April 2024 chemo starters

Absolutely beautiful x


Wow, you really rock this look :sparkling_heart:


@isthisreal Iā€™ve been having palpitations and racing heart this cycle. Last week my blood pressure was low this week itā€™s high.
This cycle has knocked me for six, Iā€™ve really bad neuropathy also. Side effect of doxorubicin.
Is anyone experiencing bad headaches and dizziness still.
On a positive note I put on some false tan on my neck and face as was a lovely grey colour.
Hope everyone has a great dayšŸŒ¼


Hi all,

I was at the skincare course yesterday & if youā€™ve not booked in, please do. The ladies running the course are so helpful, I wanted to know about brows & lashes & have walked out knowing how to draw my brows in properly (no clown style for me) & that eyeliner is your friend. Also got this massive bag off goodies to take home :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts: they try & match you as close as they can for foundation & various makes off everything. Actually felt ā€œnormalā€ driving home.

Today though I feel like Iā€™ve been hit with a bus, heads sore, think am getting a cold & feeling meh however this time after my 1st cycle was also a bad day, could this be how my cycles are going to be ?

Anyway, hope everyoneā€™s doing okxx


@hc1973 you look amazing - that was a good call!
@ivegotthis01 and @belle1 thanks for the info on the courses - Iā€™m booked onto the skin and make-up one as it was recommended by a friend, think I will definitely book the hair care one too now!
@pollyanna1 hope you are OK? Sounds as though the side effects have hit you hard xx

Hope everyone else is doing OK? Day after chemo for me and although not feeling too awful, the nausea is hitting harder than usual, so I think a short walk and then a nap is in order! Emma x


Is anyone else on here having chemo before surgery to reduce their tumour? I have a grade 3 fast growing tumour (2.7cm in size) so I was told I needed to go straight to chemo. Now Iā€™m halfway through, Iā€™m booked in for a scan to see if itā€™s working and the tumour has shrunk. Iā€™ve been so focussed on the chemo that Iā€™ve not had time to think about whether itā€™s working and now Iā€™m starting to get super anxious about my scan on Friday. I then have the weekend to wait for the results before seeing the oncologist on Mondayā€¦ just wondered if anyone else was in the same boat?


Hi @altoan
Donā€™t give up! I am a March starter and thought of stopping cold cap too. Luckily I atttended a scalp haircare webinar with cancer hair care charity and decided to continue. I am using surgery caps to protect the bald patches, and filling the patches with nanogen hair fibres when I go out, or do Teams calls at work. It really blends in and no more patches in sight! Really happy I was advised about this product. Cold capping will help regrowth and if you are like me, will stabilise hair loss.
Keep going!
Hope your treatment goes smoothly


@isthisreal my resting heart rate is significantly higher than usual, it is usually really low due to my fitness, but even at night doesnā€™t drop to my ā€œnormalā€. Actually seeing oncologist tomorrow so will mention it. Obviously why we have regular echos :scream:xx


@ivy-cat Iā€™m also having chemo first, and have an ultrasound next week to check size, as itā€™s non palpable xx

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Just had a fabulous 2 nights away by the sea with good friends. Purpose of going was to see G4 in concert. The guys all know Iā€™m having chemo and were so lovely, and one of them sang to me from the stage- I was from row - and when I stood gave me a golden rose. How I didnā€™t cry!!! Also couple of runs on the beach, and some fab meals. I am now completely bushed but oh so good to be normal. Too hot for my wig this morning so turban for me. Hugs to everyone
Laura x


Wow ! Wow ! Wow ! You look incredible!! You are rocking the short style, thank you for sharing :heart:

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How lovely @gromit12 , what an incredible memory for you and your friends, glad you had a fabulous time xx


@ivegotthis01 ive just got home from my look good feel great and what a difference itā€™s made, fabulous advice and lovely people, well worth doing for anyone thatā€™s thinking about it, Iā€™ve too come home looking more alive than I have in what feels likes months, :heart:


Your looking fab, Iā€™m sure G4 were amazing. Ive Pretty Women the Musical next month 2 days after Chemo I donā€™t think ill make it so Iā€™ve been looking at holidays for October to Rome think Iā€™ll book it :sparkling_heart:


Iā€™m also doing chemo before surgery. Mines is a 2.1cm grade 2 HER2 positive one. Iā€™m not sure when my scans will be though as Iā€™ve to get scans as well at some pointā€¦ Iā€™ve only done cycle 2 of 8 though so not sure if itā€™ll be after the halfway point or more. Itā€™s been tagged just in case as well. Iā€™ve got a small chest and found the lump myself so the oncologist said I might be able to feel a change myself as some folk notice that so Iā€™m checking and I could swear it feels smaller already ā€¦. But it may be wishful thinkingšŸ˜‚

Its hard but Iā€™m trying not to get too bogged down with it getting smaller though and if it doesnā€™t get bigger then I can still have a lumpectomyšŸ¤žšŸ»


Iā€™ve just booked on to the skincare course next week, you ladies are all giving Me inspiration :sparkling_heart: the most Iā€™ve managed is a bit of bronzer on my face and false tan on my neck today :joy:


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@pollyanna1 you look beautiful :heart_eyes: what a gorgeous bunch we have in hereā€‹:heart: xx


@belle1 - yes I can feel mine too and it feels as though it may be getting smaller :crossed_fingers:I have tag inserted and the breast surgeon says the aim is for it completely disappear and they will use the tag as a guide to know where to remove the breast tissue from. Letā€™s hope that both are tumours do as theyā€™re told and shrink really well x


@isthisreal , I was the same last week - day 6 I could barely speak let alone anything else! I was up and down, mostly down between days 6 & 10, after which things improved massively to such an extent that I had a fabulously busy weekend when I even cooked :sweat_smile: I hope that you take it easy over the next few days when you will come out of this low :crossed_fingers:t2:
I too have been noticing my heart rate is considerably higher than normal- Iā€™m only monitoring on my Garmin watch - but itā€™s consistently above 90 when typically it would be low 60sā€¦. Our bodies are working really hard to get us back on track :muscle:t3:


How fabulous @elle16 , Iā€™m booked to do that in a few weeks so nice to have something to look forward to!

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