Apri 2016 chemo starting? Please join!

Julie, good luck for tomorrow I was terrified (think it’s the unknown ) but it was all very efficient, drink plenty and take the meds regularly. Xxx

Hi ladies
Little update, had 2nd FEC this morning, keeping well hydrated as advised last time which seemed to help, fingers crossed!
Julie, hope everything went well with your 1st session 2day ?
Was feeling a little low over the wkend as was supposed to fly out to Miami yesterday for our Easter holiday with our 2 boys aged 2 & 9 fortunately though, I have a v supportive husband who has reassured me that we will book another holiday when all my treatment is finished which is a nice thought to look forward to ?

Hugs to everyone who needs one ?
Loolyboo xxx

My bcnurse recommended 2ltrs of water the day before, the day of & day after chemo.
Aaaaw no, hope your sickness settles asap!
Loolyboo xxx

Julie, hope your feeling a bit better this morning x.

We were due to go to Turkey last 2 weeks August to a fab hotel  we went to last year. Oncologist  said it was probably doable  as would finish chemo mid July, but that was if there wasn’t a blip/delay  along the way.  As we had been through all the biopsy palaver last summer, no one thought there was a problem this time,  and  they were just being over cautious my  insurance  doesn’t cover me for the cancer as I was waiting for test result (2nd as 1st was ok!!). Could kick myself as would have not booked if any inkling that there was a problem. We decided the time frame was to tight to take the chance so have to decide whether to cancel or move dates just don’t know when or were we would go.  After this year I am happy to take kids out of school for a few days (shoot me now!). Still the possibility of further surgery and rads when chemo done, don’t know whether to park it to next year?


Hi everyone how is your day? I’ve had a few steroid issues, not sleeping properly, hot flushes and feeling very edgy. The nurse has said she is going to halve them next time as I haven’t felt sick, the anti sickness meds have worked well. I’ve also felt like everything is moving, keeping the tv still to watch it has been a challenge! Sarah xx

Hey…I see lots of you are on steroids. Just wondering if everyone is on them? As my oncologist didn’t mention that I would need them?
What are they for?

I start chemo at some point next week or so…

Was also told I need zoledronic acid iv’s every 3 months for ages after treatment…Anyone else having this? It’s a new thing apparently. Everything I read online is irrelevant…so is the macmillian info sheet she gave me…as that’s for secondary bc. Which i dont have…argh. so confused!!

Ah I see. Thank you Ali.

I don’t think it’s specific to me no.

I’m 28 - ER, PR and HER2 pos. Grade 3 IDC… no lymph involvement. I dont think i have anything weird or wonderful going on. As far as im aware lol. I spoke to my BCN this morning and she was also unsure.

Awaiting the letter to my gp which should detail her rational for giving me it. It’s just stressing me out knowing my treatment will be continuing for much longer than I thought! And not knowing why. Boo.

Boosting my bones are chemo sounds good. I’m gonna go with that in the mean time ?

Hope everyone already having treatment is feeling OK today. Big hugs for anyone that’s not!!


Hello!! I start Chemo on Thursday 14th after a MRI scan tomorrow…



I got diagnosed with Breast Cancer on January 8th 2016 after finding a small lump. Had a lumpectamy on January 22nd and then a 2nd op on February 23rd to remove lymphnodes -results were 1/8 so hadn’t gone past that 1 lymphnode.


There’s been a number of ‘frustrating’ times, aside from all the obvious things that hit you. One was when I had my post op after my lymphnodes removal which was March 5th I was told it was ‘my decision to delay starting chemotherapy’ as if I was putting my health into question. This was because I had, after endless calls, managed to find I could go ahead with egg freezing and it would hopefully be funded (at that point it was 99%- took another few weeks for final approval. )


I was pretty confused about me delaying chemo-the 1st appointment with my oncologist was not until March 17th - so I was waiting since March 5th! Then my oncologist said i had to have loads of scans- body, heart and CT scan. In between all the scans I had the egg retrieval process which went well and after everything then my oncologist wanted to see me again before starting chemo and so i could absorb the news I was told the first appointment that i’d be having chemo every 2 weeks and everything else.



This was made for Thursday 7th April. Has anyone else had chemo every 2 weeks?- its very new but my oncologist says it shows in my age group and type a 20% reduction in it returning. I had my second meeting with sadly a diiferent and not quite as good oncologist on Thursday. I was very anxious to get the scan results and to find out my stage. The CT scan came back with a ‘suspicious’ area at the base of the spine so i now, have to fit in a MRI scan before starting chemo on Thursday! More worry and waiting…



Am only starting this Thursday as I was making so many calls with questions and was insistant. So after being told I was delaying chemo…its now not starting until April 14th, well over a month after March 5th. Imagine if I’d not carried on with the egg freezing so i didn’t delay chemo - confusing info and frustating to say the least!! Plus i’ve had different information from the 2nd oncologist I saw, including how the drugs will be admistered. Who had the pic line / used their veins?? I’m not which is ‘best’?



I went up to the chemo ward to get my zoladex injection on Thursday and was told ‘your not booked in until 2.45pm for the zoladex’ why are you here now? Well, as has happened so many times, no one told me i was booked in at 2.45, I was just was told to head up after my onologist appoitment. The nurse then got more frustrated as I said i needed my height and weight doing. Why wasnt that done she said? I dont know, i’m just doing what i was told?!! I tried to ask her a few questions i had about chemo and was told they wouldn’t be answered as they were all things i’d find out at my pre-chemo appoitment. OK, when will that be??? I felt a lack of compassion !!



Later finally I met a really nice chemo nurse, who did my pre-chemo apppoitment, fitted me for the cold cap and did my zoladex injection. Phew! So apologies for the questions mixed in with a bit of a rant-I feel the individual surgeons, Macmillan nurses and my onclogist are great (and 1 super nice chemo nurse so far!) but the NHS system has left me stressed at a time when stress is clearly not good. I guess at the moment its also a fear of the unknown in terms of how my body will take the chemo drugs.



Did anyone try the painting nails dark to preserve them? Also am after tips for hairwashing, products to use as I had my hair cut short to sholder length recently but has gone very greasy already -maybe from all the effects of the drugs from the eggs, zoladex, scans etc, i dont know but my hair isn’t usually greasy. I really want to avoid washing it during chemo so all tips apppricated! Thanks in advance!! Rebecca x

Hi Becky.

Your situation seems similar to mine. I also have just had short cycle of ivf meds to get some embryos stored away!

My hospital also tried to delay my chemo, due to high demand…but I complained and got my appointment brought forward. Had a few frustrating moments!

After complaining everyone has been very accommodating though I must say lol

I am also wondering about the nails. I brought some vitamin E oil today as apparently putting that on them helps keeps them healthy and not go quite so gross looking. Not sure if it will make a difference…but I shall update if it does!

I’m having a PICC line put in before chemo starts. I think quite a few people end up needing one anyway by the looks for things…so having one first means a lot less stabs :slight_smile:

I had about 8 inches off my hair this morning. I’ve gone for a long bob. Think I’m going to attempt the cold cap - but not holing my breath. Of it doesn’t work I’m just going to have the lot off!
I’m a massive scarf fan, so have loads and now have loads more for my collection. Will just be used for my head now instead of my neck lol!!

I am going to stock up on dry shampoo and attempt to clip the top bit back a bit to cover up any grossness that may occur from hardly ever washing it! (Urgh!!!)

So sorry to hear you’ve had such a rubbish time of it. Your hospital should have a PALS team that can address any problems for you, or sign post you to other people that can.

Big hugs xxx

P.s. the headstrong appointments that BCC offer are also very good - or so I’ve heard! I’m going to be booking myself in for one asap! Xx

Headstrong  appointment  was really useful well recommend  it x

Hi Beccy,  that sounds like a right lot of faffing around poor you. Hopefully  things will be a bit smoother now x

Hi! Dropping in from the Jan thread :slight_smile: I’m on FEC-T, have completed the FEC and just (today!) had my 2nd dose of T - one more to go - yippee!! 

So, before I started chemo, I bought some oncolife nail drops from the internet, which I read were recommended on here. I used it daily (sometimes twice daily) on my fingers and toe nails. By the end of FEC, the cuticles looked a faint bluish colour on my finger nails, going up to the half moons on the thumb nails.  My toe nails were fine.

Before starting T, I used Sally Hansen 7in1 nail polish (dark colours) and bought Boots acetone free nail polish remover. I had to replace the nail polish about 10 days in as it was pretty chipped, but there was no obvious sign of further damage - possibly the thumb nails were a little more bluish?  I have to say my nails did get really tender along with the general T side effects, but that improved by the time of the Second dose of T.  So at this point I am hopeful I’ve done / doing the right thing - but I accept they may just go anyway, early days I guess!

Hope this is helpful :slight_smile:

Good luck to you all, I know it’s early days for you, but I think once you hit half way and especially once you get to no4, you start to see the light at the end of the chemo tunnel and start planning things like new hair growth, taste buds, holidays without the worry!! You do get there!!

Lots of love, (a very positive today) Kim xxx


Hi newbie here,
Just finishing reading through this thread, some good tips.
I was diagnosed in mid February, had mastectomy in mid March. A Grade 2 IDC and Grade 3 IDC and DCIS found. ER + and HER2 +.
I’m 34 and have 2 young children 4 & 1/2 and 14 months. I have pre-assessment tomorrow, NM Cardiac function scan tomorrow (so mother in laws couch for the night to avoid clingy children) and start chemo (FEC) on Friday all being well.

I had a short bob cut last week and after hearing from you all I think I’ll be heading for a pixie cut asap.
Worried how I’m going to cope with the little ones and fatigue not to mention that they are usually walking germ machine.

Hope everyone is keeping well with minimal side effects.

Zoe x

Hi all

I’m starting chemo on Thursday and am having PICC line put in tomorrow - not looking forward to that.

I was diagnosed at the end of January, after a routine mammogram. I had a WLE but then had to have a mastectomy as the tumour was much larger than they expected and they couldn’t get clear margins. No lymph node involvement. Tumour was ER+ (4/8), PR- and HER2+. I’m having 4 tretments of TC chemotherapy plus Herceptin, followed by Tamoxifen and radiotherapy. I’m 54 and have 2 children who are 24 and 21.


I’ve decided not to cold cap - I have very short hair anyway, so hopefully I’ll cope with the hair loss.


Not content to play second fiddle, my husband decided to out try do outdo me and had open heart surgery last Friday! He had a valve and his aortic root replaced, as wel as an aretery bypass. So i’ve spent the last 5 days visiting him in hospital. I think hes being discharged on Thursday, so we’ll have a fun weekend together - me with my chemo SEs and him trying to recover from having his chest opened. Still, at least we’ll both hopefully be recovered by the autumn and we can get away for a holiday, I hope.


Good luck to everyone who’s started or is about to start.


Wow… this thread is getting busy!

Welcome to all the new April folk… Thanks so much to everyone who has been sharing experiences far, and good luck and cyber hugs to those who need it…

I have had a classically rubbish day today… had a wig fitting session, but. I had forgotten that I have quite a large head… so none of them fitted! I then had the results back from a PET scan last week due, waited over an hour for the appointment to then be told that he didn’t have the results… so he will come and update me on Thursday during my chemo session about the scan as well…

I then found out that I can’t do the cold cap as my head is too big for it!!!

What a rubbish day !!!

Looking forward to Thursday no end now…

On the subject of headgear my anna bandana order arrived yesterday, however one of the dogs  has taken exception to the headgear and barked at me everything I tried it on! 

Welcome to new joiners, sorry you have joined club crap chemo but the forum is a great place for support.

Diddy, men always have to go one better it’s a standing joke in this house that I can’t have anything on my own :). Seriously though good luck and i hope you have support in place for both of you?


Zoe,  gosh you have your hands full at present my children are 10 so older.  I am very independant but have realised that you need to take any help that is offerred and don’t be afraid to 

Helly that’s made me chuckle!! I can imagine my Labrador doing same, I had done hypnotherapy yesterday to help with the side effects, he couldn’t keep his nose out kept prodding me! Hope everyone has a good day love Sarah xx

Hi misty I think that’s a great idea. The chemo fog has confused my brain so all help gratefully received! Love Sarah xx