April 2024 chemo starters

Thank you @pollyanna1 , glad I’m not the only one with the online shopping addiction this week I’ve had a real mixture from cocktail dress. ( hoping it will curb my ice cream addiction) :joy: to neck fans ,
I can’t get poly balm on prescription as it’s not listed but doctor has told me to ask at the hospital today, and the pharmacist is going to check out to see if there’s an alternative and let me know on Monday, I did manage to get some sensitive suntan lotion on perscription as I came out in a rash with mine last weekend with the lovely weather, I will let you know how good it is if the sun comes back out :sunny:I will try what you are using for the nails and bite the bullet on the poly balm if I need too,
Well done to your amazing daughter, if I was in Ireland I would definitely of had a go .
Just off to the hospital now, will be bouncing in to the ward with my steroid kick :muscle:t3::joy:
Hope you all have a wonderful day and a even more lovely bank holiday weekend , lots of love to you all 🩷
@pollyanna1 can I check which pawpaw you bought as the link isn’t working for me , thought I could have a little look whilst having my treatment , but found so many makes xx

That’s bloody hilarious. I nearly bought a neck fan at a petrol station today! Never seen one before! :joy:

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https://amzn.eu/d/99IBmVY hopefully this link works. I’ve also got a lovely neck fan fir the ribena face :joy:
Hope all goes well today my steroid day/ night was catch up on bridgerton x

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Paw paw really good for sore nose, and as barrier for nose as we lose all our nasal hairs apparently and can’t filter stuff we breathe in- what I’ve learnt!!


@pollyanna1 brilliant I’ve just ordered some, thank you,
I’ve actually had two neck fans delivered this week sent one back as was noisier on the left side and I couldn’t cope with it :joy: ordered the same one and the second was a lot better,
God ive ordered some rubbish :woman_facepalming:
First five min over with Docetaxel so fingers crossed all good :blush:


Hi everyone - just been catching up on all the messages! So good to see everyone’s progress. I’ve had a stressful few days as the chemo scheduling team booked me into the small community hospital for my next session but I can’t have it there as I’m switching to docetaxel and I need to be at the main hospital in case I have a reaction. When I told them they said they had no spaces at the main hospital. Anyway, they’ve finally managed to fit me in and I’m back on track hopefully! So relieved it’s half term here next week, my youngest is in the middle of his GCSEs and I think we all need a break from that for a few tbh!
I’ve been using polybalm for a while - a friend who had cancer last year recommended it. It is expensive though so I hope it’s worth it.
Anyway hope you all have a lovely weekend. I’ve just had to drive back into Norwich to collect my bag of goodies from my Look Good Feel Better workshop. My brain is so addled with chemo that I left it in a shop on Monday :woman_facepalming:t4: Emma x


@ivy-cat glad it’s all sorted now for your docetaxel, really not the stress you need especially with your chemo brain, I’m also suffering with the chemo brain and dread any curve balls that need sorting as I struggle to concentrate :exploding_head:, fingers crossed it all goes well for you,. I’ve got half term this week too and I’m glad I’ve got no early mornings to deal with, I’ve got a teenager that loves a lie in, I will probably still be up though but nice to turn the alarm off for a week :heart:
My docetaxel went well today and I even managed a sleep after, I’m awake now and having a little wonder round the house again but hopefuly I will be back asleep after a little reading :crossed_fingers:and so far no nausea :clap:
Glad you managed to pick up your make up bag, they are fabulous aren’t they ?
@swk1981 hope the wedding went well and it’s not took too much out of you and you have a safe journey home :heart:


@elle16 - I’m so relieved to hear your docetaxel went well! I’m a little anxious about it and also about the massive steroid dose that I’ve been given - I like my sleep! I’ll probably end up wandering around the house in the early hours like you. Enjoy your half-term. Just had to get Oscar up early to go to a revision session at the school so no lie in for us just yet x

Thanks @ivy-cat , the steroids are a new level :woman_facepalming: but I managed to go back to sleep and didn’t wake up till 9.10am which is a fabulous lie in for me, my sister always does something nice with my daughter on chemo days and then she sleeps over at her house which is lovely for her. Woke up fine this morning and still no sickness and I’ve even had a cup of tea which I couldn’t face till about day 12 after EC, the nurse did warn me it’s quite common for it to take a couple of day for side effects so I’m going to make the most of it :heart:
Hope yours goes well , what day do you have yours? Xx

@elle16 - it would be so nice not to have the sickness! :pray:
I have mine on Tuesday so start taking the mega steroids on Monday - doctor told me I’d be totally wired so a bit anxious. How lovely for your sister to do something with your daughter on chemo days. My youngest is spending the day round at a friends this week so that will be nice for him and eases the guilt a little for me x

Yes definitely easies the guilt, they went for a curry last night lol, then spent some time with my nephew and his partner who found out she was having a baby the day before my 1st chemo so it’s given everyone something to look forwards too which is lovely :heart: my sister is going to take her baby shopping one of days in half term and she will love that ,

Yes sooooo nice not to feel sick :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: and keeping my fingers crossed for mild side effects but we will see, hope yours comes with no sickness too :crossed_fingers:

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Holy hell people. The 6.5 hour journey to Glasgow took 11.5 hours. My middle daughter didn’t stop talking for 11.5 hours. Took 6 hours to get to Birmingham from Bath due to bank holiday/half term people going on hols. Worst journey ever but we made it at 00:30!

Joints were unhappy last night so took 5ml of OraMorph and passed out.

The lack of nausea on Docetaxel is quite frankly the greatest gift ever in the history of the world. My Onc rang me to check on me yesterday and suggested delaying G-CSF until after the wedding so that I don’t have double joint assault. So I’ll take it tonight when I go to bed after the wedding, 24 hours late. She said it won’t make any difference.

To wake up on Day 3 and eat a full English is nothing short of miraculous when on EC I would spend 7 days nauseous and be struggling to even drink enough. I can deal with pain well so this feels like a gift!

Wedding at 2pm and so am chilling in the hotel with hubs and 15 year old son watching a movie while my girls are in their room, still talking :joy:

Also my first observation in Scotland is that people don’t do that annoying ‘pity look’ like I get in England. They smile at you and pick you up. It’s refreshing as I’ve started to get boiling rage at people giving me sad faced looks.

We’re on the home strait peeps! Even those of us who have radiotherapy to come! We’re over the halfway mark and getting there! I’m actually pleased I read all the Docetaxel fear threads. It totally managed my expectation and this feels like a walk in the park compared to EC! Aren’t we all freaking amazing! X


I’ve got surgery to come too yet, but getting there!!!


I’ve got surgery to come too yet - but will be SO relieved when my chemo is finished!


@swk1981 - you are giving me hope regarding docetaxel. Slightly less terrified about it now. Thank you!


@ivy-cat it was the chemo I was so dreading- and half way there :+1:and as you say I’m a bit more reassured regarding Doxecetal now. My oncologist not as negative about it this week, just I’d be tired. But thats ok, not to have the nausea would be heaven. Laura x


@swk1981 sounds like one hell of a journey , but today will hopefully make it all worth while,
@gromit12 @ivy-cat Yes docetaxel had been much kinder so far, I will have to do injections for 8 days instead of 5 though they didn’t pre-warn me about this but did advise to take in an evening rather than afternoon like I was doing previously, I have gained one mouth ulcer over night but they gave me something for this so I’ve started that this morning so fingers crossed I can keep them at bay, I’ve managed a half hour dog walk this morning too , making the most of my steroids as they will stop after today, so hoping a bit more sleep is round the corner, I’ve had my op so I’m onto radiotherapy next but unsure of how many yet I’ve just been told it will be a minimum of 9 maximum of 15 with added Tumor bed boost :zap:
Also I did not feel drunk after treatment which was good as I wasn’t looking forward to that as I associate it with the dizziness and nausea which I’ve had none of this time, all positive so far, but just waiting to see what next week brings before I jinx myself :four_leaf_clover:


I’ve got one more EC to go, I’m so pleased you guys are all getting on well with the Docetaxal. I’m glad I’m not the only one who just seems to constantly feel sicky on EC. I don’t know what’s happened to my taste buds. I’m such a coffee drinker but can’t face the thought of a milky drink blurgh! I’m really hoping that when I change on to Abraxane the nausea gets better. Pringles have become a firm favourite of mine, I ate a whole tube yesterday !


@ivy-cat @gromit12

I was always dreading the surgery but the chemo has been 10x worse than the surgery was so you’ve really done the hard yards already!!! I’ve got 15 radio to come and I wasn’t allowed a reconstruction because radiotherapy mangle reconstructions fairly often so my surgeon said she wouldn’t recommend it at all. So reconstruction will come next year sometime once I’m strong and fit again! Not even thinking about it for now and I’ve mourned my boob which I think has helped in some ways although has been hard to not self loathe a bit as it’s a tough one to get used to missing a boob.

My friend had Paclitaxel rather than Docetaxel after EC and also found it a walk in the park compared to EC so I don’t think it’s just me and Elle anecdotally finding it better. I’m super sore tonight after the wedding but no more than I think I was on EC as that gave me joint pain too!

@elle16 so pleased you’ve found it so much better and managed a dog walk! Such an achievement compared to EC! My god, we deserved to catch a break!

Wedding was a success and my kids have been super lovely. It’s been a memory cherisher and was worth the 11.5 hours of travel! Here’s my little monkeys!


@swk1981 what gorgeous photos :star_struck::star_struck: so glad the wedding went well- hold on to the memories. Laura xx