April 2024 chemo starters

@elle16 how awful for you, hope they sort you out really quickly. Hugs :hugs: :hugs: xx

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@pollyanna1 I was told to wear factor 50 even when itā€™s cloudy, and I have a baseball cap with SPF in it, and I donā€™t have much of me on show! I am wearing short sleeved t-shirts, but long trousers. My body doesnā€™t actually like being out in direct sunshine, which is not normal for me x


So sorry to hear this @elle16 - but relieved you are getting treatment. What a nightmare docetaxel has been! Iā€™m currently feeling quite unwell so just monitoring temps and symptoms to see how I go. Hope you are able to get home soon :crossed_fingers:


Getting quite nervous about starting Doxecetal in Thursday with what you are all suffering :scream::scream:

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Thank you, oncology nurse just been to see me, took some more blood hopefuly they will be better, she said my wbc should be 7 and itā€™s 50 :woman_facepalming: she will speak to oncologist and they will review my injections, she said I can go home once Iā€™ve had a brain scan and they are confident I can take oral antibiotics , still no beds on a ward, xx


Well done @gromit12 :medal_military:šŸ©·

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@gromit12 Iā€™m starting it on 14th and feeling apprehensive tooā€¦. I really feel for everyone suffering so much!

Just try to remember that the extent of side effects can vary so much from person to person and weā€™ll just need to see whatā€™s what with ourselves and phone for help asap if something isnā€™t feeling rightšŸ™ˆ

My cancer book is quite set on when Iā€™ve to phone (and some things feel a bit pre-emptive on the list as a just in case) but Iā€™ll be doing it and seeking advice after seeing all the issues and potential crossover with side effects and being ill!


Iā€™m home :heart: brain scan not needed in the end Iā€™ve showed positive for ecoli so that on top of the reaction to the injections are what made me so ill, stopped being sick so can take the antibiotics at home and they said I need to make an appointment with my oncologist for this week,
Just glad to be home :house:


@belle1 I agree, and I try not to pre-empt side effects until.they happen, and they might not. Iā€™ve been v lucky up to now. I have just stocked up on omeprazole and gaviscon, as my team donā€™t seem to be too forthcoming with medication!! :rofl:


Iā€™m not surprised you were so ill @elle16 - ecoli when youā€™re immunosuppressed is a disaster! Glad to hear youā€™re back home now and on the road to recovery x


Oh my goodness @elle16. Iā€™m so sorry this happened. E-coli on a good day is hell on earth, let alone in your nadir. Iā€™m so pleased youā€™re home and able to take antibiotics there.

Us lot are like an anti-advertisement for Docetaxel!!!

Not to harp on but kefir for e-coli is phenomenal. Our results with the pigs were included in the DEFRA study specifically for the prevention of e-coli bloom in the gut. It really helps counter the effects. You probably donā€™t feel like eating much but maybe when youā€™re better.

I feel like we basically need to cancel all expectations until mid-July. Iā€™m not even frustrated anymore about achieving nothing because my brain canā€™t even be arsed to argue with my body anymore!

Sleep well darling and eat what you can and keep your strength up. Weirdly, Iā€™ve ignored the ā€˜no spiceā€™ advice and am enjoying eating any meal with chilli in it and itā€™s working.

Weirdly, I also just had bloods but with sky high neutrophils and no one seems able to tell me why they jumped up 10 points in 24 hours without any G-CSF stimulation. I think they really hate me always wanting to understand everything. X


@swk1981 i did start the beginning of the week with kefir but then stopped, will look at trying it again in a few days , my neutrophils were 60 and they said that was way too high, god knows how I picked up e-coli :woman_shrugging: just unlucky I think, they said mine showed as an upper respiratory infection which is why it was in my head and face, Iā€™m just glad to be home and going to take some time to feel better rather than rushing through the days trying to get to the next one . On a positive note Iā€™m hoping my next one might be better as they think the stimulation from the injections has really effected me and will now be reviewed, and yes I agree with @belle1 everyone will be different and Iā€™ve heard a lot of positive experiences with docetaxel, think a few of us have just been unlucky but next time could be so much more positive and I will share that too, hereā€™s hoping for an uneventful next few days and good health to us all šŸ©·


My Dad said to me ā€œWell the 2nd dose should feel a million times easier since youā€™ve managed to make this one as bad as humanly possible!ā€ Heā€™s not wrong. I remember feeling like I wouldnā€™t be able to do EC again after the first one. And it got easier each time. I think the not knowing whatā€™s normal and it being so different for every person is what makes it so very hard. Thereā€™s just no ā€˜normalā€™. Throw in the fear of a ā€˜silent killerā€™ like neutropenia and itā€™s no wonder this is so hard.

Hollywood really didnā€™t paint this chemo malarkey very accurately! Bloody liars! X


Morning everyone, so sorry Iā€™ve been a bit quiet this weekend.

@swk1981 im so happy you are back home and I hope that youā€™ve had a good sleep in your own bed, it makes such a difference! Iā€™m really hoping your neutrophils are getting back on track. You need to be really kind to yourselves this week and that means no saying Iā€™m fine! Lean in to low expectations and just get stronger.

@elle16 cant believe on top of everything else you have Ecoli you poor thing, thatā€™s not going to be nice for anyone let alone someone going through chemo! Like I said to @swk1981 I hope now your home you can start to turn a corner.

My weekend whilst no where near as bad as yours as been pretty stressful. As you know Iā€™m diabetic and steroids are so hard to handle as they inflate your sugar levels in a crazy way. Iā€™m an extremely well controlled diabetic and have a sensor so my phone tells me when my sugars rising. On a non steroid day I usually take 4-5 injections a day on Saturday I took 26.

Then yesterday I took too many so ended up having hypos during the day and night urgh! Itā€™s just so hard to manage as you canā€™t just count carbs as itā€™s medically induced so the science and usual calculations donā€™t work.

I know this is only temporary so no more medical help needed Iā€™m just having a rant as Iā€™m in my comedown from steroids day today so Iā€™m feeling sleep deprived and a little bit fed up!

On a positive note my sugars will level out now!

I also feel bad that Iā€™m moaning when everyone else has had some really serious stuff going on.

My sons Has 2 A levels this week and I know everyone else is contending with exams too, I just hope he gets his grades for university.

@gromit12 you are an inspiration, I donā€™t know how you do it! Congratulations and a big hug to you!

Sorry for my moan and hereā€™s to a much brighter, better week.

Helen x


Thanks for the advice @pollyanna1 i bought one this weekend on Amazon it arrived yesterday and definitely helps!


@hc1973 - sounds as though youā€™ve had an awful weekend! Really hope things ease off for you now that youā€™re off the steroids :crossed_fingers:

Iā€™ve just phoned the helpline as Iā€™m on day 5 of awful diarrhoea. The stomach cramps have been so painful that Iā€™m struggling to sleep. Iā€™ve got to take Imodium to try and ease the cramps etc and dioralyte to rehydrate. They donā€™t think itā€™s an infection as my temps are OK and thereā€™s no vomiting. Iā€™ve got to drop off a stool sample just so they can be certain though!

Iā€™m hoping that I can pre-empt all of this next time around and that it will be easier.
Hope everyone is doing OK XX


@ivy-cat oh thatā€™s horrid poor you, I hope they get to the bottom of it soon. I think that as most of us are at the half way point in our treatment this is where it gets harder as our bodies really are fighting the poison from the chemo.

Itā€™s so easy to forget whatā€™s actually being done to our bodies, half the time Iā€™m in denial and my mantra is always Iā€™m fine!

My friend even bought me a bag the other day that said ā€œIā€™m fine, everythingā€™s fineā€ :rofl:

Hang in there @ivy-cat xxx


@hc1973 Just like this? :joy:

Itā€™s so hard to ask for help or adjustments sometimes. Iā€™m just trying to put my head down and push through to the end of chemo. Iā€™ve just been working full time, napping when I can and saving my A&E visits for after work/weekends. My body is kinda cooperating with me in that respect as it seems to save the worst side effects for outside of working hours strangely enough.


@kartoffel all credit to you for continuing to work full time. Take those periods of downtime when you can. Hugs. Laura x

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Omg, what a time youā€™re having, but so glad all is ok - take care xx

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