April 2024 chemo starters

Thanks Anita, like I said before my head is bald and shiny in places so it’s reassuring to read about what’s next after chemo finishes. I think I will be a marketeers dream and be buying lots of products to make my hair grow super fast! I don’t about anyone else but I’ve hardly worn my wig I find that with my hot flushes I just want to rip it off!

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I’m the same, sharing with my receding nephew :rofl:
Can’t bare wearing the wig, just too hot :hot_face:

Oh fabulous news I think am going to by them all now then & give them a try.

Thank you xx

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Hope you get on ok with your nails, my fingernails are ok but my big toe has become infected they think it’s the nail bed moving so they’ve given me a month of antibiotics so not sure what will happen to it.

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Monsters inc you are funny!

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This is the shampoo and conditioner x


Just returned from seeing the nurse, she spoke to the doctor regarding my nails, not much they can do but have given me D3 for vitamin D and ferrous gluconate for iron which they said might help
Only way to describe my nails is that they are cloudy from the top working it’s way down my nail, they did say it doesn’t look like any infection so that’s a positive x

This morning’s side effects are poonami - now travelling back to Reading- thank God for immodium!! And gentle nose bleed, both nostrils - this is a new one!!!


This is my hair growth, taken last week :heart:
@gromit12 oh no!! Not what you need right now, hope the journey isn’t too bad for you xx


Aw @gromit12 I had to laugh…. I got my Docetaxel the same day as you and it was like reading my own notes for today :woozy_face::joy: my husband just asked me yesterday about how my stomach had been and I told him surprisingly ok but I was a bit worried as I hadnt done anything yesterday. Literally said to him I might be in for a poonami today…. Sure enough from 3am - 4am normal service resumed​:see_no_evil: I’ve taken some Imodium as was still dodgy earlier so think stomach is settling now. Also had a nose bleed this morning :joy: I’ve had a few this round but think it’s because of how dry the inside of my nose is! Mouth ulcers are back with a vengeance for the full sides of my tongue so I can only manage liquid food the now too which is a pain! Hard to have a diet to combat diarrhoea when you can’t eat solids​:see_no_evil:


:weary: x

Isn’t this just such good fun :woozy_face::see_no_evil::poop:


Sorry to hear about those of you still suffering with tummy, nose bleeds and nail problems - although I realise mine aren’t looking too good either!
@hc1973 @elle16 despite the heat, I’ve worn my wig loads. Even though it’s a pain, I wouldn’t go out of the house without it. I’ve come this far without the whole world knowing my diagnosis and I’m not ready to drop that bombshell yet (although I have just given my new neighbour a scare this morning- that’ll teach him to look in my front window :sweat_smile:)


@isthisreal, great to hear you’re on your last chemo, hopefully it’s not too harsh. I finished radiotherapy 2 weeks ago, only downside was tiredness but seems to be settling this last few days. Started tamoxifen 4 weeks ago and took a few weeks to settle, really bad nausea and diarrhoea but it also has settled. Oncology thinks it’s been a combination of everything. I’ve 4 sessions of reflexology with MacMillan and had the first today, it was amazing. As much as it’s great to finally finish all treatments it’s hard to process everything over this past 7 months, feels like a dream. I’ve been doing more walking and trying to eat as healthy as possible. Small steps but it’s a start. I really hope everyone else is making progress, I know some of you still have surgery yet but as I’ve said before I’ve found nothing as bad chemotherapy. It’s been a tough & long road for us all but we’re getting through it.

Pauline xxxx


@pollyanna1 and @isthisreal was only thinking same and even though I rarely post I missed the commentary and then thought maybe It’s because everybody is coming to the end of their treatment, which is really good and fair play everyone has been through so much. I have finished chemo and I’m just waiting for my hair to stop shedding! It’s lovely to start getting back to normal life and seeing the back of all the chemicals. Chemo is such a long road.

Does anyone have cream recommendations for radio therapy? Looking forward to the end but slightly worried about hormone treatment and symptoms.


@isthisreal sorry you’re feeling rubbish. I’m really struggling with the heat, how on earth do you know if you’ve got a temperature when your thermometer is in the removal van!!! :rofl::rofl:Keep forgetting I’m only 14 days post chemo and I’m attempting a house move and lots of travel. I think that during chemo my PICC line defined me- without it I forget that my guts are still in disarray, and overwhelming tiredness keeps hitting. Tomorrow is a drive back to Reading once Removal van 3 has off loaded for this delightful insertion of tracker seed on Friday- there’ll be local they say… :weary: And then I drive back here later that day for a weekend to chill, except the electrics have just blown in the garage- good job we noticed- so had to empty chest freezer and carry it back into house :weary: Hugs to all you lovely ladies. Laura xx


Hi SL255, I think you will find radiotheraphy much easier than chemo, I know I did, however it is tiring going to sessions every weekday. As for cream, the radiologists will suggest what to use and when/how, but wash it off before each session. Mine said E 45 cream. Also my consultant gave me a prescription for Medi Honey, (You can get it on Amazon as well.) to use if your skin burns or feels sore. It is very very good. Don’t be too worried about hormone treatments. Not everyone has side effects. I have been on Letrozole for nearly 5 years now and yes my knee joints are bad and I have put on weight especially round my tummy and hips but if the tablets are keeping any cancer away I am prepared to continue to take them for another 5 years. I hope all your treatment goes well. There is light at the end of the tunnel. Take care.


@SL255 glad to hear you’ve finished your chemo, it’s such a relief. I found radiotherapy fine and energy definitely better this week. Hospital gave me Cetraben cream which I found great. I also was using aveeno before this which is great for scarring. I’ve really sensitive skin and would be prone to eczema but never had any reaction to radiotherapy. Radiologist also told me that you don’t need to wash any creams off before radiation as new evidence suggests it makes no difference. I’m wondering if this is why I had no reaction as I was putting it on 4 times a day. Ask when you go for your first appointment as every trust is maybe different xxxx


@pollyanna1 and @sunshine21 thanks for the tips! Must start moisturising then! Yep definitely light at the end and eager to start on the hormone treatments too to see how I take to them. But Rads first and hopefully weeks will go fast.


I’ve had my last radio today, and I’ve been using Flamagel and e45, no problems and a dream compared to chemo, also used an aluminium free deodorant, I’m also suffering with tiredness but I’m only 4 weeks post last chemo today do not sure if it’s chemo or radio that’s exhausting me . Hope yours goes well for you xx