Anyone starting chemo in July 2013? We are now the July Junkies!

Hi Lola65 _ thanks for popping in… it’s nice to have someone else on TCH. I hear what you’re saying about a port - I’ll have 18 rounds, too - but they aren’t recommending one for me at least yet… How’s it going? Any tips for surviving THC? I.m only on Day 4 1st round and having a lot of peripheral neuropathy & numbness in my lips, tongue and jaw.

Morning Junkies,
Hope everyone is feeling OK

Wow Positivelady that was dramatic, thank heavens for good friends. At least you know they will keep a close eye on you now.
Happy Birthday Justyt

Tamsin my OH and his best friend are TdeF nuts and I have lived with it through more summers than i can remember, but I still don’t get it !!?? I just enjoy the scenery. We usually bat over to France once or twice a year so I’m having withdrawls.
Well I now have dry skin with spots!! nasty red boils!! my daughter has bought me a teatree and witch stick.
Every day in every way I’m getting better and better.
Kat xx

Oh piggsytrotter, you are not alone with your attitude I have been much the same. Sure my attitude will change once I have the chemo unit visit. Marion09 your histology is the same as mine except I had vascular involvement too. Also just had 2nd wle. Tamsin are are you having another wle? I told my bcc that i wouldnt have a 3rd wle so he had better have got all this time. Due to 2nd and hopefully final op chemo won’t start until August as i dont get results until 25th July.

Sam xx

Morning JJ’s
Well I feel great! Had some good news today in that son has date for return 26th Nov and my bestest best friend’s lump in her stomach was benign and not the same cancer that her father died from, phew.
I have been for iced coffee with a friend and pruned the roses, lovely.
My hair is coming out in handfuls, but do I care !! (not today thats for sure) trying to hang on to it for this week as lunch out tomorrow and then party on Thursday.
Good luck to nell42 who I think starts today and Senga, Debaliscious and saladJules who go to the bar tomorrow.
Hold your nose and jump in
Love to all Kat xxx

Just booked appt at Trendco for a wig fitting. Will let you know how it goes
Kat xx

Hi orange at, not started chemo yet, that joy to come! Does bc nurse help with advice about where to go for wigs or is it down to individual to research and find? Not going to cope well with losing hair and would like to get stuff prepared. Omg hate this disease, you sound so positive , thankyou does help, had surgery and ga today home now so prob ga makin me feel bit down, hope it wears of soon did last time, x

Hey Kat, When you get news like that life just seems so much rosier! Happy days .
Hope those of you being Junked up either today or tomorrow do it in style!

Hi j j,s. well last scan out of the way, now playing the waiting game again, ( not sure my poor heart can take much more lol ) hope those of you. Starting this week have few and small S.E. and pop into tell those of us joining them in the next couple of weeks how they are coping , it’s great that you have had some good news kat, long may it continue. Lols I’m with you on the hair thing, absolutely dreading that, I’m going to give the cc a shot, but still want to arm myself with a wig just in case, I really admire those of us that are going along the scarves and bandana route, prob would be so much easier and comfortable , but I know if I start getting pitying looks in asda or wherever I will feel worse. My thoughts and good wishes are with you all Lynda

Hi, just popped in from the February Valentines to see how you are all doing.
Lols, when I went to the chemo open day (just before starting chemo) among all the blurb they sent me home with, was a parking permit for 6 months and a voucher for a wig, with a list of all the local hairdressers who would provide a wig with the voucher. I don’t think all hospitals do this though. I should ask your BCN, or wait until you get the invite to visit the chemo day unit.

Wishing you all luck and hoping you are coping with this HOT, HOT weather…PHEW (sweating, not blushing)
Poemsgalore xxx

Ok poems thanks for that I’m dreading losing hair, although in this weather might be godsend!!! Hot or what ? Someone did te ll me you get a voucher in Wales so hopefully I will and going to get organised and order some bandana things. Keep cool x thanks again don’t get much info from team unless I nag and im sure they think I’m a pain at times ( I probably am ) x

Afternoon ladies. Struggling a bit with the heat today, hardly a breathe of wind so practising lying on sofa ready for chemo SEs!
Orangecat, glad you’re feeling good. Good news is still good news, no matter who it’s about.
Lois, I went to Hair clinic today, although hair will be around for approx another 4 weeks. I’m dreading my hair coming out, so I’m having it cut really short next Tues ready for chemo on 26. Can’t bear the thought of getting up and leaving my hair on the pillow. I don’t suppose it will be that dramatic, but I have a very active imagination lol. Have chosen a wig, but they’re sending me two because they didn’t have a sample and my hair is naturally very fair. I just have to take what I don’t want back to hosp. Wig is heavily subsidised but nevertheless having cancer isn’t cheap. Haven’t got any turbans/bandanas/scarves yet, suppose I must focus on that next week.
Benedictus, how are you doing? How appalling that you’re facing more surgery. Judging by the amount of women having more than one operation, I don’t think they take big enough margins. Hope your third op is finally the last one…
Pollyanne, the waiting is absolutely the worst bit. I thought about cold cap, but then thought no if I’m having to go through all this sh*t I want the chemo to get to every single molecule! But we’re all different and I hope it works for you.
The thing about BC is that it affects the two most important elements that single us out as being women. I can’t think of any disease that affects men in such a visual way.
Nell42 how did you get on with your PICC line? I’m having mine put in Thursday week. You’re having your treatment back to front then? Chemo then surgery. Fingers crossed it makes a massive difference to the surgery.
Amandamangus it is frightening when they tell you one thing, and then it turns out to be the opposite. I hoped that because all my scans were clear that I might avoid chemo. No such luck. I think most of us are more scared of the chemo than surgery.
Pollyanne, welcome to the club none of us wanted to join. I’m hoping the apprehension I’m feeling about the chemo will turn out be unfounded – pause for hollow laughter.
Welcome, welcome welcome to everyone else. This just such a sh*t time for all of us, but hopefully we can support one another.
For now, I’m going to concentrate on the lovely weather and the prospect of letting my hair down at Larmer Tree, while I still have it hahaha! x

Sorry Pollyanna didnt read all posts ga brain from this mornings surgery still in a bit of a mist! I’m gonna try toecap too wouldn’t mind it right now with this heat. ! Like you worried people will look at me with pitying looks, but I don’t look at others like that to be honest I think they are brill daring to go out with no hair (girl power). My OH doesn’t know why im worried about it but he hasn’t had hair for years his attitude is , you’ve done nothing wrong, be proud your dealing with it, hold your head high, and think of all that expensive hair product stuff you will save on, so glad for his support, however I’ve been with him for 7 years and he’s only known me with shoulder length or longer blonde curly hair so we will soon see if its all talk
good luck with chemo keep us posttaxtax

Lol@ toecap predictive text? Your OH sounds a very wise caring man, and what he says is absolutely right in the scheme of things the hair loss stuff oughtn’t be so important to us ( I’m trying so hard to convince myself here ) . Thank you for the welcome Piggys , your only going to be 4 days behind me so we will be able to compare SE,s

Sorry my I pad doesn’t think along the same lines as me!! I should read before posting x blinking predictive txt I am constantly re typing. It’s obviously never heard of a cold cap, lucky thing!! X

Hi All,
I did indeed go to the bar today and got loaded up. Drugs went onboard between 4pm and 5pm and at the moment I am feeling ok. Have come home with loads of anti sickness drugsand instructions to take them even if not feeling sick, at least for the first three days. Also sipping my way through lots of fluids, but not much appetite - dont think its the drugs just all the anxiety of the day.
Got my travel bands on, had a few ginger biscuits and currently sipping a lemon and ginger herbal tea. My best friend just text with the words “Hi hun, hope ya ok…keep sucking the ginger”!!!

Piggstrotter - honestly, having the PICC line fitted was painless. I didnt look, they loaded me up with local aneathestic and it was absolutely fine…and I have small veins and they had a little hunt around to find a suitable one.

Its been a long day, and what with a combination of anxiety and this soaring heat I didnt get much sleep last night so I am really hoping that i can get at least a few hours tonight.

Sorry for posting the last one twice, and also forgetting to answer Piggsytrotter question.I had surgery on 10 June - WLE and ANC. Although 2 margins were not clear, so am having chemo and then going back for a bit more surgery on those 2 margins.

Hi all. Good to hear everyone’s updates.
bit tired at mo so will try to be brief. Had pre-chemo echo today and all fine with heart.
Then had my CT and PET scan. CT very weird feeling when they put the iodine in - u can feel it make its way through the body - interesting study in how veins work!
Both were non scary (think MRI is meant to be worse), though I did close my eyes to help me relax (and keep still!)
worst thing is the no eating - breakfast at 7 and nothing till 5.30pm! (am not a good fast-er!). Am only just taking my second lot of steroids now so hope i dont get indigestion/insomnia later
re head scarves, I’m thinking it will help break the ice with people. My current thoughts are I would rather people know and then they don’t feel they have to guess or refrain from asking asking questions (although as others have said, not sure how I will deal with pitying looks…)
Lols - one of the breast care team (not sure which!) phoned me and gave me info about chemo tips and sent me 2 links of wig people in my area so reckon someone on your team (Bcn?) should know
Tamsin - you sound a little happier? Hope so X
nell42 keep us updated on how you are after the chemo. Am wondering when I will start to feel bad
good luck for those joining me tomorrow…hope they are easy on us!
humph - so much for brief!

Thanks salad jules, another thing to nag bc n about they don’t phone me much, so il phone them again!! Good luck tomorrow hope se not to bad or month at all that would be nice, take care x

Hi ladies. Just popping in from the Jewels. I’m day 5 cycle 2 and have very patchy hair now! It’s too hot for my wig and I’ve only worn it to work as I work in a sch and don’t want to scare the kids!! Re scarves I made the mistake of ordering lots of patterned ones and now realise they don’t go with things, so I’d recommend some plain ones. Annabandana is reasonable, The India shop sells plain cotton ones and Deresina does lovely hats that look glam andvery Jackie O :wink:
Take care ladies.I’ve found my s/e’s this cycle to be very different from my last so take each day as it comes.
Enjoy the sun. Emma xx

I am absolutely hyper, cant relax, but good luck to Debalicious and Salad Jules who join me at the bar tomorrow. Hope its not as bad as we all think
Senga x