also confirmed I will have 5 boosters radiation too, so 29 sessions altogether. 


Nett, for European trip I think I will rely on EHIC for emergency medical cover and for trip to US I will look into they cover pre existing conditions at a very reasonable price including USA.


Hope everyone else well and happy! I do miss Piggsy’s long posts and Tamsin too.



great to hear from you Piggsy.


That post made me laugh being from Manchester.  Just count yourselves lucky you have an inside toilet ha ha!  No seriously it must be a shock.  The one thing I cant stand up here is the rain.  Your eyes will be opened to a whole new world… the experience of chips and gravy from the chippy is one not to be missed!!!  Plus learning a whole new vocabulary.  I went to uni in Leeds and even though only 45 mins away lots of different words for same thing.  Ive gotta run and get ready for school run now but good luck with everything and dont stay away too long we missed you.  Only a couple of us here now

Hiya kat Im left side too and having 15


had my port out 2 weeks ago.  It was nt as bad as I thought would be but sore after when the anaesthetic wears off so weatch out for that one!  Its such a rekief to have it out though!!

Piggsy, your post put a smile on my face. Glad to hear you are getting on with your life in the south, and your new life oup north… :womanhappy: please do come back from time to time!


Kat, thanks for your advise and kind words. So far my skin is OK, but I do feel very tired. I am also receiving radiation to the left, but they have assured me that there is a shield between my heart and radiation site. I think the reason my treatment is prolonged is because I didn’t have either chemo or path complete response, and had lumpectomy instead of MX. Anyway, only time will tell.


Chezz, I can feel a bounce in your posts. Keep smiling…


Lots of luv my lovelies,
