April 2024 chemo starters

You look lovely!


@pollyanna1 Just gorgeous with a fabulous smile :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Looking good! Ooh I need to start some fake tan too! H x

Great photos! Looks like you had the best time xx

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Any recommendations for fake tan? My skin is quite sensitive at the min and am only managing E45 , thought about putting tanning drops in it but not sure? X

Yes Iā€™m the same as you let me know if you find anything x

@isthisreal - yes itā€™s an ultrasound so Iā€™m hoping I can see the screen! I was able to last time. Fingers crossed for all of us that the chemo has done itā€™s work and the tumours have shrunk :crossed_fingers:


Just wondering if anyone else is having throat issues? I think I had mentioned that a couple weeks ago I had tonsillitis and penicillin and it seemed to clear up with the antibiotics but the last few hours Iā€™ve had a sore throat coming on again. Itā€™s all red /inflamed and I just canā€™t figure out if itā€™s a side effect or what this time or if Iā€™m just going to be more susceptible to them.

Have phoned the cancer helpline and they spoke to A&E. A doctor there phoned me and said not to come via A&E but to phone NHS24 for an appointment instead and tell them Iā€™ve already spoken to them and cancer line so just waiting on a callback as they want to see me but need to try organise it.


Belle1 are you on a 21 day cycle? If so which day are you on? You might be in your nadir phase of cycle, keep us posted on how you get on :heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx


Iā€™m on a 14 day cycle and on day 5. Will do. NHS24 phoned back and done their assessment and now Iā€™m waiting on another call from them hopefully with an appointment

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@Shi what is the nadir phase?

Nadir phase of chemo cycle is when your neutrophils are at their lowest usually, do ask the nurse on here and your teams so you know which part of your cycle this will be :heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx


Thank you all for your positive message in response to my scalp cooling question this morning. Im just not very braveā€¦or decisiveā€¦.at the best of times. Itā€™s so nice to read about you all on here, Iā€™m drawing on your strength :+1:t3: You all look amazing, in wigs, hats, or without.
This afternoon I spoke to someone at Maggies who said that the team at the hospital should have gauze or similar to cover up the patches, so at this stage Iā€™m going to continue. The suggestion of surgical cap was a great one but Iā€™d left it too late to order some for myself and was panicking (like you do on Christmas Eve :wink:) Letā€™s hope that the nurse tomorrow will be as positive and supportive as you all are and that will buy me time to consider my options before next cycle. And this time tomorrow I will be half way through :partying_face:


Halfway through whoop whoop! H x

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@Shi got an appointment and have been seenā€¦. Itā€™s inflamed but she doesnā€™t think infected so just to keep an eye out and go back if things change. Itā€™s such a tricky one and thatā€™s why I was wondering with it being second cycle if I was just going to get a sore throat every timešŸ™ˆ hard to tell with having tonsillitis throwing it off last time. Iā€™ll phone my BCN in the morning to pick their brain if things are still okā˜ŗļø


@altoan half way through :tada::tada::tada:will be wonderful! Well done for deciding to give cold cap another go. Fingers crossed it all goes smoothly tomorrow :hugs::hugs: xx


@tsoph sorry to read that youā€™ve had a bad reaction to the chemo. Hope they get a new plan in place for this Friday for you. Really amazing thst you can feel a difference in the size with phsego! Fantastic stuff!!

@hc1973 you look amaaaazzziinng!! You are totally rocking your new hair.
I also had a really sore scalp but bought the tea tree and aloe Vera gel recommended in the hair and scalp lgfb webinar and it really helped.

@isthisreal round 3 of ec was a doozy for me and I had chest pains for three days and occasionally throughout the fortnight. My ā€œbadā€ days are 6/7 but it took me longer to recover and only just feeling myself day9 and Iā€™m back for round 4 on Monday (day 14) so a bit gutted. Hope the next one isnā€™t the same. Hope you feel ok today?

@pollyanna1 you are looking fabulous! So lovely to see peopleā€™s faces. Hope you are feeling ok today? Sounds tough side effects for you to have to deal with. A trip away in October sounds soo nice to look forward to aswell :blush:

@gromit12 photos of time away look like so much fun! Thanks for sharing.

@belle1 hope your sore throat is easing today!

@altoan half way today! Woop woop!!

Can I ask does anyone paint their nails black? Iā€™ve been doing it constantly alongside nail oil daily but hating having black nail polish and donā€™t know if itā€™s making any difference?


Thanks @mlp74 for the recommendation I will get some aloe Vera gel!

Just off for my second EC, first one went well no reactions after the first 2 shocks to the Docetaxal. It made me feel nervous as donā€™t want any delays! Iā€™m sure it will be fine just over thinking!

Sending lots of good vibes to everyone else

Helen x


@hc1973 and @altoan hope everything goes well with chemo todayā˜ŗļø

@hc1973 fingers crossed all goes to plan today :hugs::hugs: off to Oncology clinic later- not sure what that holds. Laura xx

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