April 2017 starters

Hi everyone happy Easter. Started loosing my hair on thursday last week so now have a pixie cut which I actually quite like but think it will be gone after my second fec this coming Wednesday. Actually feeling quite well shame to have to go through it again but it is what it is all the best to others going through it again this week xx

I’ve requested to join the FB page - I’m Julie.  I’ll post details of my situation when I get accepted on FB but am due to start chemo before the end of April so it would be great to go through this with others in a similar position.  See you ladies on FB soon.  Julie  

Hi just found out that I have a “Meet the team” meeting next Monday at Nottingham City Hospital where I will have a presentation and then one to one meeting. Sounds more like I am back at work then finding out about what I am going to be poisoned with! 


Have no idea what to ask, do they give you info, do I need to write a list of questions??


Any advice?





Please add me.


I’ve just had my first FEC.  Can I join you? I’ve never used Facebook before, but I’ve just set up a profile & hopefully requested to join.  Sorry I’m a tech dinosaur?.  Hope you’re all feeling ok x

I’m now a May starter so popping over there, best wishes April starters !



Hello, I am new to the Forum and had my first chemotherapy session yesterday for Inflamatory Breast Cancer. I’m only 37 and it has spread into one of my lymph nodes but thankfully no where else. I’ve asked to join the Facebook Group if that’s ok.

Good Luck to all the April 17 starters. I don’t post very often now but I was in your place last year. Mastecomy March 16 followed by 6 Fec T starting April 27th 16 Herceptin and Radiotherapy. You can all do this and you will find the support on here invaluable. I cold capped and am pleased I did as the thought of losing my hair was the worst bit for me. I have had 14 Herceptin to date with 4 to go. Thinking of all of you. Lou xxx

Hi Chicken Really sorry to hear your news. How are you feeling today?  I was a bit sickly after mine, but it doesn’t last too long.  I think there is a Young Breast Cancer Network on here somewhere if you want to talk to other people in their 20s & 30s. xx