April 2024 chemo starters

Oh @belle1 what an awful day you’ve had, I can’t even imagine, really hope they get you in quickly, there’s nothing worse than the end dates changing, gutted for you, xx


Oh @belle1 that is just awful, I’m so sorry. So fortunate I’ve had a PICC from day 1. Hugs
Laura xx

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@swk1981 sounds promising, I agree with the slacking of the body, I’ve definitely reduced my calorie intake too but like you I’m not burning any calories, I’m staying away from the scales this week though,
I did have a big puffy face yesterday, today I’ve just got a puffy face that no make up would ever disguise, I’ve given up on make up but try to put a little eyebrow on so I don’t look like a satellite dish :satellite:
The aches are undeserved but another reminder of the shitty poison running through our bodies, roll on next week !!! :heart:


@swk1981 @elle16 @gromit12 thanks guys. Yeah it’s been draining and disappointing and I’m just hoping they can get me in next week for the Hickman :crossed_fingers:t2: Its murder it’s got to this stage before they’ve agreed to it.

Also (swk1981) I couldn’t get the Herceptin as it needs to be done with the Docetaxel. My heart rate was high and I was really anxious to the point where they offered me diazepam lol but turns out I didn’t need it as no jag today anyway. It didn’t help that they didn’t seem to realise I was to get it then weren’t telling me when I was getting it etc and it seemed to drag on before all the cannula stuff went wrong!


Satellite dish! :joy:

My hair has grown in loads in the last few weeks too and the grey that fell out is more brown. I’m on about my 3rd or 4th lot of hair now!

God knows what I’ll get back eventually but at least Docetaxel hasn’t managed to make me go completely scalped like I feared!


Must be so frustrating that they could of put you a line in at the beginning, think it’s horrible when you work yourself up for something and then it doesn’t go ahead, I’m not surprised your heart rate was high xx
@swk1981 hope the class goes well xx

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I know this is annoying but you really do look fabulous, the hair growth is brilliant, especially as I know you had a big hair loss again when you were poorly after your last docetaxel, I will try and pop a photo on tomorrow if I look half human :rofl: xx

So yesterday, all day, I was ready for my 7pm appointment with the gynae about ovary removal. Did I remember to go? Nope.

Today, ready all day for Look Good Feel Better. Did I go? Yes. Was it actually today? No. It’s tomorrow! :woman_facepalming:t2:

I’m not compatible with life right now! :woman_facepalming:t2::joy:

I’m not sure I should be allowed out of the house.

Thank you @elle16 you’re very kind!

Hair committed suicide on first Thursday of Docetaxel so Day7/8 ish last time so most of that has come in since then! I imagine it may die and come back again this time. A little tragic when your hair growth is the most eventful part of your week but hey ho! X


Oh no :woman_facepalming: sounds like my life lol , just can’t catch a break

I d liked to say this is my hair growth but it’s pretty much stayed like this, I’ve no idea on the colour anymore, seems to go from grey to dark like yours, I think I must loose and grow some at roughly the same time as it’s never been longer than this or complete bald I’ve started rehab macha oil capsules today so I’m hoping for a miracle growth, I actually dreamt my hair grew back last night and was very disappointed when I looked n the mirror, xx


@belle1 oh no! I’m so sorry you had to through all of that and still didn’t get anywhere- that’s so frustrating for you. Really hope they can sort out a Hickman line for you ASAP :crossed_fingers:


@swk1981 oh dear it sounds like chemo brain is in full flow for you!! I’ll give you a laugh…. Yesterday I was waiting on toast popping, literally standing right beside the toaster daydreaming, then about 5 mins later was like for gods sake this is taking forever…. Looked down and there was no bread in the damn toaster​:joy::joy:


That’s hilarious. I swear the chemo brain has gone up a whole other notch on Docetaxel! I now say “Bob” when I don’t know the word for something so that my kids and husband know I just can’t find it in my brain and they need to help me out. Works better than getting frustrated! I’m normally sharp as a tack and I think the kids quite like me being a bit thick and not noticing much!


So sorry to hear this, I also had treatment through cannula and my last one my veins kept tissuing but lucky finally got it. It’s weird that every hospital does this different. Hopefully you get some news soon xxxx

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@swk1981 you’re looking fantastic, I’m getting jealous of your hair and also @elle16. I’m starting to get a bit of stubble on my head that’s about it :joy:
This chemo is weird I’m now full of freckles and this cycle my stomach is also full of freckles( I promise I haven’t been sunbathing in my bikini :joy:)
Who mentioned about hair oil as I can’t remember, I’m willing to try anything.
Wasn’t going to share this but here goes, has anyone had problems with their legs. I’ve now had 3 falls were as I haven’t tripped, leg has just went beneath me. Latest one was this afternoon fell while watering plants, one of those times looking around to see if anyone seen me. A neighbour was getting in to their car and came over and asked was I ok and i stupidly said just pulling some weeds. I’m sure they looked at me and thought that poor girl chemo must be effecting her brain. I don’t know why I just didn’t tell them the truth as I was just sitting plonked in drive. :joy:
When I eventually crawled in to the house my poor husband thought I’d seriously hurt myself as the tears were streaming down my face ( laughter at the response I gave my neighbour) sure if you didn’t laugh you’d cry xxx
Pauline xxx

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0ch!!! Definitely not what you need, I had my fall down the stairs but haven’t felt like my legs are giving way, but they are weak, I would definitely mention it at your next appointment just to put your mind at rest.

I’ve started these today, they are quite new, no proven help with chemo hair as far as I’m aware but I just thought I would give them a shot, nothing nasty in them, I just massaged into my scalp and then washed out after a couple of hours, think the recommended time is 4 hours, I will let you all know if I think they help xx
Ps I’ve also gained new freckles xx


@belle1 sorry to hear about your day, I have my fingers crossed for you that they will get that appointment booked super fast.
@pollyanna1 ouch! I bet your poor husband wondered what had happened!
I’m very jealous of your hair growth @swk1981 I just have stubble and the sides of my head are completely smooth.
Feeling really nervous about starting the Abraxane on Thursday and hate the thought of going in every week urgh!
Big hugs to everyone Helen x


@hc1973 how many cycles of Abraxane have you got? Laura x

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Is it wrong that I’m that easily sold just on the nice packaging? :woman_facepalming:t2::joy:

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@gromit12 9 sessions I’m hoping to finish by my birthday but they’ve told me you often need a week break. I’m hoping not! I’m really dreading having to go every week.


@hc1973 gosh that’s really tough. :crossed_fingers:It all goes to plan. Laura xx

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