April 2024 chemo starters

What do you take for diarrhoea? I thought I’d be buzzing with the steroids as I was up early yesterday but they gave me a big bag of antihistamines and something to chill me out for the herceptin jag so I fell asleep last night on the couch, went to bed at 930 and slept all the way through​:joy::joy: antihistamines for the win!


@hc1973 There’s nothing you can do for low neutrophils except the jags I’m afraid. I just made sure I ate as healthy as possible ans I felt better doing so and looked after myself in general to stay well, also have been on top of my hygiene more so than usual (Hand washing, mouth hygiene stuff as above, masks in public spaces etc) just to try not catch anything. Mines have been between a low of 0.45 and high of 1.12 for the whole of EC and I haven’t gotten sick outside side effects with that routine so please try not to worry too much :smiling_face: ironically when I had sickness and diarrhoea the other morning it was a random occurrence and when my neutrophils had finally got up to 4 after an extra 2 weeks off chemo with my delay :woman_shrugging:t2::joy:


Thanks @belle1 here I am worrying about 1.6 when yours have been so low :see_no_evil::see_no_evil: thanks for all the advice. I’m just being silly I know! Hope you feel OK today H x


Honestly so long as you’re mindful of it and taking precautions that’s the main thing☺️ can definitely still enjoy yourself and I’d be asking about the jags again if any more issues rather than having to delay in future! Just thought that if you seen my numbers you’d hopefully feel reassured😉


I wouldn’t be too worried. Neutropenia itself isn’t a massive issue as long as you stay safe and as long as you don’t spike a temp with febrile neutropenia.

I was told the cut off was 1.0 for my chemo but it may be different as yours is weekly perhaps. My consultant said the same about filgrastim not being overly useful if they’re low as it’s kind of artificially inflating them rather than your body actually recovering.

No idea on how to naturally increase them other than maybe rest, nutrition and hydration.

Will delaying the chemo then cut into your Cornwall trip? X


That’s amazing that you slept so much!!!

I just took one Imodium when it hit. The consultant told me that it’s not to be treated like normal diarrhoea (where it’s better to let your body purge itself and get it all out) because it’s just irritated mucosa and not infection with Docetaxel. Therefore the focus is on preventing dehydration and lose of electrolytes so Imodium is the right thing to do. I also took some electrolytes to try and sort myself out. I only took the Imodium for one day but they said to take it daily if it continues and to do it first thing to prevent it becoming a thing. X


Hopefully no delay to holiday, will just be having the chemo potentially later on the Friday and then we go on Saturday. We are going to drive straight to my chemo from Cornwall. It will be like the old days when the kids were small and we used to get up early for camping trips to beat the traffic!

Just would have preferred first day at home as I have bad diarrhoea straight after so I will be popping those loperamide tablets pre journey!

When’s your holiday planned?


@hc1973 - I’ve read that eating mushrooms can improve your neutrophil count. Might be complete nonsense but mushrooms are good for you anyway! In Japan and China patients are told to eat mushrooms following chemo. Could be worth a try? I eat shitake mushrooms and oyster mushrooms are also good (unless you hate mushrooms of course!)


Thanks! I asked at the chemo ward yesterday and she just said oh we can give you stuff for that🤣 I did already get Imodium in so good to know that’s all I hopefully will need!

Yeah I didn’t know I was getting piriton on drip and had already had an antihistamine before chemo too due to having a rash from an allergy to my first hickman line dressing, so think it knocked me out when I got home. Glad to get a good sleep though as I’m sure the steroids will affect me more tonight and I start my Filgrastrim injections today too which should give me about 5 days of insomnia going by my usual pattern :rofl:


@belle1 great that you slept! I was the Duracell bunny for half, if not more, of the night! Eating cereal at silly o’clock! I take immodium for the diarrhoea. Always take it before going out even with one lot of diarrhoea and always carry it with me when I go out. The instant melts so just dissolve in your mouth. Laura xx


Thanks! I’m out a walk now as feel the need to burn some energy lol but can’t do my usual stuff due to my line still settling at my neck etc. This forum has been so fab for tips from everyone - makes things so much easier to see other people’s experiences and what you are all doing so thank you!


Great advice! I’m going to buy some of those instant melt ones today. I was just taking it when it happened but I think from reading it on here today I may just take it if going out! Especially for my car trip to Cornwall next week!


It’s not going to hurt is it, as it’s hardly likely to then bung you up as we know there’s more on the way :see_no_evil::see_no_evil:and it’s worked pretty effectively for me :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:xx


Got an answer on my insurance. Because I’ve held the policy since 2018 and I booked the holiday before I was diagnosed, the entire holiday is covered for August with Barclays/Aviva. However, nothing I book after cancer is covered so she advised me to cancel the policy as soon as I get back from my holiday! It’s good at least that this one is sorted so I’ll worry about it when I get back and won’t book anything until I find an alternative provider.


That’s brilliant news about your insurance, now you can look forward to going away xx


Hello you.

I am frankly enjoying this forum. Every moment brings us closer to the end, and I find it so meaningful to read about each of your journeys.

I have been quiet because due to the effects of chemotherapy, I’m experiencing a sudden menopause which is affecting my hormones and mood. Typically, women’s bodies naturally ease into menopause over time, but in my case, this isn’t the norm.

With that said, over the past two weeks, I’ve been feeling incredibly low, but I’ve taken positive steps to improve my well-being. I’ve scheduled counseling for next week, and I’ve been engaging in regular exercise, including long solo walks and daily 20-minute Body Conditioning home workouts from Monday to Friday. These activities have been really beneficial, especially this week.

As I write, I’m currently receiving my 2nd Docetaxel/Phesgo treatment. There’s a good chance my surgery might happen sooner than expected. I’ve been wondering if anyone else feels the urge to thoroughly clean their house before each chemotherapy session. I find it comforting to return home to a tidy (ish) environment. :crazy_face:


Well done on taking control of your mental wellbeing. And well done on walks and body conditioning :+1: my getting out running / walking virtually every day has been a life saver. Helps with bone pain too :+1:I had round 2 of Docetaxel and herceptin yesterday and other than lacking sleep and buzzing with steroids I’m ok today. Just going out for Walk- you’ve reminded me!! :rofl:Hang in there. Laura xx


Yes that is absolutely me, I have to make sure everything is straight before each session.
I think this is going to push me into early menopause too, I dint think I would notice it too much with everything else going on. Sorry that you are feeling low, but great to get some counselling.

I hope you start to feel more like yourself.
Mandy x


Hello @pinklady2 i know exactly what you mean i spoke to my oncologist yesterday as my periods stopped after my second EC and I’ve had such bad hot flushes, I have every neck fan and portable fan known to man in every room of my house :rofl::rofl:

Well done you for getting out and about, it’s hard when you feel tired. However makes you feel so much better mentally when you have.

The body conditioning sounds good I’ve noticed I’m a lot weaker than I was when I started all this and I’ve lost a lot of muscle tone.

Hope your treatment goes well. Helen x


Treat for getting out the day after chemo :wink:

No wonder I’m putting on weight :flushed::rofl:but they keep saying eat what I want when I want!!! :rofl::rofl: