April 2024 chemo starters

Yes! Salt tastes awful now. Even the slightest hint and it’s ruined. On the first cycle, salt was necessary to add to everything! If something could at least constant, I may have some hope of finding something to eat that tastes okay! :joy:

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Immodium advice please. Looks like we have a completion date on our dream house by the sea :crossed_fingers:which is fabulous news. But the date is smack in the middle of poonami :poop:post final Docetaxel :scream: so I have a 3 hour drive along M4. Has anyone taken immodium to prevent diarrhoea in the first place? Laura x


I’m on paclitaxol as well and the food situation is awful. Thankfully dont have ulcers but most food tastes like cardboard. My breakfast of yoghurt and banana is usually ok, but sometimes tastes ‘fizzy’ (?) I can eat crumpets with lots of butter, but i cant eat much of anything really, just dont enjoy food and not hungry and im normally such a foodie. Whilst on EC i could eat everthing and it cheered me up to have nice and healthy things to eat. Ive lost about a stone in weight, which is not entirely a bad thing. Also as swk1981, just feel weak and shaky rather than exhausted.

@gromit12 yes definitely take imodium as preventative. My oncology nurse suggested i take one in the evening and then i often take one in the morning if i’m going out. Someone else was recommended taking a tablet before evening or msin meal to slow things down before you eat. Hope that helps.


Morning everyone!

Just catching up on everyone’s messages.

@elle16 so pleased everything went well and they were cysts xxx

@gromit12 I took 2 x Imodium on Friday the day after chemo and pre my 5 hrs drive to Cornwall and all was OK!

I would just take it!

Sending love to everyone else, I’m currently sitting in a coffee shop by the sea near St Ives, weather is pants but lovely to have a change of scenery.

Helen xx


@hc1973 Helen- so glad you’re having a good time. A bit of normality in this sea of chaos. Laura xx

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I just lost an hour of my life to Air Fryer videos in Tik Tok, desperate to find some food. Hubby has gone to get a roast chicken and I’m going to try pesto, roast chicken and crunchy baguette in the hope that texture helps. Also going to try spicy nuts.

I’m obsessed.

Also for anyone who has lymphoedema and gets a sore upper arm and heaviness, I’ve found Clarins Lait Jambes Lourdes really good. It goes on like a cream and then goes cold and massively relieves the discomfort. Works on peripheral neuropathy pain in feet too. Grabbed the wrong cream in the dark last night and accidentally discovered some mild relief! X


Thanks Helen,
Enjoy your time away, sounds beautiful, shame about the sun but you continue to enjoy the beautiful scenery :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I’ve had another shocker of a day, projectile vomiting in the night, horrendous headache, knew something was wrong this morning and had to ring the emergency number,
They thought it was sepsis but good news it’s just naughty bloods and a water infection, been on a drip for fluids, anti sickness and antibiotics and I’m home now, really trying keep up fluids and eat but like you guys I’m really struggling with the taste, I’m so tired of it now x


@elle16 what a horrible experience for you. I hope this settles very soon, keep up the fluids even if you can’t manage food. We will all be thinking about you and hope tomorrow is brighter for you :kissing:

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Thank you x
never thought I’d be so frustrated at a bottle of water, how can water taste wrong ??? :confounded:

Oh no! So sorry to hear that @elle16 - chemo really is the gift that keeps on giving. Really hope you start to feel better soon now they’ve found out what the problem is :crossed_fingers:
Thinking of you, Emma x

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Sounds as though you’re having a lovely, well deserved break - despite the weather x

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@elle16 what a horrendous. Let’s hope it begins to settle. Hugs. Laura xx

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Oh @elle16 that’s awful. So relieved it wasn’t sepsis though! I cannot even imagine having a UTI on top of the already top notch hospitality experience offered by Docetaxel. I really hope the antibiotics kick in super fast for you and you feel a bit better.

I hope everyone is taking care of you and that you manage to get a good sleep in to improve tomorrow! X

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Thanks everyone, I definitely feel better than this morning so that’s good, but just want to feel a bit normal , feeling sorry for myself isn’t good ,
@pollyanna1 how long was it till your taste recovered after your last chemo?
@belle1 hows your mouth ulcers? Xx

They’re feeling better now thanks … managed to chew food without pain for the first time in a week today and it was wonderful … not that it tastes right but glad to be able to chew again :rofl: that corsodyl really helped!

Sorry to hear about your day. It’s just one thing after another eh! I hope you feel better soon :crossed_fingers:t2:


Had my final chemo today. All a bit weird as I had a nurse who had come over from the transplant unit and had never used the cold capping machine before! So, I basically had to show her what to do and am now fretting it wasn’t done properly and my hair will fall out after six sessions of torture! That would be typical for me :roll_eyes:
Then had a phone call with oncology who basically said that they were handing me over to the surgical team now. I did say that I would be back in touch as there’s no way that’s the end of the road for me with oncology - I said I wanted to explore all options for ongoing treatment, which she agreed to. Feeling totally wired on steroids now and not expecting much sleep tonight!


Elle sorry to hear you’re feeling rotten same happened to me back in April. Make sure they check in a few days the water infection is clear as mine was treated with wrong antibiotics. I found cystitis sachets from chemist really helped( horrible to take) and ate a lot of ice lollies. I’ve noticed my taste really improved around week 3 after chemo, I had a lovely curry last night and have been enjoying coffee this last few days. I’m a big coffee drinker and hadn’t been able to stomach it from March. Hang on in there it really does settle. I finished 1st phase of radiotherapy today and move on to 2nd phase tomorrow. Feeling the tiredness more and a little tender around my scar area. The radiologist team are fab and giving me lots of different creams. Nothing seems to be a bother to them. Hope everything settles for u soon :hugs: :hugs:


Glad to hear you’ve had your last chemotherapy, hopefully it’s not too hard on you. I totally get the steroid feeling I shudder even the mention of them. I’m 4 weeks tomorrow from last chemo and can just reassure you things will get better. You’ll be great when you go to the surgical team, always remember you survived chemo. You are 100% right in wanting to explore all options. When I had my last chemo oncology said I can contact the team at the centre up to 6 months with any problems or queries, at least this gives some comfort. Hope you manage to get some sleep or have a box set lined up. Xxxx


Woohoo! Congrats @ivy-cat!!! X


So pleased Radiotherapy is going okay Pauline. Have you found any creams to be better than others?

Can I ask what the machine is like that you go in or is it just a table thing?

I haven’t imagined yet what it looks like at radiotherapy! X

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