Apri 2016 chemo starting? Please join!

I’m heading off on hols this morning will be back in touch when home 5 April before starting chemo on 6th. Lots of luck to anyone starting in next couple weeks Sarah xx

Sarah have a fabulous time ?

Thank you ???

Hi I’m new to the group joined last week trying to navigate it currently.  I start my first chemo (fec) on Tuesday, really anxious and am thinking of trying the cold cap but as I’m known for always  being cold how will I be able to stick it out.  Really need to know how tired I’m going to be as I have two boys 8 and 5 and I dont want them worrying about me.  Will I be able to go out with them if I’m up to it?  Used to being strong but not feeling it today :frowning:

Hi Sian, I’m dropping in from the Jan starters and I’m day 10 of my 4th cycle now. I’m having FEC-T, so have finished the FEC part and just had the T (docetaxol)
In answer to your question, I divided my treatment into 3 seperate weeks. First 7 days I knew I’d be feeling rubbish so I wrote everything off - cooking, cleaning etc and anything I did was a bonus! Next 7 days I was feeling able to do more and felt better but as my immune system was low I was careful who visited although I did go to Cardiff to meet my son and went round the shops and pizza express. Then the last 7 days I visited work, and went out and about.
That is just a vague guideline for you, my ‘kids’ are 24 and 22 and living away from home so it is different for me, but try and get as much help as you can for the first few days. There are ladies in the other monthly threads going through this with young children, if you post your question on say the Feb or March threads or the Jan one, I know they will be more than happy to help you with their experiences. I know one has been able to take her little girl up to the park most days :slight_smile:
Good luck for your first treatment and to you all starting your treatment in April. I will be dropping in on you to see how you are all getting on! And Di T hesitate to drop in on all the other threads for advise (or a good moan!) whenever you feel like it!!
Take care, Kim xxx

Hello ladies. I had my first EC on 22nd March so thought I would drop in on your group as cycle 2 is 12th April. I felt really rough for the first 3 days and the sickness was horrible. Got some different anti sickness tablets on day 4 and felt better within hours. So don’t suffer like i did. Ring the chemo nurses and tell them. I assumed it was normal but your meds should work and if they don’t there are plenty others to try.

Sianbun…I did the cold cap and it’s bearable. Like you I am always complaining I’m cold and my work colleagues laughed when I told them about the cold cap. Take a couple of paracetamol just as you arrive at the hospital as this helps stop brain freeze. The first 15 mins were the worst but no where near as bad as I thought . After that I did get used to it. They even unplugged me twice so I could go to the loo. It was on for 30 mins before chemo, during the chemo and then for 2 hours after. Then it has to warm up for about 10 mins before they take it off.

I would definitely say give it a go. If it’s not for you then you can ask them to take it off. I was determined to try it at least once as I didn’t want to look back when my hair had gone and think “what if”.

Good luck to all April ladies starting on this horrible journey. We can do it!!!

Helen xx

Hi all…

Back from hols to this lovely sunny weather… not!

Good to hear from different people  about advice for prep for what’s to come…

Dreading it to be honest… I have a funny feeling that a very crazy toddler is going to keep me busy through it all… is there anyone else with small children who has managed to get their head round how to plan/run the next few months? I have had lots of offers of support from friends and family but it is just really hard to know what to take them up on… argrgrggrg!!! Rant over, night all…

Btw… how is everyone else doing who has started treatment already? Are you still out there?!xxxx

Hi Leo,  glad you enjoyed your hollibobs (a big of warm weather wouldn’t go a miss here I agree!). I have my pre assessment tomorrow  and start my 1st chemo Wednesday so really starting to kak myself now.  Going shopping for bits today and as I decided not to cold cap had wig fitting yesterday and it looked great :relaxed:.


My kids are 10 so bit older  than yours but am also worried about the day to day practicalities of it all, I am glad that the 1st session has landed in the hols so I can hopefully get a bit of an idea of how I will be and plan.  I am not very good at asking for help but I think it’s a case  of accept anything on offer that will make it easier for the family. 


I had my first chemo 13 days ago and luckily the sickness tablets worked well for me and other than a ‘strange’ feeling in my mouth which makes food taste v strange, my side effects have been minimal & I hope the same goes for everyone ? I have been brushing my teeth with a soft toothbrush after every meal and rinsing with Corsodyl alcohol-free mouth wash and so far so good with avoiding mouth ulcers.
Second session on the 11th April, which has come around pretty fast… Wld definitely recommended Picc line, the whole process was painless and kinder to your veins.
Today, my hair is starting to shred so am thinking clippers tomorrow & wig, oh the joy!
Loolyboo xxx

Hello ladies! I’m starting to lose hope that I will be an April starter as my first oncology appointment isn’t until 11th? What do you think from your experiences?

Loolyboo you sound like you’re taking it all in your stride. So pleased! Fills me with optimism lol!

Sunshine1, you hear so many bad side effects from chemo that I was pleasantly surprised that it is very ‘do-able’ & I know it’s early days yet but fingers crossed, each session takes a similar path for all of us ?
I’ve just had a quick look at your blog, wow! Soooo inspirational ?

Ah I hope it continues like that for you!

Thanks! Im enjoying writing it…finding it hard not to turn it into a place to moan at the moment though lol xxx

Hi all…

Sunshine 1… you sound like an April starter too, even if you are not you are very welcome to join us… what is your blog? That sounds impressive… 

Helly… good luck, will be thinking of you, big hugs and post back here when you are up to it…

Looby… glad you are doing ok, was thinking of you too… Hope your next session is good to you too…

Thanks for the advice, I am due for pre assessment on Friday… is that when they tell you about all this sort of stuff? I know very little at present…

Also… probably a stupid question, I will probably try the cold cap… however, are what point are people wig shopping? Is it a straightforward thing to sort out quickly? I don’t want to get one if I don’t need one, but expect I probably will…

Oh it’s all too bloody complicated!

On a more positive note… I am starting to plan the best Xmas ever this year for when this is all over… anyone relevancy doing  the same?!

Take care all… Hope to hear from you soon xxx

I hope so, Leo!

boobieblogblog.wordpress.com/ << here’s my blog if you’d like to have a read!

How long did you wait from your first oncology appointment to your pre chemo apt? I’ve had surgery…just waiting for chemo to start and getting very impatient! Xx

Hi sunshine, love the blog, that brought back some memories  as we had 5 cycles of I’ve before  we had our cherubs, good luck. From seeing oncologist to starting Wednesday took only 2 weeks with easter in between do hopefully  you won’t wait long.

Hi everyone hope we are all well this morning. I’m leaving Florida tonight, home tomorrow for blood tests, start chemo on Wednesday afternoon and after 10 days of avoiding thinking about it reality is kicking in and I’m terrified now. I’m planning to try the cold cap, saw the tip about the paracetamol. Loolyboo glad you did not suffer too much also saw the tip about not putting up with sickness so thanks. Hope everyone has a feeling well day today love Sarah xx

Hello everyone.


I don’t come on the BCC Forum very much anymore, but as I’ve just realised that tomorrow is the 5th anniversary of my first chemo, I thought I would dip in with a few words of reassurance and encouragement. I won’t give any major practical advice, I see that ladies who have gone through chemo more recently have already done that. 


I can still remember how apprehensive about it I was - the unknown is always scary. All I will say is that I had the ‘Full Monty’ of treatment - mx and node clearance with immediate LD Flap recon, FEC-T chemo and 25 sessions of rads, I managed to keep working at least part time through most of it, got in the odd weekend away and carried on riding horses whenever I could - and I’m single, live alone and my nearest family is 200 miles away (fab friends are much nearer :smileyhappy: ),


Five years on and I’m well, happy and living life to the full. I wish I hadn’t had to go through it, but it has given me one lovely thing - some very dear and lifelong friends that I wouldn’t have met otherwise. 


Good luck with your treatments, I hope they are kind to you - remember to be kind to yourselves.



Wow D, well done u, what can inspiring post  ☺.

I went to pre assessment today  and all being well start 1st fec  on wednesdsy (started antibiotics for skin infection Sunday  but hopefully not an issue as clearing fast!). I also but the bullet and nipped into the maggies centre whilst u was there and met some lovely  people would very much recommend it x

Hi hope I’m as fortunate hopefully minimal side effects. I’m nervous now just want to get it over with x

Massive good luck for those starting chemo this week ?

Keeping my fingers crossed that we are all as lucky as those with minimal symptoms!

I’m so nervous with at least 2 weeks to wait till I start. Thank you for info ladies! Big hugs to all who need them ?