April 2024 chemo starters

Hi ladies, just catching up on all your messages, glad everyone seems to be doing ok and all positive vibes :heart: what an amazing bunch you all are !!!
the diarrhoea lots of you have had sounds awful I’ve by some sort of miracle swerved this side effect so have no advice, but I’m taking on board all your tips as I know the cancer gods could bless me with this gift at any time and probably when I least expect it :woman_facepalming:
Sending lots of love to you all xxx


@isthisreal i have saved some stuff for after surgery etc - you can check out Get Me Back UK and One Step Training…. Get Me Back UK has wee free snippets and help on Instagram and I also follow Katerh_Fitness (the menopause fitness coach) on Instagram but she has a book that has workouts you can build up to to do conditioning too and also does some free content. I found her through the body coach (Joe Wicks) who has loads of free content on YouTube too of all intensities so hopefully some of this can help get you started!

I’ve generally kept up with other strength training I usually do (Les Mills online classes) but at a slightly lower weight/intensity during chemo as I was very fit/active before and wanted to try maintain as long as possible ahead of surgery but had saved the other stuff so I can build back up after surgery!



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Quite the opposite! Sitting watching Glastonbury on the TV, trying to avoid looking at the dust underneath :rofl:


Lovely to catch up on your messages tonight. You guys are incredible, I think that I’m doing okay but the idea of formal exercise (not walking or a short jog) is just so daunting at the moment. My motivation is low and the brain/body are certainly not in a place to be active. Well done to you all :clap:t2: and thanks for the links posted earlier, have saved them for inspiration a few weeks down the line. I did manage some 80s dance moves at an ABBA tribute last night and that’s done for me today :dancer:t2::mirror_ball::man_dancing:t2:


Dancing most definitely counts :grin::dancer:t2:


There is a woman on insta that I follow called Caroline circuits who has free strength training content. Pretty gentle and achievable. I’m still trying to see my personal trainer when I can albeit taking it very easy and it’s really helped keep me going.



Back on filgrastin injections - 13 more to go :tada: welcome bone pain :scream:though my neutrophils were best they have been this week :blush:shame about the Vitamin D!


Ooh thanks for that, this will be a good place for me to start! I listened to the Liz Riordans chat the other day and she talked about how doing 3 x aerobic and 2 x weight classes/ exercises a week could massively reduce your risks.

I’m pretty active but don’t do any weights and now I obviously need to so I will check out some of the exercises!


Forgot to say, thanks @belle1 i listened to the chat that you mentioned and I found it really interesting x


Haha, I do love carrot cake although I haven’t had one in a while. Did woke up at 1.30 am feeling hungry, just had a clementine and a banana, and told myself enough for now and hauled myself back up to bed. :crazy_face:


@pinklady2 I’m still buzzing :scream:just had cereal and am watching Glastonbury!! Of the joys of dexamethasone :rofl::rofl: I’m due at a garden party in 10 hours, with a team I used to manage- told the last of them via messenger about diagnosis today so at least everyone knows. So that’s going to be a challenge!! I could fall asleep!! :rofl::rofl:


@hc1973 Yes, exactly like you, my strength seemed to dwindle, and I experienced a concerning deterioration in both my arms and legs.

I followed Beth Bartram on Instagram as she had Stage 2 Cervical Cancer and is now in menopause. She created this platform with a one-off payment, with 20 minutes a day for 5 days. Here’s the link: https://the-busy-mums-club.teachable.com/

As someone else said on here, Joe Wicks and Kate RH (Owning your menopause) does something similar. I haven’t reviewed Joe’s exercises yet because I prefer to focus on one at a time to determine my preference. :smiling_face:


@altoan Dance most definitely count!!



I have to get up in four hours :face_with_peeking_eye: as my eldest daughter wants me to do her hair as she’s attending her boyfriend’s brother’s wedding tomorrow. I am far from a hair expert and already I’m thinking about what to have for breakfast!!!


I’ve just woken up (not sure how I’ve managed to sleep mostly through a double steroid dose the last 3 nights :joy:) but my stomach is absolutely growling too…. The steroid munchies are real haha!


Garden party here we come, high on steroids!! And wig it has to be


Wonderful garden party, had such a fab time and felt “normal”, was just Laura our old manager :blush:
Did me so much good


That’s lovely to hear☺️ glad you had a good time and looks like you got nice weather for it!


So glad to hear you had a good time! @gromit12