April 2024 chemo starters


My best ones are really cheap sarong thin ones I found in a hippy store in Paris before chemo BUT the ones I wear most now if I want to look smarter are Accessorize ones and Oliver Bonas. Brighton Lace sent me two gorgeous ones too which are thinner and great in warm weather.

Satin ones are hideous and too thick and slippy and a bit too Joan Collins.

I got a lovely blue one from Mango last week.

Either go larger really thin sarong material or go smaller and slightly thicker but anything below 65cm square is too small to tie. Donā€™t be afraid to buy a large one and cut it in half to make it work. Itā€™s worth it as itā€™s hard to find ones to love and youā€™ll use them so itā€™s worth it! The accessorize ones will be too thick once itā€™s over 22 degrees so Iā€™ll halve them then and have two! X


Luckily, scarves are in fashion this year! They knew we were coming! Donā€™t bother with Zara as too thick. X



Docetaxel really does give you a painful bum. I was hoping to avoid it but on Day 5 today, I woke up not constipated and mostly healthy but then the floodgates have opened and itā€™s not fun but not the worst diarrhoea Iā€™ve had.

Read around and loads of people seem to have ended up using Sudocrem or Preparation H. Iā€™ve gone straight for the Anusol/Preparation H approach for the relief and itā€™s instantly feeling better.

It may be worth stocking up now for those behind me on this fun merry go round. X


Hi, we are on the same treatment & treatment days. I have found my 3rd EC really hard as well. Monday to Wednesday last week I felt so ill, its the worst Iā€™ve been so far during chemo & Iā€™ve felt so sleepy, thankfully everything as calmed down but still feel shattered at a drop off a hat, however my lovely husband & son have loving passed on a cough that they both have :roll_eyes::roll_eyes: Iā€™ve got bloods tomorrow & hopefully if everythings ok my last EC on Thursday (I then move onto Paclitaxel) but this will be my half way mark :partying_face::partying_face:

Just off the phone from Ward 1 to make sure am feeling ok for Thursday & advised about cough, as long as no temperature, feeling fine & no shortness off breath its treatment as usual :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers: & she advised that how Iā€™ve been feeling is normal as everything ramps up - great cant wait for the side effects this time round :face_with_peeking_eye::face_with_peeking_eye:

Hope everyone has a great week xx


Day 4 Docetaxel
Feel like Iā€™ve crashed and burned today, absolutely exhausted, sore mouth and throat, no taste, but not like EC , no sickness, done absolutely nothing all day .
Tender fingers and toes , so so tired :sleeping:

Hi Iā€™ve been of the radar this last few days, sorry if I dampened anyone sprits a few days ago this 3rd cycle has wrecked me. I never had sickness or diarrhoea as bad with other cycles, just feel like Iā€™ve been run over by a bus and so emotional. I donā€™t even know myself. Fingers crossed it settles soon. As lot of you know my sister died suddenly last month and this last week or so my heads been all over the place. I think if I felt well I could cope or even try to occupy my head.
Please donā€™t let my rant dishearten anyone, I know Iā€™ve one more cycle after this to go and I will do it. I have to so I can let you women whom have radiotherapy to do tell you what itā€™s like lol. Iā€™m totally amazed at how well lots of you are doing, itā€™s never easy, so be very proud. X
Like some of you Iā€™ve bought lots of head scarves but finally got some that arenā€™t too big or small.
Iā€™ve copied the link

Pauline x


Thank you so much for your kind words,itā€™s been a tough few days emotionally and physically. My dad called with me today (82)and heā€™s just finished treatment for bladder cancer a few months ago and we had a great chat and told me heā€™d never got through it without my help( crying once again) heā€™s such an inspiration and I know I can do this with all the great support I have. Postive pants back on lol xxx


Good luck for your next one, sending Hugs xxx

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Ah, are you in Sonning? Iā€™m in Henleyā€¦ Are you also at RBH?

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I totally get you regarding surgery, Iā€™m the same 15 sessions of radiotherapy which they said should be starting end of June beginning of July. Iā€™ve a planning appointment this Thursday with radiotherapy ( different hospital) have you had any word about this xxx

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Is your mouth pain totally different to EC? I feel like someone has exfoliated my entire mouth and tongue with steel wool. So swollen and sore and no taste at all!!! It also hurts to chew and gums feel soooo sore!

Iā€™m also bloody wiped out and toes and fingers feel all wrong. Ends of toes are really sore especially and almost a bit itchy sometimes.

Still better than EC though weirdly.


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Oh @pollyanna1 Iā€™m so so sorry but Iā€™m also pleased your Daddy told you that. You have so much on you. Iā€™m not sure Iā€™d even be upright in your situation. Most of us are struggling with just cancer without worrying about our Dads and dealing with such immense loss. I wish I could take some of it away from you xx


Iā€™ve got a couple of these but canā€™t fathom how they work!!! They come with a little ring / toggle thing too. They are gorgeous pattern.

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@elle16 - sorry to hear that! My doctor said the come down after you finish the steroids can be brutal on docetaxel. Fingers crossed you start to feel better soon. I start on docetaxel tomorrow. I started the steroids today - a massive dose compared to what I was on for EC. Knew I had to sleep well last night because Iā€™ll be wired for the next three nights but lay awake all night worrying about not sleeping. Honestly! :woman_shrugging:

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@kartoffel yes Iā€™m at the RBH, but having chemo at Brants Bridge. Where are you having chemo? Laura x

@swk1981 Yes!!! I couldnā€™t have put it better :joy: BUTTHOLES!

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@elle16 yes I felt the same after docetaxel. I had about 4 days (day 5 onwards) where was shattered and barely did anything. Hoping yours doesnā€™t last as long x

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@swk1981 yes my mouth has been bizarre too since docetaxel. A few ulcers and cuts at side of mouth and my tongue has been red and sore. I love the perfect analogy of exfoliating with steel wool!!!
Everything tastes blandā€¦. I keep looking at the food to check what Iā€™m actually eating. The only blinking thing I can taste is horrible kefir!
I think Iā€™m a week ahead of you and my mouth mostly got better on about day 9, taste coming back slowly.
Did you try sucking ice cubes or ice lolly on chemo day? Someone had suggested it so I tried, but not sure if it did much good.
Good luck for the next few days xx

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Iā€™m not sure I would have survived the chemo tummy pain this time without kĆ©fir. Iā€™ve drunk 4/5 times more this time and itā€™s sorted the bloat every time within hours. Still hate the taste though after years of it!

Canā€™t do ice lollies because chemo killed them for me unfortunately. The only thing that has made me throw up is the mention of a Calippo since the start of chemo. I literally hurled talking about them. Mental!!!

Everything tastes sooo bland but i can smell curry even though we live on a farm so thereā€™s no curry near me. Iā€™ve gone insane. The hinges of my jaw hurt and I swear someone has taken a razor blade to my inside cheeks. Jeez. This is still better than EC but I canā€™t identify a single bit of my body that doesnā€™t hurt right now. Am tempted to take some morphine and switch off because itā€™s quite hard to escape the joint/flesh/nerve pain.

I mucked out horses this morning and coped and ignored the pain but I canā€™t figure out whether moving around is better because lying still I can just notice all the pain.

Hollywood promised me vomiting, baldness and being thin. Instead I got nausea, pain, baldness, fluid retention and an addiction to Pringles. Bastards. I was at least hoping to rock my ugly missing boob in Spain with an insanely flat stomach and some hip bones to distract from the boob. Soooooooo unfair! :joy:


Thanks everyone for making me feel less alone, wire wool in my mouth is a perfect analysis, just feel battered after what feels like my 1654 sleep of the day ,
@pollyanna1 you are incredible, keep doing what youā€™re doing, canā€™t even begin to imagine the heart ache and pain youā€™ve coped withšŸ©· if I could hug you I would,
Thank you so much for the link, those headscarves look perfect, my delivery man will be pleased :thinking:
Keep going everyone, weā€™ve got this :muscle:t3: