Anyone starting chemo in July 2013? We are now the July Junkies!

Yes. Was meant to be in bed at 9 but here I am 11.30 still reading the forums - I like to feel prepared! (Control freak)

To those ladies stepping up to the bar tomorrow. Good luck, and let us know how you get on, when you are able.

I am still feeling ok. Legs are aching a bit, and I am feeling tired but then it is almost midnight!!!

Hi can I join the July Junkies? Will have 3 FEC & 3 T. One FEC down and 2nd FEC coming up next week.

Hi rhubarb! Of course you can - the more the merrier! A lot of the Junkies are having FEC-T so you will be able to compare and complain over the se . Hope all has gone well for you so far
Tamsin x

Hi rhubarb, welcome, I’m starting FEC-T as well next week, and getting the collywobbles even thinking about it, be these lovely ladies are here to support and cheer us up which is a great comfort . Glad to hear your feeling ok nel, long may it continue. sending best wishes for all the ladies having their cocktails and hoping all your S.E are lickle ones x

well I am now at day 15 and have still had no SE. I think I posted before about the steriod injection affecting me more but again it just made my back, neck and head ache to touch from around 4pm on day 4 till lunch time day 5…so I really have no complaints.
For me this first cycle has been psychologically worse than anything physical; I have been waiting to feel ill! I was scared to be alone in the house on my own for the first week and then scared to leave the house full stop. I got to day 7 and thought ENOUGH I am choosing life so fek this Cancer and I am not going to miss good days. I drove upto Dunbar last Friday for a weekend in the sun at the caravan (yes a metal box in 400 degree heat, that was a wise choice lol) with my little boy and met my niece there with her little girl so we have three days with the kids in blistering heat and me trying to find shade but we had lots of laughs and I even had a glass of wine and a couple of beers!
My 2nd cycle is due on the 24th so I am not sure I will be as scared but I am expecting different things this month but I will not be sitting waiting to be bad that is for sure. I couldn’t shake the feeling of counting down the hours to make another day to get to November which is just mad. My hair is now coming away more and more, I wanted to try and make it till Friday then I don’t have to face the school run but we are thinking of shaving it tomorrow, I will see if I can still make it.
So all in all, a nervous tummy, a couple of days of loose bowl movements (could have been anything I’d eaten not necessarily chemo), 1 small mouth ulcer, some nausea but ginger snaps were able to help and for the first 4 days I was tired so all in all I think I have done incredibly well. I know we are all different but the fear is the scary part in all of this, 4 weeks ago when I got my wig I was distraught, now I am thinking you know what; I DON’T CARE. My little boy, my OH and I are the ones living through this and we are ok with it, so if anyone else has a problem then more fool them.
Raaaaaa that felt good :wink: For all who are still waiting or just gone through the first session, I can honestly say my mind was worse than anything I felt.

Take care lovely ladies

x x

Thanks Benedictus & Pollyane.
I actually began FEC-T last few days of June. Having 3 FEC & 3 T.
Number 2 FEC coming up shortly now in 3rd week. Having cold cap - might help.
Pollyanne; Just take the bull by the horns. After the Chemo think one down 5 to go…Don’t worry - 'cos there is nothing you can do about it.
These were my side effects from 1st cycle of FEC; Week 1 - first few days; flushed cheeks and neck, mild flu like symptoms and headache, needed to nap. Able to function but not on full power. Week 2 Catarrh / phlegm, very dry throat and mouth, sore tongue, ulcer on tongue, cold sore in nostril, metallic taste in mouth, one cyst, cramp, lots of naps. Week 3; hair is falling out but not noticeable yet, tearful most days.
Hope this helps!

hi all. got back home from first chemo about 5.30 pm (11am start), had dinner and now chilling in front of TV! All fine so far. Thanks Karen for your thoughts - that is kind of how I am feeling in terms of I don’t want to waste the good days but want to stay near home in case it turns into a bad day! So, good to hear your experience - makes me want to keep doing normal things rather than wait for the bad days. Meant to be a support group near me tomorrow so I will definetely try and go to that and meet some more ladies.
Welcome Rhubarb, hope you’re not too worried - the support from the laides on here is great. Good to have others in the same boat

sorry Rhubard - posts crossed. Sorry also your SE’s are getting you down. Must be hard to pinpoint which is the worst one so you can tackle that first. Hope they settle down soon. Remember it will end but probably doesn’t help when you are in the middle of it. hugs x

Salad Jules - glad your feeling ok. I continue to be ok, just napped on and off all day on the sofa. Dont think the heat is helping, but if that all I can complain about today then its a good day :slight_smile:

hiya ladies, well got my wig today everyone so far has seemed impressed ( but still hoping I don’t need it ) this cancer business is damn expensive so far lol. so glad to hear your S.E not too troublesome Karen , hope it stays that way, rhubarb yours sound a bit more uncomfortable hope next time you tolerate it better . Nel and jules hope you keep as well as you sound right now

Hi J.Js, First chemo,long day,went in at 9.30 and didnt come out until 4pm. I was suppose to be having 6 x Fec but have now been told it will be 3 x Fec and 3 xT :frowning: I was quite uptight just before they started putting the chemo in but after first five minutes I calmed down and apart from an uncomfortable feeling in my nose everything went ok. I think its the fear of the unknown that gets to you, then once you start you just get on with it.(nothing else for it really).
I had some pasta and lots of water when I came home and then went for a gentle walk as I had a muzzy headache and thought some fresh air might clear it. I was feeling a wee bit nausous but that might be due to the headache, so will wait and see.
Salad Jules and Nell 42 - glad everything seems to be ok for the moment, hope it keeps up.
Welcome Rhubarb - I think its helps we can all see the different S.E. we each have, it sort of prepares you for what might happen.
Karen- wholeheartly agree with everything you said!
Well ladies, i have my travel bands on, sipping a cuppa tea with my ginger biscuit (I hate ginger) and will try and have an early night and see what tomorrow brings.
Take care all.
Senga x

Good evening ladies. Another warm evening nr Stonehenge.
Wow Nazgirl. How brilliant for you. Are you on FEC-T or some other concoction? I agree, for me the psychological aspect of this journey has been worse than the reality, so far. I start Fri week and the closer it gets the more apprehensive I’m starting to feel.
Rhubarb it’s good to hear other people’s reactions to these drugs, although I’m sorry yours are so many. I’ll be on the same regime as you. I know we’re all different so I’m not necessarily going to feel the same as anyone else, but it does help to know what might happen.
Salad Jules that was a long day. My app is at 9.00 so I guess I should expect for OH and I to be there for most of the day.
Nel42 hope you continue to do well. Thanks for the info about the PICC line, I feel a bit better about it now.
Senga and Debalicious, hope you’re both doing OK. Senga, thanks for letting us know your experience in such detail. It’s definitely fear of the unknown that’s affecting me.
Pollyanne, hope you don’t need the wig but glad people are impressed. I just hope mine doesn’t look like something dead plonked on my head! They didn’t have a sample for me to try on.
How’s everyone else doing? Benedictus, Pironm, Orangecat?
I’m getting quite excited about going to the Larmer Tree. Be just what I need to take my mind of all this medical crap. I hate camping, but we’ve got an enormous tent and hurrah, it doesn’t sound as though it’s going to rain. How lucky is that.
Sweet dreams junkies. Hope we all have a restful night. x

Start chemo tomorrow 18th. I quite anxious about it like everyone else fear of
The unknown. I got my wig yesterday and must say I was impressed with it.
I have EC chemo and will get six treatments.
It is good to know there are others out there

Morning JJ’s from sunny Hampton Court, did anyone see the early morning weather forcast from Hampton pool yesterday?? I do miss my swim especially in this weather.
Well this morning my daughter said I looked like a cool hippy with my scarf from the old dressing up box on my head!! but it is covering a dead rat, a mat of hair. I had my hair cut quite short but I think what happens is as hair falls out it it continues to hang on to surrounding hair ending up with a lump of mat and the more I try and comb it with my wide toothed comb the worse it gets. Going to ring hairdresser and see if he can shave it off ??? Not sure I’m brave enough for that. Having wig fitting tomorrow so can’t turn up in Kensington looking like a matty tramp. Lois my mother in law is treating me to this and I also have appt for NHS wig at Suttton, but if this is good I’ll cancel.
Rhubarb I too have lots of annoying SE’s the one this week is tooth ache, my little gums are red and angry and I’m using my soft tooth brush and I’m now on the corsodyl cause the aloe vera t’paste did nothing. Sucking ice helps and I went to bed clutching one of those blue ice picnic bricks to my face.
Naz you are what the Junkies are about.
So to all the ladies who have been to the bar keep drinking water like a fish. I’m off to try and sort my hair.
Piggsytrotter enjoy Larmer Tree and listen to Van for me.
Kat xx

Evening JJ’s, how is this fine Wednesday treating you all? Well today has been the most monumental of not only my life but also my relationship! Today my OH cut my hair and then slowly shaved it down. Started with a number 4 and I am now “loving, in this heat” a No1 all over which is no mean feat considering my hair was half way down my back…however it was also on every surface in the house and I was sick - so put that in your pipe Chemo!!!
I cried myself to sleep last night but it was more about the thought of my OH seeing me like that and also my precious baby however today I had physio and another magical little pop of one of those nasty cords I have since the ALNC (am I the only one that thinks of some sort of Nelson Mandela reference when I type those letters?). Once the pop happened it felt easier to move my arm and also was a sense of release.
My OH and I sat in the garage and then the fun started; I took a couple of pics with hair and then slowly as each stage emerged another few pics. It was neither traumatic or upsetting but filled with trust and love. If I tell that man every day of my life that I love him it will never be enough, despite being hard for him to do he made me feel loved and that it made no difference to who I am. So the “wiglet” got it’s first outing on the school run this afternoon. I was so very nervous but in reality only a few mum’s know and those that did were so impressed by how good it looked. The three of us got home and we sat down with our little boy and said remember the medicine that is going to make mummy’s hair fall out, well we cut it really short to make it easier. His response has made me a very proud mummy indeed and shows that if everyone is involved then it doesnt have to be traumatic. He asked if I was wearing my wig and when I said yes he tried to pull it off. Now considering I was worried a gust of wind would blow “wiglet” off he couldn’t pull it off which was a relief.
When I whipped off the wig to reveal the grand shaving he burst out laughing and said you look like daddy in a dress. The laughter we shared made me so relieved that he was not phased by it so here I sit typing this in all my “almost” bald glory; it is very liberating and also taking some small grain of control back into our life which has been lacking in the last 4 months and will almost certainly be in the next 3-4 months.
Yes piggsytrotter I am on 3 x FEC and then 3 x T although only 2 FEC to go…the day before my first session I drunk almost 3 litres of fluid and around 1 1/2 to 2 litres on the day of chemo and was giving the preverbial stall horse a run for it’s money but I was told to do that to help flush it through combined with tomato soup as they would both help with sickness and for me it worked. Not sure I shall be as lucky on cycle 2 but no reason not to think it will be the same!
Dear me orangecat toothache on top of all of this is a nightmare, hope that it gets sorted soon. I hope the wig fitting goes well for you, i’ve had mine for weeks and it really doesnt fit well until there is none of your own hair left. Piggsytrotter enjoy the festival and sing your heart out.

Karen, that account of your head shave actually brought tears to my eyes, what a lovely way to do it. It makes me feel a bit shallow for trying to hold on to mine , well done for being brave enough to take control. Best wishes to all that are getting any SE, may they all be small and few. Lynda

Hi I am new on here, noticed this post, I start my chemo Tues 23rd July, the day before my daughters 22nd birthday, every 3 weeks for 18 weeks, have an appt at the hospital tomorrow to discuss all this, its very daunting, I have a massive needle phobia too which is scaring me even more!!!

Hi Julie, welcome, you have found the right place to come , know exactly how your feeling I’m starting chemo on Monday 22nd so we will be able to compare notes. i too have a daughter who has a birthday. Next week she will be 23 . please try not to get in a panic about the needles, but make sure you tell the staff of your fears , I’m sure they will make sure they take every care to treat you gently, and at least you know there are lots of people here to support you and answer any questions, good luck and best wishes for Tuesday . Lynda

Morning JJ’s,
Naz that was beautiful, you have a wonderful man there.
My very own wonderful man took the kitchen scissors to mine this morning and I’m afraid the term “should have gone to spec savers” comes to mind. But its cool and yes the shedding is awful. I once read of a lady on a hot day driving and opened her window for a through breeze and it all blew off!!! Some of the June Jewels are hoovering their heads!!
Had a chat with onc this morning and I can go and see the dentist, at last. Saying that he can’t do anything??!! but if I need antibiotics I can.
Hi Julie and welcome to the gang. Lots of lovely ladies here to chat to and help you through.
Kat xx