April 2024 chemo starters

:heart:yes many groups have used the pm function to swap numbers and set up a WhatsApp group. Our Oct17 chemo gang had a weekend in London together after treatment and we still speak each day and get together a few times a year :heart: as do a lot of he other groups who set their WhatsApp groups up :heart:but do se the pm function to all keep safe :heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx


I think that’s a lovely idea @isthisreal It would be good to keep in touch having gone through this “together” (even though I struggle so much to remember who said what and when, I do read every post and think of you all often) Anita x


I had my minor surgery today - as Mr B told me, it was quick and straightforward! I was in the hospital at 7.30, was the first down and even with some funny delays I was less than an hour in the theatre and the Day Surgery team couldn’t wait to discharge me!
I even managed to find some humour in the day:
Persuading them that I was certain I wasn’t pregnant :heavy_check_mark:
Listening to the nurse telling the surgeon to come and tell Anita himself (not sure what that was but it made me laugh to think she might be afraid of the baldy woman in the green stockings :joy:
The look on the Junior anaesthetist’s face when she realised that, even though the other woman said yes when asked, she in fact wasn’t me - fortunately she checked her wristband before taking the carpal tunnel lady to the breast team :flushed:
But the best bit was the handsome anaesthetist assuring me that he wasn’t interested in whether I could climb the stairs without becoming breathless - “after only finishing chemo 3 weeks ago, I can judge your fitness by the fact that you held a conversation with me while we were walking down the ward, and you are carrying a weight in one hand Anita” I’ll take that :fist:t3:

Sorry for the rambling, I think my brain is suddenly in overdrive!


@isthisreal Good luck today your last one whoop whoop!

@altoan I did laugh when I read your post! Glad you are ok.

@gromit12 hope the imodium worked and that you collected your keys Ok

I had chemo number 10 yesterday, 3 more to go. They gave me some Nystan for my mouth as it’s been so bad so hoping that will help. Somehow my toes infected too so got a month of antibiotics.

Trying to focus on only 3 more but it’s feeling like it’s still a lot at the moment. Urgh I feel like I’m so boring talking about these things that I’m actually boring myself these days!

However the sun is shining so trying to stay positive.

I think it’s a great idea to all stay in touch and get together.

Helen x


Brilliant milestone! Take it easy, lots of Olympics to watch later. So nice to be on the other side!


Helen, I can definitely remember that feeling - it seems such a long way to go and isn’t even the end. If it helps, in comparison, today (3 weeks and 2 days post last chemo) I’m feeling so much brighter. Almost tearfully bright if that even makes sense? These days will pass for you and it will get better :mending_heart:


Collected keys, and bought lots of new furniture :smile: staying in hotel as furniture removal not till Wednesday. It’s been tough though, intense fatigue and poonami at 5.30 two mornings running :see_no_evil:but immodium worked on journey down. Last filgrastin last night :tada::tada:



Can I ask how you are getting on with this ?

I had a massive hair shed 2 weeks ago, still got what looks like lots of hair at the back but when I put it up its so very thin, sides are balding & top is very thin & showing a lovely “fryer tuck look”. I’ve even bought a few scarfs today so I can try & cover up abit as its too warm for my wig & cant wear caps all the time (says the person at the very start of her journey swore she would never do either, strange how we adapt so much)

Bonus is I had my last chemo yesterday, just waiting on hopefully the last ever chemo side effects, which on the hair front, I hope is very minimal.

Hope your doing well, sorry been missing in action have had a tough month


@ivegotthis01 congratulations on last chemo- that’s fabulous news :tada: I forgot there was the last lot of side effects to get through in my excitement!!.But keep focusing on the fact it is the last. Sorry about the hair… It’s all so random. Mine is so thin but growing - so long thin fringe!!.Hang in there. Laura xx


@isthisreal - hurray! Hope it went OK x


Hi, sorry for not responding, I’ve had a busy couple of days and my youngest turned 14 today so lots of celebrations :birthday: and shopping :shopping:
I’m so pleased with the shampoo and conditioner, I only use the conditioner every other wash as don’t feel I need it every wash, my hair is definitely growing, but I’ve added another item to my desperate wish to grow my hair, I will add a photo and think a combination of everything is really helping ,
It’s called MIELLE and it’s rosemary, mint scalp and hair oil I got mine off Amazon but my daughter informs me that it’s all over tick-tock and maybe cheaper on the tick-tock shop, this was recommended my our local shop keeper who my other half often chats too and she’s also going through treatment and happily took her hat off to show him her hair growth which he informs me is longer than mine :rofl: her son bought it for her and I love it, I put it on at least once a day comes with a dropper so I can aim it on areas I feel need it most, massage it in, smells lovely and doesn’t leave it looking shiny or greasy and I’m convinced it’s also working :crossed_fingers:

Massive congratulations on completing your final chemo :clap::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Yay, happy new home and last filgrastin :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::house_with_garden:

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Is anyone else experiencing hair loss weeks after Docetaxel ends? My hair has started falling out again 3 weeks and 1 day after my last chemo. Inch long hairs just packing up and leaving :sob::sob::sob:

I’ve also got really bad oedema in my legs. I think it’s everywhere in my body a bit as my face looks puffier than normal and my arms and body a little too but I really feel and notice it in my legs. Oncologist said that Docetaxel induced fluid retention is really common and can last for months after the last one and onsets generally after the last one. I hadn’t expected it though and go on hols in a week so am spectacularly gutted to be all puffy and gross AND be moulting again.

I’ve also got diarrhoea still intermittently. I really would like chemo to just stop giving me gifts endlessly now!

@gromit12 Congrats on the house and welcome to Somerset!

@altoan OMG! Imagine if they’d taken that poor lady down to your surgery! Yikes!



Oh no Sarah, not what you want before your hols, did they give you any advice for the oedema?
Regarding hair I’m 3 weeks and 1 day tomorrow so hope I don’t wake up with my hard earned hair on the pillow in the morning :woman_facepalming:
I do think I might loose some fingernails soon, a nail technician has had a look and thinks they’ve detached from the nail bed, I’m booked into see the nurse tomorrow so hoping she might be able to give me something to help, on the plus side they are not hurting xx

I have a tiny bit of hair growth maybe 1-2mm on an area on the back of my head, the recast is shiny bald :see_no_evil: a few eyelashes remaining and a few rogue eyebrow hairs. With 3 more to go not expecting any miracles. I’ve been using rosemary oil religiously.

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I’ve no eyelashes or eyebrows, but randomly had a hair growth under my right armpit (would be the numb one) actually had to shave it a couple of days ago. I mean really, what’s that all about!! Xx


My leg hair is back with a vengeance while my head hair falls out. Sooooo unfair!

Hair growing faster on sideburns too so may well end up looking like an Orthodox Jewish man at this rate given how curly it is. :joy:

Nails have just about hung on.

No advice on the oedema apart from “It will get better in time but usual things that help won’t help because it’s not like normal oedema”. Urgh.

I slept with my legs elevated on a pillow last night and I walked loads today. Energy levels are definitely better but still weak but I’ll get there. Just gutted to be so bloated as I was flat stomached so only have bikinis for holiday and this body is NOT bikini worthy this week. :tired_face:

One positive though. I went out in the sun a few times lately and actually tanned (and I’m naturally auburn so do need to be a bit careful normally). No sign of burning at all. Will still use Ultrasun 50+ on hols but am hopeful I may be able to get a big hit of Vit D for two weeks! Woohoo!


My eyebrows have definitely almost disappeared in the past few weeks, I think I could probably count them individually now​:joy_cat:….But there is a tiny bit of baby fluff on the top of my head today :raised_hands:t2:


I’ve just been reading the Cancer Hair Care website again, which might be helpful to some of you too - New hair growth commonly asked Questions & Answers - Cancer Hair Care

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Really useful, thank you x