Apri 2016 chemo starting? Please join!

My brows are barely there as is, due to over enthusiastic plucking as a teen, but even on my most artistic days I don’t I think I could draw a pair on. Don’t want to look in constant shock/anger x

Insomnia city,  been awake since 2.30 and can’t blame steroids as iam not on any grrrr

Morning Helen, hope you dropped off in the end. I’ve been really struggling with sleep, I’ve had some hypnotherapy and it’s really helped, not sure if it’s something you’ve ever tried but worth a go maybe xx

Hi Sarah,  no I got up in the end, dogs looked at me like I had lost the plot! Everytime I nearly dropped off oh snoring like a hog.


Internet shopping is becoming a bit of a hobby and I got so exited  about the price of some lovely fast heated rollers that I nearly bought them forgetting  for a moment I won’t have any hair for quite a while ?, must be the lack of sleep!

You made me chuckle with the rollers!! My dogs are same if I get up looking at me as if to say do you know what time it is?! I’ve read entire books during the night on kindle in the last couple of weeks!! Xx

Are you not able to take anything to help you sleep? I’ve been given pills to try in the run up to chemo next week as I’ve not been sleeping due to anxiety.

Was hoping I’d still be able to use them if necessary!

The hair is going today, it’s coming out in handfuls and as i was arranging picking up the kids next week with one of the mums the wind was blowing strands all over her!?

I’m 12 days into my second FEC & just had my first glass of wine since Dec & it tastes lovely! ?
Have a great weekend everyone xxx

How’s round 2 ? Same side effects as first time round or worse? Enjoy your wine, I caved and indulged in chocolate last night X

Evening all…

Just been out for a current date night with hubby and it all tasted ok… weirdly the nasty ice cream desert thingy was good too.

Pixie hair cut done, wine ad chocolate all the way… we deserve treats when they taste ok!

I had naff all sleep for the first week or so and was told the anxiety pills are fine in the mix… if they help then I would take them.

Has anyone else had a wig fitting nightmare session yet(ie I have to go back in two weeks as none of them would fit my head!) Just wondering if there were any fellow big heads out there with advice?!Xxx


Night all x

The second one, had exactly the same side effects as first but found it a little easier as I knew what to expect ? x

It is mandatory (i am sure they are prescribable lol) to have treats while able :smileyvery-happy: I had 2 glasses  zinfandel the other night and was nearly upside down on the couch as it’s been that long! Enjoy while we san x

Looly that’s good to know, I was terrified  the first time so was hoping this one will be a bit easier as you know what to expect, just hope tweaking the anti sickness drugs make a difference. 

Helly, I felt the same on my first one infact I cried! How embarrassing ?
The second one for me was so much easier, just wish we didn’t have to take steroids - they make me so emotional & anxious for 2days after I’ve finished them ? x

I’m not good with the steroids either was exhausted but couldn’t sleep felt really jumpy and dizzy xx

I went for my pre-chemo assessment today, and was told that as I have migraines at least once every 3 months…these are considered as regular. And they highly recommended against the cold cap :frowning:

Anyone else been told this? Or have had migraines and gone ahead anyway?

Morning sunshine, I don’t have migraines but my daughter does so you have my sympathy as I see how bad they are. A friend of a friend who I’ve got to know since being diagnosed has migraines and decided to cold cap anyway. She did have a migraine after each session she said, but she kept most of her hair which was more important to her. So it seems that the cold cap may be a trigger it’s whether you want to try it and see. I’m cold capping myself and didn’t find it too bad in terms of pain. I took 2 paracetamol half an hour before then every 4 hours the rest of the day to stave off a headache and it worked. I’m not sure if you can take migraine pills as preventers? Good luck whichever way you decide xx

Hi all I have my Pre assessment and first FEC T on Wed so thought I would join this thread. Had 2 lots of surgery lumpectomy and SNB followed by skin sparing mastecomy and node clearance. Cancer all gone so now have chemo as a belt and braces approach plus as I was HER2 I need herceptin. Am going to try cold cap . Will I need a warm blanket I have noted others saying it is recommended. Lou x

Hi Lou and I took a hot water bottle which helped and some fluffy bed socks!! Xx

Thanks Sarah and Misty. I don’t do Facebook anymore it was starting to iritate me. I will updated with everyone on here though. 2 days at work to get through and then plan working from home when I am feeling up to it. Xx