Anyone starting chemo in July 2013? We are now the July Junkies!

Booked with jet2. Rang their insurers and spoke to nice man. If you don’t declare an illness you can’t claim but you are covered for everything new. As it is just a week I have taken him at his word and insured for the week in Holland. I can’t imagin what I could claim for regarding the BC or my allergies or reflux they re all under control. I am not sure about going for longer or further a field. I think you may need to check that there is no wriggle room if you need treatment or have an accident but certainly for the BC which we are all cured from and just minus the odd boob, less to insure, I can’t see any problem with taking this route. Is there anyone on the forum with insurance know how. It might be better to have the security of a broker for longer more complicated hols.
Julie last day today i am thinking about you. Bumblebee 16 done 4 to go. Baked more bread yesterday.
Tasmin and whiskers we are thinking of you. Are they on Facebook?
To everyone finishing chemo all the very best. To thoses on rads nearly there. Woopee.
Going for my first long walk today since rads and hematoma drainage. We are going down to the beach to see the damage from last week.
Love and hugs to all Nette x

Well done Julie Rads done just the heceptin to finish now. All the very best.
Bumblebee just 3 days and you are done. Thanks for card it was lovely to get when we got home from our walk.
Nette x

It felt strange but nice not to be back at hospital today, do miss meeting up with my rad buddies but I’m sure we will meet again. Hope everyone is doing ok, roll on next year xx xx xx

Have had 3 herceptins up to now so awhile to go yet, next one is new yrs eve!!! My skins ok from 20 rads too so I’m pleased with how things are at the moment, roll on next year xx xx

Thank you for your best wishes my lovelies, will keep you posted.  


Love you all



Mahsa Good luck with your results. Fingers x
Bumble use the cool pads they are supplied so using them will not effect the treatment. I am sure burn is not making it more effective. I told them I was using ice pack and they just said to make sure it was covered. The ice pack took all the burn out.
Last zap today Bumble, when are you going back to work? Bread baking coming on well taking some to daughter this weekend. G’son had Warburtons into school this weekmsontakingbhim some malt flour asnhe has the bug.
Julie miss you and chatting how is the job going. I am sure you are still busy but are you enjoying it more.
Have managed three good walks this week feeling nearly back to normal. Feet tingling most of the time and finger tips also feel sore. I didn’t notice it whileni was on chemo but I am aware of it all the time now. I will start asking questions on Monday. Hair I am told is growing but if it is it is very sparce. I don’t think it helps being White. Doesn’t look like I will have a covering for Christmas. Boo hoo.
We are doing a run down to Leicester today for grandson’s 10th birthday. Where have all the years gone.
For the first time in years we posted overseas cards before the dead line. UK cards still on the table for next week.
To everyone else there must be more finishing rads and some going into last week.
Piggys I would use the cream and the aloe as they do different things. I am still slapping in the cream and using the sofie most of the time as the gel boob seems to draw out the heat.
Have a lovely weekend everyone. Bumble go celebrate you are done. But stay in touch.
I have a bone scan for the lerozole in Jan and all other appointments in Feb. Really could do with some reassurance after two BC in two years. Collecting questions for onc.
Greeting to all have a great weekend.
Nette x

Whoopee Bumblebee you are cooked. Enjoy the weekend knowing it is over.
Love to OH from us
Nette x

Hello Lovelies


looks like at long last light is showing at the end of this long and dark tunnel! Path result showed a clear margins of 4mm which is good. They said even though the lump wasn’t shrunk as much, but what they took out was dead cancer cells. 15 LNs was removed,  4 positive. They are referring me for Rads, but have to wait until scars are healed, and until I am able to stretch my arm above my head. Right now my arm doesn’t stretch that far, as I have a painful seroma formed underarm. Do you have any tips on how to cope with seroma and how long does it take to soften up? On hair front, my facial hair coming out fast and furious. Eyebrows growth are all in the wrong place! It more looks like I have hairy eyelids :smileyhappy: I think I can allow myself to breathe out and relax for a while. One thing concerns me is after finishing rads, you are not being checked until annual mammogram. At our hospital tamoxifen are also managed by nurses and not oncologists. Anyway, for this next few weekends I shall not let this things to bother me too much!

Hope everyone doing well, and on top of xmas shopping and festivities preparation. Looking forward to many cancer free years ahead for us all. 

Love you lots,

Mahsa xxxx

Wonderful news. And so good to hear. If tumor cells are dead you know chemo worked and that is throughout the body so very real and comforting result.
Seroma May need sryinging off until fluid is a manageable amount. I had a drain in for about a week post surgery then syringed off for about 4 weeks. The first few weeks were twice a week. My breast nurse did it and was a real expert. After that . Think you can only massage and do your excercises. The exercisese are very important and I find I still havevto do them every day for max comfort.
Well done again brilliant news. Rads are easy. Just time consuming.
Nette x

Kat don’t worry about tatoo I am sure they will know where to look and on the off chance yours did not take it will be a quick job to retat. All the best for Tuesday if you have had your LN removed remember to do your arm exercises.
I think my hair is at last showing some sign of growth with fuzzy bits above the ears. I certainly have one new black hair on my lip!!! My mum always said life was not fair.
To everyone else all the very best for next week.
Julie hope you are ok and not working to hard. You are still in recovery so take care.
Sleep tight
Nette x

Hi BoF
Dont be to hard on yourself. I am sure the mood swings and strops are to do with being let loose after treatment. It is scarey and also since treatment ended all the fears that have not been allowed to surface are suddenly flaring. Also are you on hormone treatment. If you arebyou May be revertingnto horrid teenager or mad menopausal. I am the second and really quite scared. I am hoping my ONC will set my mind at rest but I don’t see him till Feb.
Ok the mouse problem, I used humane traps for months but the problem kept returning and I travelled miles to release. In the end I hit the bait and the problem was sorted. Sorry mice. They have got their own back . Now have a problem with slugs. Ugh!!
Best wishes to all Nette x

Hi my lovlies sorry not posted for a while.


So heartening to hear most of you are almost finished with the rads or actually finished now.  Im still plodding through chemo it is taking forever!  3 more left!!!


Congrats mahsa on a positive path report.  A quick question when you say 4/15 nodes do you mean they still ahd active cancer cells in when removed or was the cancer in the 4 nodes all dead cells???


hope evertone doing well

Mahsa hope all was well when you saw onc yesterday.
Hope everyone is ok going into the weekend
Nette x

Last post was to Chezzap not Mahsa.
Chemo brain still a live and not functioning.

HI Mahsas how was onc visit? Did you find out anything new?

Mahsa so sorry for that news.  Makes you wonder why they didnt just do surgery first then chemo as a belts and braces approach!

Hi Mahsa, sorry about your news. We rely heavily on getting the right treatment from our doctors. I know I didn’t get the best last year but I think that was mainly, I think, because I slipped through gaps in the system when I cross NHS trusts. I have found my GP very helpful in deciphering information. It sometimes helps if you can get info from more than one. They all have seperate specialisiams.
I will echo piggsy thanks for the support everyone has offered this year. I feel I have made friends. Thank you all.
I will send Christmas greeting nearer the time because dispite the number of shopping days left I have a wedding to attend tomorrow and daughter and grandchildren to see in York before travelling down to other daughter in Leicester.

Love and best wishes to you all.
Nette x

Hi Everyone
I have to share I am so excited. I have nasel hair, definit signs of brow growth. I am sure there is also some lash movement. Despite still having a shiny head there is bum fluff round my ears and it feels like the baby hair is growing round the back of my head. I am so excited. Never thought I would rejoice at getting the tweezers out but took 3 off my top lip last night.
Actually beginning to believe I may some day soon look normal again. I had my last T on 22.11.13. It seems ages ago which is a good sign I think.
Of to a wedding today in my new dress.
Nette x

Hi Kat, I am surecJulie had trouble with heart at start of H and she has been cleared. I am sure she will post and tell you all.
My hair is DEFINITELY growing. Whoopee.
Wishing everyone a happy Christmas and lets vote for a healthy New year. Anyone having treatment through the holiday period eat mince pies.

Dear my lovely JJs,


May you have a splendid Christmas filled with lights, songs and cheer, wherever you are and whatever you doing…! 


Sending you warm bear hugs, kisses, and best wishes.


Love you all,

Mahsa xxx


‘Santa, if you are listening, all we want for Christmas is healthy, happy long life. For our short term wish perhaps you can speed up our recovery, we’d like more hair on our head, fast growing eyelashes, eyebrows growing in the right place, nice healthy nails, and no pain…’