Apri 2016 chemo starting? Please join!

Right the day has finally come and I am s*!^g  myself! 1st fec here we come x

Just as a by the by I went for a headstrong appointment  yesterday and would recommend it, very helpful.

Good luck helly I start today too I’m on EC only didn’t need the F whatever it stands for!! Appointment at 1.30 I’m very nervous too. Will keep everything crossed for us both I’m cold capping I hope to be able to stand it. Xx

Hope all goes well 2day ladies, thinking of you ?
Loolyboo xxx

Well it wasn’t horrendous and the cold cap wasn’t as bad as expected, like lots of people have said the first 10/15 mins was the worst but I managed it, hope yours was ok too helly and fingers crossed not too poorly next few days. Love sarah xx

Sarah glad you managed the cold cap you are braver than me?.  They asked about picc line and i said yes please , oh are you needle phobic, no but veins crap to find. After cannula in nurse agreed picc was an excellent  idea I am booked in before no.2 lol.

Didn’t like the epibrubicin much as I it bloomin hurt which is apparently normal as it’s irritant and refrigerated,  wish they had explained that as I thought something going wrong! I knew it makes your wee red but nearly collapsed with fright when I went to the loo as I thought I was having  a period for the 1st time in 5yrs as I had forgot! 

I felt a bit muzzy for the rest of the day  but got hit by horrendous nausea  about 5 hours  later and just crawled to bed.   So so this morning  hope you are not feeling 2 bad  today.   Can I ask how much anti sickness tabs you have been given I have 3 days but panicking  it’s not enough with weekend coming up, have posted  on March thread to see what is normally  given x

Hi helly I have ondansetron and metoclopramide for 5 days, I asked for the max dose as I’m quite easily sick, so far so good. Was up however until gone 4am side effect from the steroids apparently so I’m shattered now. I hate needles but the Canula went in ok so no pic line needed at this point. I’m desperate to wash hair but have to leave til tomorrow. Going to have an easy day today watching tv and snoozing I think. Hope you ok and if not sure you have enough meds could you give them a call? Xx

Sarah, congratulations on getting the first one under your belt. Hope it was not too much of a shock to come back to after your holiday (as if coming back from holiday isn’t bad enough normally!).


Helly, did they give you something to keep your arm warm when infusing the epirubicin? On my first go the nurse filled one of their rubber gloves with hot water and tied the end and I held that on my arm as it went in. After that I took a hot water bottle with me each time which helped. The red wee is very alarming the first time you see it isn’t it?


Ruth xx

Thanks Ruth yes it’s back down to earth with a bang! I too was given an arm warmer placed over to keep my arm comfortable whilst the red stuff went in. The red wee was certainly as described, very red!! Xx

Hi all…

Well done to everyone who has started chemo these last few days… it all sounds interesting, and a little terrifying at the same time!

I am due into hospital all day tomorrow… Have a PET scan in the am, then chemo pre assessment clinic in the pm… I am due to start FEC round one next thurs pm… is there any kind of prep I should be doing for this? At the moment I am just trying very hard to keep buster and just stop thinking about it…eeeeek!

Advice and cyber hugs welcome… roll on Xmas!!!

Love and hugs to all those who are red weeing and up all night, I shall probably be joining you soon xx

Hi Leo just keeping busy was what I did maybe make sure your food shopping is done and washing and ironing etc up to date then you’ve got nothing to deal with immediately. Let us know how you get on with pre assessment. Cyber hugs on the way! Xx

Afternoon all, not doing to bad just low level  nausea and muzzy head but not unmanageable,  have retired to bed with my bag of “precious  things” ie phone, tablet, handcream, lip balm and anti sick pills ?, my sil has kindly taken the kids for a couple of hours. Was supposed  to start injections today  but I have turned into my mother and read the leaflet  and decided that I am likely to be the 1 in 100 patient  that has the allergic reaction  to will wait till hubby gets home!

Sarah/Ruth I am now quite miffed I didn’t  get an arm warmer  lol.

Misty, welcome I had wle, mammoplasty and snb in February and inconviently the small area turned into a 30mm one which had nipped off to the axilla as well.

Leo, I agree  with Sarah keep busy,  shop, shop and clean ?

The muzzy head has got me too, feel like I can’t focus on anything xx

Hello everyone,

I am a coronary care nurse and only found out I am grade 3 Triple  Negative last Monday and am starting 6 cycles of ec next Friday so am looking for top tips to get through it. 

I had a deep 9 mm tumour found on routine breast screening and sailed throug WLE and SNB on 2/3/16 with no issues and was told I was Stage 1 but not given a grade. 

Obviously I am fully comfortable in the hospital setting but the potential side effects after look rather unpleasant and I do have Rheumaoid Arthritis. It’s all happening rather quick but I do have a continental break in Venice in mid September and I need to be 4 weeks post last treatment. Obviously due to infection risk, I will not be at work for duration of my treatment .Not concerned at all about the radiotherapy after 


Hi Emily,  i just picked up the terminology  from reading the site and other ladies on the forum. Wle is wide local excision,  mammoplasty is basically breast reduction  to conserve the breast, ER +means that the tumour has esttogen receptors  so the tumour is  fed by oestrogen  and hormone blocking therapy  is given to women who are positive.   It is a standing joke now that I am nearly an oncologist  ? all that I read.

Think that’s the thing to remember it is a journey and it’s good to be able to support those at all stages of the journey. X

Hello Emily ,

My name is Maz and I am an expert on cardiac nursing but knew very little about breast cancer. Had core biopsy and ultrasound in early Jan and knew  straight away it was cancer when the Consultant Radiologist said you will be needing treatment for this but your nodes are OK. 

Found I have picked the jargon up as I have gone along. The WLE is wide local excision and is referred to as lumpectomy. SNB is Sentinel Node Biopsy and is done at same time as lumpectomy. The positives and negatives refer to if the tumour is hormone driven or not . I am triple negative so medication such as Tamoxifen will not help reduce my risk of reoccurrence. So it’s just chemo , radiotherapy and a prayer for me. One of my nursing friends had breast cancer treatment 9 years ago and is fine — she has been a real support to me.  

Hi all…

Survived the PET scan… Was radioactive for 9 hours after so it was a good excuse to go out for beers and avoid putting little people to bed this eve!! Chrome pre assessment done as well, I have scan results next Tuesday then due to start next thurs…

I have arranged to do a wig fitting next Tuesday, am going to try cold cap but am kind of resigned to the fact that it’s bound to fall out… it’s a bit chicken and egg though, do you get a wig before or after…??? 

Anyone else had this issue or got one just in case…?!?


Welcome to the new folk on here… we are a very friendly bunch, I wouldn’t worry about terminology… I am rubbish at it all, attempting the basics and then adopting the head in the sand approach whenever possible!!!


Night night all, cyber hugs to anyone in need or not able to sleep… xxx

Thanks Emily, injection went fine just me being a drama llama :relaxed:, just find these  days things get out of proportion and I worry abouts things that wouldn’t  ordinarily give a thought to!

I am a terrible for planning and researching things, it drives mh hubby mad as i can’t buy anything without  researching from all angles, reviews and price checking it drives him nuts and it’s the same with the boob lol x

Hi all I managed the cap and have been told best case scenario is keep 90% hair. They say it won’t all fall out at once either do I’ve not got a wig yet trying to remain optimistic. Still feeling exhausted after chemo 1 on Wednesday but the hot flushes are subsiding at least! Have a great weekend everyone xx

Feeling a bit better tonight and felt like something to eat rather  than just to manage the nausea.  Bit iffy about tomorrow  as steroids and 1 of the anti sick pills stop but will see how it goes.  Fingers crossed no problems from the injections yet , cyber hugs to all x

Hi Julie, I’m from the January thread so thankfully I have just one left to go. Good luck for tomorrow, I try to drink at least 2 litres of fluid the day before, day of and day after. Try not to eat any of your fave foods tomorrow as sometimes your brain can link the smell and taste to the chemo side effects. I’d usually eat something quite bland like porridge for breakfast. Hair loss usually takes a good few days to start, mine was around day 16, so that gives you a bit of time to sort your wig/scarves etc. I’m sorry to hear how your employer haven’t been in contact, I’ve hated being off work and am keen to get back, be it on reduced hours. It can be lonely as well, especially when everyone else is out. Netflix has been a life saver for boredom. You will have good days where you can get out and about, usually from day 9/10 you should start to feel better. Sissy xx