April 2024 chemo starters

Well done @ivy-cat so glad you’ve had your last chemo,
Thanks @pollyanna1 i think it’s really helpful we are all at different stages and we can get all this advice and tips,:heart:
@swk1981 i went in the radiotherapy room for my tattoos and to be measured up, the machine is just a small round one at my hospital not like a full scan machine, worst part for me was feeling a bit vulnerable with my arms up behind my head with no clothes on top half but the team were lovely and put me at ease and I don’t think it takes too long for each session xx


@elle16 sorry to hear you’ve been unwell, I’m really hoping you feel better soon. Xx

@ivy-cat last chemo whoop whoop congratulations!

Sending hugs to everyone xx


I’ve been using Aveeno moisturiser to wash with and Cetraben 3 times a day. I started to use Yellow soft paraffin they gave me yesterday. Around the nipple area has been a bit inflamed. When you initially go for scan it’s like CT they do to measure and get pics. For radiotherapy you are on a board with hands behind head and its like a large square machine that moves to different angles ( depending where they’re giving radiation) the whole process is about 20-30 minutes. I got the accelerated dose in 5 days some people get it over 15 days. I now am moving on to 4 booster to where the tumour was. I was quite nervous my first as I think it was the unknown but nothing to worry about. My main side effects is tiredness and so far slight tenderness and a bit inflamed. It’s nothing compared to chemotherapy. Xxxx


It takes roughly 20-30 minutes. The first time I felt a bit vulnerable also, now I go in and don’t even pull the curtain to undress as the girls are all chatting about holidays and everyday life and put you at ease. I feel I’ve connected more with these girls than the ones at chemo. I think maybe as this is our regional cancer centre and there’s so many radiologists there. The radiologist told me yesterday they treat 300 people everyday. This made me realise how treatable cancer is now and it’s not a death sentence. Xxxx


Well I’ve just seen the breast surgeon - providing final chemo goes ahead next week, surgery on 20th August. He is planning a therapeutic mammoplasty. 20% chance of needing further surgery as they don’t take enough! :scream: Last ultrasound couldn’t locate the benign adenoma on the other side- so no surgery that side. And have my pre-op whilst still in the hospital :+1:and insertion of radioactive seed in tumour some tine before surgery, and radioactive dye inserted the day before!


Are you happy with that @gromit12? Do you feel better at all knowing what’s happening now and a date? X


Tattoos…why do some places do them and others don’t? I’m not getting tattoos for my 15 sessions?

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@swk1981 think so! Could have opted for basic lumpectomy but due to adjacent fibroadema it could have left a huge dent :scream:good that the benign one seems to have gone. Why they can’t do dye and radioactive seed insertion at the same time :thinking:but I suppose different departments!! It is happening sooner than I’d expected too. And I do like the certainty of knowing. Not impressed with 1 in 5 needing further surgery- can’t they just take a bit more at the time?!! Laura


Glad you have a good plan in place Laura, it’s always disconcerting when they give you some of those facts. I think you just have to focus on being the other “4” not that that makes it any easier I know!

It’s my last day in Cornwall and we are going to St Ives for a coffee, my energy levels are soooo bad these days. Another filgrastim injection today yuck! Then we are leaving tomorrow at 4am to drive straight to the hospital for my next chemo!

It’s been a hard week on one hand as I haven’t felt well, struggling with the weekly chemo and this frustrates me! but lovely having a change of scenery and seeing the kids and hubby happy.

I hope the sun is shining for everyone :grin:


@hc1973 glad you have been able to make the best of the week. Weekly chemo must be so tough- how many more sessions have you got? X


@gromit12 glad you have a plan going forwards, I think it always helps knowing what’s to come and dates to focus on and I hope you are doing ok x
@hc1973 glad you’ve managed to get away, can’t even imagine how tired you must be feeling, you are doing marvellously :heart: must be really tough doing chemo weekly, sending you a big hug :hugs:
@ivy-cat @swk1981 how are you both feeling? Anybody found the miracle cure for taste? All the moaning I’ve done about putting on weight and it’s fell off me since Friday, just can’t eat but I really want too xxx


Hi lovely helpful ladies,

I’m on day 7 of round 6 and really quite fed up today. My mouth is bad enough with the taste, ulcers, dryness and the cuts at the side of my mouth, but to top it off, today I woke up with a horrid sore throat too! It’s agony when I try to swallow. I’ve tried salt water rinse, Difflam and paracetamol so far. Any other advice?

I would like to just go to sleep and somebody wake me up when this whole thing is over! I’ve got one more round after this still :grimacing:

On days like today, I’m so in awe of those of you who are holidaying, going to the gym, shopping visits etc etc. Well done for being so amazing!


Just had a call from my consultant oncologist who I’ve had no contact with since the initial pre chemo meeting when she frightened the life out of me!!! Usually see the reg. She told me off for self managing diarrhoea the last 2 cycles, as she said I really should have phoned the emergency number- pah!!- and sit in A&E. I said I was v careful and wasn’t dehydrated. She reluctantly agreed I can take immodium prophylactically when we’re travelling to Somerset- good job as I decided I was going to :rofl::rofl:she’s also delayed my zolendronic acid until I have had my jaw pain ok’d by my dentist. She says I’m now off their books for now as they don’t deal with herceptin, and I’m back with the surgical team. Haven’t had last chemo yet! :scream::scream:


@elle16 - thanks for asking about me. Felt great yesterday due to mega dose of steroids but crashed today and slept for 3 hours this afternoon! Taste and diarrhoea problems not kicked in yet but pretty sure the awful indigestion will start soon. Sorry to hear you’re feeling so poorly, I really hope you feel better soon :crossed_fingers:
@gromit12 - I’ve had a similar experience with my oncology team. I’ve only seen the oncologist twice and she was in a hurry both times and then a nurse phoned me on Monday to say they were signing me off! Not very reassuring.
@isthisreal - sounds like you are having a terrible time! Are you able to get any help at all? I don’t think you should have to cope with that level of discomfort and pain.

Hope everyone else is OK? @hc1973 - so pleased you were able to have a holiday! And @pollyanna1 it sounds as though your radiotherapy is going well, which is reassuring for the rest of us. Hope @belle1 and @swk1981 are OK?
I’m off for another lie down…. Emma x


@ivy-cat I’m good thanks. Mouth much better and generally feeling good other than a little fatigued. Next chemo isn’t till next Thursday so hopefully can enjoy a few days before I get hit with side effects again!

Thats mad about the oncologists…. I still have 3 chemos to go as I’m doing 4xEC and 4xDocetaxel so not sure what mines will do.

@isthisreal if your throat continues to be really sore along with the other mouth issues I’d think about phoning the helpline. I can’t think of anything else other than what you’re doing unfortunately. With my ulcers I struggled with food but ice cold drinks and ice cream helped soothe them (and yes I’ll use any excuse for ice cream :rofl:)


I am feeling a lot better thank you it’s just my mouth and dodgy tummy now, consultant I saw on Tuesday rang me today to just check on me which was surprising and opposite to some of you guys my oncologist has sent me another appointment to see her on the 22nd but I’ve got a feeling it’s to get my picc line passed off to be taken out as they seem a bit reluctant after me being poorly.
@isthisreal have you tried manukau honey in hot water for your sore throat? It’s what the nurses advised me at the start of my treatment and has helped a few times x
@belle1 glad your mouth is feeling better x

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@ivy-cat Emma- here’s hoping you don’t get the side effects, or that they are mild. Awful that we sit waiting knowing what’s about to hit :wink: hope you have a good night’s sleep. Laura xx


@altoan - forgot to ask you are doing? I know you were feeling really fed up a few days ago - hope you’re feeling a little better?

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@gromit12 it almost sounds like your consultant should be in a sit-com with scaring the bejesus out of her patients like that! It might not be the end of the world being off her books!

I’m pleased you’ve got everything agreed about the surgery so you know what’s coming. And I’m hopeful you will be one of the 4/5 as it’s time for some good luck x I hadn’t heard of therapeutic mammoplasty, but sounds like a great option.

I’m a week behind you so will find out what’s in store for me surgically at the end of next week.


@belle1 @ivy-cat @elle16 thank you for your advice! I just phoned the helpline who said to monitor my throat in case it gets worse or I start getting any other infection symptoms, and in the meantime dose myself up on paracetamol, ibuprofen and difflam.