April 2024 chemo starters

@swk1981 wow that looks fantastic, mines not like that, and I haven’t heard off my bc nurse since my before my op, I did ring a couple of times when I was waiting for results but felt like they were really busy so haven’t rang them since,
I’ve rang doctors about poly balm but receptionist said that I need an appointment, going to ring at 8 in the morning , she thinks it’s possible, if I can’t get a telephone appointment I will ask at the hospital tomorrow, I explained about the trials as I’d googled some info before I rang.
Will definitely order some if I get no joy, results are fabulous so would be worth the spend xx


It’s a hybrid hospital. It has NHS and Private Insurance people there so everyone gets the same and the large hospital now has the Dyson Cancer Centre opening this week which is also stunning. The NHS also own another private hospital about 20 mins from Bath that is like a 5 star hotel!

I am a private patient because I have insurance through work for £70 a month for me and all three kids. I worked out that with the free parking and hot meals and endless freebies that being in the NHS would cost me more each month. I also love the bill i get every time I go showing the cost. Makes me grateful to not be American. I’m at 3 Chemo cycles billed (today hasn’t been done yet), full mastectomy, full node clearance, all original diagnostics including 6 biopsies, 3 ultrasounds, 2 mammograms, full body CT scan, another CT scan, port insertion, port removal annoyingly and PICC Line insertion, endless consultations, genetic testing, 30 mins with my oncologist before every chemo session, prosthesis fitting and provision and endless support for my husband and me from BCN. It is currently at £24,000 paid by the insurers. That’s three operations and anaesthetics. I think that’s insanely reasonable for soooooo much treatment. How does the US get away with charging what they do. It would be around £150,000 for all the treatment I’m having if I was American!

Some of the others are getting the same on the NHS at my hospital and I’m happy to go private and use the insurance since it’s paid for. I also liked freeing up an NHS space ultimately since I’d have probably ended up at the same hospital using NHS time.


Udderly smooth with extra urea from Amazon was a good cream for skin on hands and feet too worked like a dream for a lot of us, just wanted to share if anyone might find it useful :heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx


That’s fabulous , I’ve also got private health insurance but the private hospital is a lot further away and with so many appointments it wasn’t practical, ( I’m 10 min from local nhs hospital) and I’m really not complaining about nhs I’ve been more than happy with my treatment, time lines and care the only time I was a little stressed and frustrated was whilst I was waiting for oncotype dx score which really couldn’t be helped and I believe even if i was private I would have had the same wait as the results took a while coming back,
I’m booked in at the private hospital at the beginning of June for an unrelated problem with my shoulder( opposite side) been ongoing since before my breast cancer diagnosis and I have found my treatment more reassuring and I’m more comfortable at my local hospital, the rooms not as nice I agree x
And I agree with what you’re saying about costs in America, we are very lucky in the uk to have our treatment both at realistic costs and with our NHS xx

@Shi thanks I will take a look at that too x

@swk1981 silly question, did the Docetaxel make you feel drunk, my oncologist said I might feel like I’ve been drinking because of the alcohol in it, I don’t actually want to feel drunk ( maybe I’m weird ) just not in the mood for a drink or feeling like I’ve had one :joy:

@pollyanna1 im going to try the tiger balm thank you. :pray:. I thought I’d be really bruised today as I’m bruising so easily at the min but nothing yet maybe tomorrow.

Good night all, hope you all get a good night sleep 🩷


I meant to mention that!

Sonia told me after she’d administered it and I messed with her and pretended I’d converted to Islam and that it was forbidden. Her face was a picture! :joy:

It is enough alcohol apparently that you would be over the limit and can’t drive. I didn’t feel drunk because of the steroids. I suspect it would be impossible to get drunk on them because they’re so potent. And this is coming from someone who doesn’t really ever drink (maybe twice a year) so I’m a total lightweight!!! It’s not bad at all.

I’ve spent 4 hours cleaning our house tonight and contending with a 12 year old girl who is at that awkward age where choosing a wedding outfit is perpetual hell! Everyone is finally packed to leave for Glasgow tomorrow lunchtime and I’m almost ready. At least I don’t have to do my hair for the wedding. Total upside to cancer!!!

Feeling quite achey now and a tiny bit headachey but that’s probably the steroids for the headache and I don’t think I’ve drunk enough today.


Have you had your bloods back yet from this week. My platelets were the highest they’ve ever been but my lymphocytes were only 1.0 (so below normal range). I’m bruising easily too but the platelets explain that. Neutrophils were only 3.3 rather than my normal 4.5. Still normal but definitely struggling to come back as hard and fast this time. Alkaline Phosphatase is still lower than normal but that’s a good thing because it shoot ups high for bone or liver mets so I’m happy for it to be low as that correlates with breast cancer!!! Woohoo! They like it staying low right now. X

That’s made me feel better thank you :pray: I’m definitely not a big drinker either, I’m the designated driver :joy:
I know where you’re coming from with your daughter my youngest daughter is 13 and outfit decisions are definitely no fun :joy: glad you’re all sorted for your trip up north , hope the wedding is amazing and you manage to keep on top of the headaches and are not too tired .
I can feel my headache coming on now not sure if it’s the steroids Or late reaction to yesterdays slip , just took some pain killers.
I don’t know what my bloods are, I’ve never had a book like some of you guys, so don’t know what mg my chemo is or what my bloods are , don’t think I would understand them if I’m honest but I will mention it at the hospital tomorrow see if it’s something I could ask for xx

You will understand them. I’m a geek so I plug mine into a spreadsheet to track them and see patterns.

Ask them to print off all your results tomorrow and they should give them to you.

The book was only useful for the first cycle when there was loads going on and it was all new. Otherwise I’ve not used it except for them to put my appointments in. I get print outs every Chemo day of my blood results and I kind of love focusing on it during chemo and finding comfort in the generally good results. It also tells me that I did too much in Cycle 3 and need to rest more this time and that my immunity is a third of what it once was so need to mask up and be careful so have cancelled Take That on June 9th. Thank god I bought cancellation insurance!!!

I’ll have everything crossed for you tomorrow afternoon. I hope it goes smoothly like mine. We’ve tracked each other so much that I have high hopes for you! Elsie is 13 in August so the same year as your daughter (Y8). It’s s challenging year. She is very shy and quiet but wise and doesn’t partake in drama so very much my easiest one. Maggie, my 9 year old could fight with her own shadow. My eldest is 15 and he is struggling with GCSE’s and his insane laziness. Not great timing for cancer, is it?

Although I’ve found a calm I never had before. I let a LOT go and don’t want shouting or drama and it’s brought a calm to our house which is nice.

I think I’m going to book a flight up to Glasgow from Bristol and fly alone and save myself a few hours travel but then drive back with those guys on Sunday to get back earlier. I’m not sure I want to be in a car for 14 hours in total all weekend and I could get to the hospital 4 hours before them and get some rest before the evening drinks.

Tummy is hurting tonight so kéfir up and maybe consider two Omeprazole in the day. The second one has helped a bit. Spine is sore tonight but manageable. Haven’t taken anything but put some great muscle rub from The Oil Hut on and it’s working very well to relieve it.

They also do an insect repellent that’s all natural if you have a holiday planned this summer. I used it last year in Spain and had my best year yet of not getting bitten. Saw someone earlier who had asked for prophylactic antibiotics in case they got bitten. Great plan to avoid any dramas!

You may have a tough time sleeping tonight. I just read my book and submitted to not sleeping and had a snooze during the chemo!

Looking very cancery right now which sucks. It’s going to be time to learn to apply fake eyelashes soon I think!!!


@swk1981 thank you for all the information, that’s all really going to help, I’m definitely going to ask for a print out tomorrow,
My sleep has been disturbed for weeks but I’m wide awake now and it’s just before 4 am, I’m wondering round the house but I’m going to go back to bed and read now, I’ve bought some Kefir , going to have some now as feel a bit icky, am regretting the burger I had earlier now :woman_facepalming:
My children are a real mix of ages, my eldest daughter ( my wild child) is 30 with a beautiful little girl of her own age 6 they live 5 min drive away so get to see them often , my son is 25 who never came back after uni so he’s about an hour away but we talk all the time ( he’s actually off to work in America for 6 months in the next few months, which will be amazing for him, we’ve really encouraged him to go, massive opportunity for him) and then my youngest daughter is 13 , she’s actually 14 in July so is in the year above yours in year 9 but like your daughter she’s quiet and very studious, it’s lot for her being the only one at home but I’ve pleased to say that she’s took all this very well , really try to keep things at home as normal as possible for her :heart:
Great idea in flying down , that’s a massive journey to take on , really hope it all goes well for you and the memories you’re making will make it all worth it, shame about the take that concert, :disappointed:
I had to cancel afternoon tea at the ritz with my sister and friends but they all cancelled so we are hoping to go in September now , :smiling_face: another memory to look forward too .
Thanks for all the tips on what to buy, I write them all down then look for everything online to check them out , so I’m getting quite a list for next weeks online shopping now. :heart:
Beautiful photo, you look amazingly well, well done you :heart_eyes:

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Well done @swk1981 glad to hear it’s all going to plan! Hope you feel OK today and managed to get some sleep. Thanks for the nail info I will look into the poly balm. Hx

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Good luck today @elle16 x

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@swk1981 hope you have a fabulous time at the wedding. Laura xx

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Had a call from oncologist yesterday which lasted less than 5 minutes which shocked a little! He was happy with the ultrasound which he said was stable, and also said my cardiac echo was fine- though he did comment he’d expected that as I’ve done two half marathons on chemo! Wasn’t as negative about doxecetal, just said I may be more tired. And that was about it! My friend reassured me later who also has cancer, and said he always likes short phone calls, as no news good news! Hadn’t thought of it like that! But it’s the only feedback I get in the 3 weeks- hey ho!


That’s amazing new @gromit12! I like the short good news calls too! The fear would kick in if they invited me in to discuss things on an unplanned meeting I think! And if I spot the BCN coming along then I know it’s not good because the resident hand holder and super mega kind person has been dragged into it!

That said, I can’t believe you’ve done Teo half marathons! Cardio has been shown to enormously increase the efficacy of chemo so that’s amazing!!! X


@swk1981 thank you :blush: I’m going to try another half marathon on Sunday- may resemble a :turtle::rofl::rofl:


Thank you @hc1973
@gromit12 fabulous news , so pleased for you, and good luck for your half marathon I’m sure you will smash it :muscle:t3:
Have a lovely day @swk1981 :heart:

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Morning ladies day 3 and feeling a bit icky. The new mouthwash I got for dry mouth is definitely helping the sore throat’s and 2 omeprezole is great for indigestion. I think it’s trail and error as we go along. @gromit12 im a great believer no need is good news, good luck with your half marathon that’s some achievement x @elle16 good luck for today, online shopping is my best friend, delivery’s are becoming embarrassing :joy: @swk1981 have a wonderful time at the wedding, your pic is beautiful. To everyone else hope you’re all keeping well. I’ve found this paw paw cream amazing for nail cuticles. Also I’ve had some peeling on tips of some fingers and Avenno hand cream has cleared it in a few days.
Thought I would mention this for anyone on Instagram, my daughter bought a pink treadmill and was going to return it but instead raffled it and raised £500 in 24hrs for Breast Csncer Now as she knows how much this has been a lifeline for me as this last few months have been very difficult as it’s 6 weeks from my sister died and I really appreciate this forum as an outlet.
This is my daughters Instagram page


That’s amazing @pollyanna1 well done to your daughter, I bet you felt proud of her. Good tip for the nail treatments will have a look at that. Hope you have a good weekend and the mouthwash and omezaparole continue to work. Big hugs Helen x

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@swk1981 forgot to say earlier have a fab weekend at your wedding, I hope you manage to sort out the flights it sounds a little easier than the long car ride! @gromit12 i don’t think I could have done a marathon when I wasn’t on chemo! I think you’re amazing. Wishing everyone a great weekend H x