Apri 2016 chemo starting? Please join!


Hope everyone whos started chemo is doing well.

I started on Thursday the 14th, today has been the first day of feelin okish - slept better last night and have only taken 1 anti-sickness tablet today. Am having 4 cycles of EC then 4 of Taxol.


I got diagnosed with Breast Cancer on January 8th, had my lumpectamy on January 22nd. Originally lump was 2 cm and grade 2 but went to grade 3 and a total of 4.5cm was removed during the operation with clear margins. My Breast Cancer was hormone related and ER8 and PR 7/8 positive and HER2 negative.


During the lumpectamy they tested some lymphnodes and I had to then have my lymphnode removal operation on February 23rd  and the results were 1/8. Due to that 1 lymnphnode having cells in it i was told i’d have to have chemotherapy.


I do not have children and did the fertility freezing which was, after some hard work, paid for by my NHS area.

Prior to January 8th I was a long-haul flight attendent based at Heathrow.


Had to have a number of scans before starting chemo - body and bone scan, heart scan and CT scan. The CT scan showed something ‘suspicious’ on the pelvis so I had to have a MRI the day before starting chemo. MRI was the worst scan i’ve had so far - partly due to having to keep my arms up behind my head for 40 plus minutes which was painful after my lymhpnode surgery and those doing the MRI showed no interest in this! But was also extremely noisy and uncomfortable.


Am hoping to get my results of the MRI when i’ll see my oncologist again on Monday 25th-i’ll be having next chemo on the 28th, every 2 weeks as my oncologist said this has shown to be a 20% reduction in it returning in my age group. This was discussed at the recent European Breast Cancer Conference which my oncologist attended in March 2016.


One down 7 to go!..Best of luck everyone during this treatment,  Rebecca


Misty: I had my mastectomy on the 15th March, wound should of healed within 10 days so shampoo and conditioner should not be causing the pain, unless you have noticed any weeping areas, if this is the case you need to contact your breast nurse.
Did you have any seroma, I found area became tight as seroma dispersed. I found that I had sharp pain at some points and also area became very itchy.if you are concerned contact breast care nurse.

Like the idea of FB group would be easier to keep up with some of the conversation.

Hugs to all x

Hi I will search for you but just wanted to check is it a ‘hidden/secret’ group as I don’t mention breast cancer on Facebook, complicated, lots of reasons xx

I’ve added you Emily x

I Emily I’ve FB friend requested you, Zoe Rothwell x

Hi Ladies, I am another April chemo starter, lucky me!


I was diagnosed on Feb 17th following a routine appointment for mammogram. I had not felt any lumps, and as I am under the age for normal screening, I was lucky that I was called early. 


I had had a therapeutic mammoplasty on March 10th which my lovely surgeon removed the lump with good clearance although I had to have auxillary node clearance surgery on March 24th. MRI and CT scenes were clear which was a relief. This Tuesday I am having a portacath inserted and my first chemo session is this Thursday. I am having 3 X FEC and 3 X T. I am planning to cold cap as the original operation has left me with one E  size and one C size boob so I am already pretty odd looking so fingers crossed I can keep as much hair as I can ??. Once chemo has finished my Dr has recommended hyper fractionated radiotherapy, has anyone any experience of this?


This forum has been a godsend with tips and advice. Good luck to everyone going through this process, it’s definitely not easy but feel part of a good group being on this site ?


Lottie xx

Thank you and welcome lottie, I cold capped on my first one 6th April I’m having 3 EC and 3 T, it wasn’t horrendous for me so good luck xx

Emily I’ve just sent a friend request- Rebecca Dorkins with a pink background photo!




Thanks Sarah and Becky, I will be using a paxman machine, so thanks for tips. I have been to chemo centre, was worried what it would be like, but was pleasantly surprised at how friendly everyone was and how comfy it looked, there was also option to have treatment in a side room if I preferred. I have the headbands and conditioner, but will look into the tea ??? Xx

What a busy thread!

Thank you for getting up the Facebook group idea… I have just friend requested you on it Emily…

Big hugs… 

Looking forward to a good old kip at some point soon… xxx

Love to one and all xxx


I wish I was brave enough to cut my hair off now because the waiting for it to start coming out is getting on my nerves! I seem to be finding more strands about but that could be cos I can’t stop running my hands through to check ?

Helen you have my sympathy, big hugs I’m exactly the same, nothing yet following cold cap but I’m only at day 13. If you aren’t brave enough to cut it all off then don’t give yourself a hard time about it. Xx

I’m keeping everything crossed. I’ve got really thick hair and tons of it, I had it cut into a short bob prior to chemo 1. A bit of shedding no one but me would notice, but it depends how much comes out xx

Hello Ladies,


I noticed there was a roll-call which I missed a while back so I’ll reply to Misty’s list.


I’m Ali-B - 46, married to a great husband and kitty-mum to two cats and live in Surrey (no I am not posh)! Diagnosed Christmas 2015 and started chemo late Feb 2016! I work in IT and am desperate to get back to work it can be stressful at times but I really enjoy my job and love my colleagues who have been so supportive during this time. I am learning to play the guitar and it has been a saving grace during this time. But *BOY* I can’t wait to think on planning a nice holiday when this is all done - mainly because I have no idea where I want to go!! :slight_smile:







Hi misty have sent request,  you should see white/black spotted  greyhound, i also haven’t put anything on fb bc related x

Quick question has anyone considered, semi permanent eye brows? Has anyone had any experience of these? X

Hi, my friend has really thin eyebrows so had hers done, nothing to do with chemotherapy. They were nice once toned down a bit harsh in the first week or two, she wished she had gone a few shades lighter, may be worth bearing in mind xx

Yes I did,love them as sarah said look a bit "defined when first done but wish I had it done years ago.

Thinking it may be the way to go, if my eyebrows decide to fallout too. Just not sure how they feel about tattooing whilst on chemo, another question to ask. Thanks ladies x

I need a slight repigmentation on one of mine and have to ask oncologist when it would be OK to do. It’s not a problem if I have to wait until end as a bit of brow pencil sorts it out