April 2024 chemo starters

What a day… my thrombophlebitis has been painful and started swelling yesterday. Went to A&E last night and they weren’t sure what was wrong and couldn’t ultrasound as out of hours so was sent home and told to keep an eye on it as was seeing my own oncologist this morning. Overnight very painful, more swollen and red. Seen my oncologist and looks like my phlebitis is infected (in that vein) so have been put on antibiotics. Forearm is like popeyes :joy::woman_shrugging:t2: they’ve doodled on my arm circling the red area and if there’s no improvement by my bloods on Thursday chemo is off for Friday. I also haven’t had a heart scan as they forgot to order it so they’re trying to urgently get me in for one in the next couple days as I can’t start the Docetaxel without it :pensive: not convinced this will be happening on Friday!!

If it does, what times did you take your steroids the day before Docetaxel? I’ve to take 4 tablets twice a day but have had differing advice on times to take them


Oh @belle1 that sounds like a really rotten thing to happen. An evening in A&E is always horrible. I hope that the antibiotics take effect quickly so it calms down and doesn’t delay chemo on Friday.
This treatment really puts our bodies through the wringer.
Not sure about steroids as I take different ones and just once a day.


I’ve managed only 900 steps today which is a new low in my chemo activity levels! Managed bed to sofa and back to bed, and the loo urgently many times. The joys!!!


Thanks. The redness is way outside the boundaries she drew earlier and the swelling is still going…. Praying the antibiotics work quick as the pain is awful! Hope your stomach starts to settle soon too :grimacing:


@belle1 that sounds awful - hope it clears up. I’ve had pretty grotty day - woke up with horrendous jaw pain, couldn’t really open my mouth, and really off my food today. I too needed to be close to loo as Taxel trots has hit :see_no_evil: Did manage to get to PICC clinic without any disasters, but went back to bed when I got back in.


:heart: please check directly with your team about your meds. Explain to them you’ve had conflicting information and want to be 100% sure you are taking correctly :heart: always best to double check with your team :heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx

Belle1 go to the pals office at your trust if you continue to be given conflicting information by your team or ask to speak to your oncologist via his secretary about your concern with conflicting information about your meds. In my experience the secretaries who work for consultants are highly experienced helpful compassionate assistants who will help you get correct information if you yet again get conflicting instructions from team also the pharmacist you are getting the meds from should clearly be able to advise how and when to take your meds :heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx


Sounds awful, hope it’s something they can sort quite quickly for you :crossed_fingers:
Regarding steroids before treatment I take mine 2 tablets in the morning when I wake and 2 tablets at lunch time as advised by my chemo nurse in the hope I can get some sleep, 🩷


@belle1 this sounds awful, hopefully you’re sorted by Friday and you get to go go ahead with your chemo :sparkling_heart:


Thank you xxx

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@gromit12 that sounds horrible, I had the jaw pain a few weeks back and know how it feels, hopefully it eases of soon. Hopefully you get some rest and feel better soon. :gift_heart:


Just got a call. My chemo is delayed as they couldn’t get me in for a heart scan till Friday afternoon :pensive: bit disappointed as the delay for the scan is due to an oversight on their part and my arm is looking a bit better this morning already. Oh well! Waiting to get the new date of my chemo for next week now


Aw that’s rubbish - how are you feeling today?


Oh that is annoying, we just want this stuff over and done with don’t we? It will give you some time to recover though and your body will be stronger for the next slot - hopefully not too much delay?


Yeah defo just want it over with but it’s my mums birthday on Saturday and what’s done is done so trying to just be positive and focus on the fact that I’ll be able to spend time with her feeling more normal rather than wired to the moon on steroids/feeling dodgy!

They’ve called to say they’re looking at when they can book me in the now. They’ve apologised and are going to try to do it in the first half of next week so the delay isn’t too much. Hopefully get a call soon with an update :crossed_fingers:t2:


@belle1 Didn’t get a lot of sleep, but do feel a bit better this morning thanks - I can at least open my mouth!!! The pain just took me by surprise and ibuprofen doesn’t touch it. Diarrhoea is a bit better this morning though, though bit scared to venture v far!!! Going to an outdoor performance of Midsummer Nights Dream tonight!! :scream::scream:


@belle1 oh that’s pants- but try to focus on time with your mum, without being a demented Duracell bunny! We all so much want all this done and dusted don’t we? I had an email from our solicitor this morning saying we should have a moving date in the next 2 months- so hopefully chemo will be done, and I’ll be having a break before surgery :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:


Oh dear… hopefully your stomach calms down a bit for later!! Yeah some normal feeling family time will be nice :smiling_face: that would be good if it all tied in!


This sounds horrendous @belle1 - how awful for you. I had to take my steroids the day before docetaxel - two mega doses, one in the morning and one late evening. Focus on getting through this first though, we’re all thinking of you xx


Sorry to hear about the jaw pain! I had a sore mouth and obviously horrendous stomach issues but thankfully it eased off after a week. Well done on making it to the Picc flush - I had to dash to the loo twice when I had my flush a few days after the docetaxel :see_no_evil: