April 2017 starters

I would be interested cc

I would be interested x

Count me in :slight_smile: xx

Okay ladies, I’ve started the group 




I’ve already added you Linda xx

Hi all, I’m a bit of a late joiner to this thread, just been given my date for chemo for 5th April… had some delay getting a decision re. treatment after my op as my oncologist recommended I had an Endo Predict test done (similar to the Oncotype test) which came back pretty high hence the chemo recommendation. I’m having 4 sets of EC and 4 of T and will then have Radio. Slightly aprehensive about starting as haven’t had much time to get used to the idea but went wig shopping today which was not as bad as I expected. Hoping to be able to continue to work throughout though I think that may be optimistic. Very glad to meet you all and will send a request to the facebook group.

Best wishes to all


Hi I start chemo 10th April - I’m 3 x FEC and 3x T - awaiting scans etc and feeling scared but do want to get that chemo in my veins x

I’ve requested the Facebook page - Mavis wanderlust x

Christ i must be looolaa but im actually looking forward to starting chemo next friday! Its been a long wait since my diagnosis on the 10th feb and the time has finally come.  im getting sick of wondering how ill be during the treatement …im done with the worrying now…ill be grand! im going to do the best job ever.  

oh my god my heart when he said it in his little soft voice xxx

Hi, I’ve been reading the posts but I must admit I haven’t got much of a clue how to use the forums. The Facebook group sounds great. I’ve sent a request. I start 4 fec and 4 tax Monday 10th so it would be great to be able to chat with ladies going through treatment at the same time as me x

Hey… if anyone is still using this… I am 20 years old and my BRCA 2 gene is being tested right now. I’m trying to decide if I want to know if I carry the gene. I know it sounds strange but I really think I have it, maybe that’s stupid or just a weird feeling because I’m worrying. I’m so young, and I just don’t know if I’m ready, especially if it comes back positive

Hi all, I had my first session of FEC yesterday, so far so good, just feel like I’ve got a sicky hangover at the moment.  Just taken nausea tablet so hopefully that will take the edge off it so I can have some breakfast and take my other meds.  Having a PICC line put in before the next time, the cannula was really painful and I’m going to have a nice bruised wrist.  The ladies in the unit are lovely though xx

Hi, may I join you? I’ve only found out that I’m HER2+ today. I still don’t understand anything much about any of it so trying to get my head around things. My treatment plan is chemo, radiotherapy, surgery in that order starting on the 18th. I’d like to join the Facebook group too xx

Hi I am going to be an April 17starter, starting FECT in 2 to 4 weeks. Please may I join you? I was diagnosed invasive ductal triple neg 13 Feb, mastectomy 17 March.

Facebook page

Hi Onwards and Upwards. I am fine thank you, recovering well after right mx 3 weeks ago. Just want to get started on chemo now and get to the end of treatment, and get on with my life.

Hi everyone,

i had my first treatment yesterday. Doc and carboplatin. Had my mastectomy 4 weeks ago and recovered fairly well, no reconstruction yet that will be after chemo but I am also BRCA 1 so will be having the other side off so new rack of boobies and a tummy tuck to come. 

But anyway, don’t feel too bad after my treatment,got anti sickness tabs to take and steroids. Also injections to boost my blood count.

one down anyway, five to go, I know I will feel worse as things go on. I had breast cancer aged 27, wasn’t expecting it again 14 years later, but will get through it again.

sending lots of love to everyone xxx

Hi girls, I’ve just sent a Facebook request to join you. Started A.C. 3rd April x

Hiya lovely ladies
Think you’re all ahead of me. Saw oncol today to start EC x6 in a fortnight. I’m TN G3 and had wle last month. Hoping all is going to plan with all of you. I’m currently doing dentist etc and fretting about what to take with me for first chemo session. Xx

Hi all,

I’ve already started my chemo on April 4th, - 4fec then 4t .Then surgery.  I’m on week two, not feeling too bad now, I thought I wouldn’t see myself for 6 months but am happy to say I feel ok. Still a bit tired and am probably l y too quick to do too much too soon. I would like e to join the Facebook group too please, Barbara Wisbey .

It’s good to be in touch with others going through the same thing.