Apri 2016 chemo starting? Please join!

Leo lots of hugs for you hope today is better. I’m doing the cold cap but not sure if it’s a blessing or a curse as I’m so paranoid about whether it will work or not, it’s driving me crazy! Everything crossed for good scan results xx

Thanks Helly, I’m thankful that school has started again and for nursery, so between 9 and 3 I have peace and quiet. Will be taking up any offers of help that friends and family can do.
Have wig appt on Friday and friend bought me a head scarf, off to take a look a you tube and practice.

Hugs to all X x

Well wig fitting cancelled due to upset tum (won’t be any more graphic than that)! As this flags up amber to contact help line immediately did so and found them very efficient and helpful and given green light to take imodium. S!t day literally, grrrr

Oh no helly. I hope you feel better soon xxx

I got my start date today. Weds 27th.
That makes things a bit more real :confused: Meh x

That’s so true Helly! Just heard that husband is probably going to discharged tomorrow while I’m having chemo. Luckily my son will be able to collect him. I think we’ll be OK for support. Son & daughter are here at the moment & I have family & friends on standby.

Had my PICC inserted today and it decided to turn up instead of down towards my heart where it’s meant to be. Apparently it sometimes happens. So I have to go back early tomorrow to see if it’s moved to where it should be. Not sure what they’ll do if it hasn’t. Hey ho just something else to cope with on this journey.

Now off to paint my nails a lovely dark colour.

Hi helly hope you on the mend. Sunshine that’s the day of my second EC. I feel at the moment a bit down like it will never end but the sooner we get on with it the sooner we can get finished! Love Sarah xx

Loving the wig tales…!!

I am doing round one tomorrow pm, after a prosthetic in the am, counselling session and PET scan results…

Tomorrow is looking like a very pants line up indeed… I guess I get a pretend boob back … which is the one bonus.

I like the idea of chemo fog… I’d like to be in a permanent one till Xmas… do you think they can arrange that!!!

I think and April list sounds like a great idea, whoever suggested it… we seem to have a really great crowd on this thread…

I will start as I am probably going to be a little out of if for the next few days…

Leo… aged 40. Due to do FECT then radiotherapy afterwards… have had an nd and hope to reconstruct at the end of it…

I have a 2 and 6 yr old, teach in a big SEN school…love and want to travel with the kids when this is all over… this was not the 40th yr I had planned for…!!!

Whose next? Am off to bed… cyber hugs to all… I am dreading this!

Morning all, on the 9th day of chemo  FEC gave to meeeee, 2 lovely mouth ulcers, despite the best oral hygiene  the gob has had in years lol.  On the plus side tum feeling much better so hoping fully picking up foxy ferret wig this pm.

Great idea by Misty  for list (could be a bit like painting the forth bridge lol). Soo, I am 48 with 10 yr old twins, grade 2, stage 2 idc which was supposed to be simple and straightforward (the b€&r), started chemo (Fec-t) 6 April, possibly further surgery  after, possibly straight on to rads. I am a nurse and have 2 greyhounds and this certainly wasn’t in the plan for this year x

I will go next, I’m Sarah, aged 42, have a 13 year old and I teach in a secondary school (missing it like mad, but my school has arranged me to teach a top set class twice a week by Skype ?). I had WLE and ANC end Jan/beginning Feb. 2 lymph nodes only out of 24 showed traces so it’s into chemo, 6 cycles then radio. It’s been like a bolt out of the blue. I love reading and dog walking, have a lab and a spaniel.

Zoe the chemo fog wasn’t the best, until Christmas would be a living hell! Today (8 days after first EC) I feel not bad, which is worth celebrating. Have a great day everyone, hugs to those who need xx

I will turn 40 next month, some present! ?
Happily married with two boys aged 2 & 9, self employed property developers & landlords.
Diagnosed 13th Jan, stage 1, grade 3, her2 positive, WLE with lymph node clearance 4th Feb 0/11 (1 showed tiny micros). Apparantly my breasts are dense & still v active which has resulted in 3 mammos, 3 ultrasounds & 4 MRI’s (including a guided MRI biopsy!) plus full body CT.
All clear, chemo & rads insurance policy.
Had 2nd chemo on Monday via picc line, off for my second councelling session this morning ?
Loolyboo xxx

Hi Misty
My lump was initially thought to be a swollen lymph node due to its position almost under my arm pit & primary unknown - the original biopsy showed lymph node involvement so it was always planned to have lymph node clearance - however, after having my op to remove the lymph nodes it turned out the lump under my arm was the primary but in the process I had 11 lymph nodes removed.
Hope this helps xxx

My info… :slight_smile:

I’m 28, live with my partner and my 2 children from previous relationship (8 &10) Just had a short protocol round of ivf to freeze some embryos as my partner has no children. I am a 3rd year student midwife, was due to qualify in a few months…so that’s now been put on hold :frowning:

Found out I had BC on 18th Feb.
Grade 3 IDC - ER, PR and HER2 pos.
WLE & SNB on 4th Mar.
Margins and lymph nodes were clear.

Imminently beginning Zolidex to continue throughout chemo to hopefully preserve fertility.

Having pre chemo chat next week, then picc line and 6 rounds of chemo starts weds 27th. (FEC-T)
I’m starting Herceptin at some point in there, need that for 18 months. Injection every 3 months.
And Zoledronic acid for 3 years. Having it IV every 3 months. (Blergh)

And as misty mentioned… I’m blogging about it all! @ boobieblogblog.files.wordpress.com

Oh and I need rads too. Almost forgot about that delight!

Thanks Emily for putting the details together. In addition I am a married, Tissue Viability Nurse (wound care nurse), no pets (allergic), love the cinema, just recently seen big fat Greek wedding 2 (v funny) and batman v superman (good if you like men in tight Lycra and leather), no judging here X X

Had Heart function test today, so have to stay away from the kids for 24 hours ?. Chemo starts tomorrow at Bart’s (London), very very nervous.
Got given a book from the Macmillan team yesterday called ‘mummys lump’ read it to my eldest (4) last night and I found it helpful to go over things with him again using the story.

Sunshine it’s so strange how two people can have similar cancer diagnosis and yet have different treatment regimes, my margins were borderline and yet have been told I will not have radiotherapy and I too have grade 3, also grade 2 and DCIS and have FEC no T. I find it all so confusing and makes me anxious. Something to write down and discuss with oncologist.

Hugs to all X X

Also meant to ask, anyone who has started chemo, still managing the school run? X

Sarah, teaching by Skype, wow things have changed. Good luck with that x

Zoe - I’ve noticed people have quite different treatment plans too.

I’m having no cardiac function test as far as im aware. Not until my herceptin starts on round 4? Of chemo. And then that’s an ECHO? Dunno if that’s the same. I’ve called so many people at the hospital because I’m so anxious about it. Everyone keeps telling me everything I need is in place.

But I’m still worried about it lol.

Good luck for tomorrow x xxxx

Emily - LOVE the vlog. It’s so honest. I struggle to put some things on my blog coz I’m feeling a bit rubbish and don’t find publishing it very easy!

So sorry to hear you are a bit down at the moment. Really hope things are brighter for you soon. I know this wait for chemo to start is very hard!

Your dealing with loss post is brilliant by the way. Defo worth a watch for anyone who hasn’t already.

Big hugs xx

Zoe, I had 1st fec on 6th and I couldn’t have managed the school run (thank god for school holidays to test it out!) for about the first 5 days as I felt so nauseous and wooly. However, everyone is different and my bcn rang yesterday and is going to contact oncologist to review and alter the anti sickness meds for the next treatment so hopefully that will improve.  I would say have a plan for your first treatment and go from there.


Collected foxy ferret wig yesterday, not sure if it’s a bit long (for my age!)but will look at that again when hair gone and get a proper  feel for the fit,  might get it trimmed a bit. Then on to hospital appointment with son to get brace adjusted which is always traumatic (he’s  only 10). It took an hour but he did really well even though he bawled his eyes out which makes me feel awful but at least this time he didn’t say he hated me! Needed a lie down me when I got home.

Hugs to allx

Thanks Helly, will make sure I have back up plan in place for school and nursery run for first week post chemo. How are you feeling this week? I’m on the tube now on my way to Bart’s and my tummy is doing somersaults!

Wig lady supposed to be coming today, so will be able to order my very own foxy ferret.

Hugs to all x

Hi all, Zoe I agree with Helen I also had first treatment 6th and I got up showered and dressed and had breakfast every morning with my daughter but was too dizzy to drive or walk far so wouldn’t have managed to get her to school. A friend helped out and after 5 days I was also recovering after 2 more much better. Hope everyone’s got something nice happening this weekend xx

Hi all…

Chemo 1 done yesterday… finally.

Wasn’t too bad, currently feels like a very bad hangover without the fun attached to it!!

I love the role call, this is such a supportive group of people… all having very different experiences which helps as well…

Maybe we should attempt some sort of pre Xmas meet up this year? Most of us should be through the cocktail of drugs and roads fun by then? Just though I would throw that one out there… ?!?

There also seem to be quite a few children or small people involved, I did have a good piece of advice from my nurse who said try to make sure that you do your school run with another adult in the first few weeks, just in case you feel a bit woozy…

Right…signing off for now… bright lights and all that…

Anyone got any good tips for how to get back into the swing of it?!



Love and hugs to you all xxxxx