August 2024 chemo starters

That’s the same regime as me @anne3 . I had my pre assessment on the oncology ward today, so that was good to have a look around and see where I’d be going etc and everyone was lovely. Had my bloods taken and spoke about all the side effects etc, one step closer to getting started. Port next week and then start the week after.

Welcome to everyone else too. Xx


I still don’t know if I will be with you or September but welcome to you all. You all seem very brave. My oncology appointment is on 5th. What should I expect to happen? X

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Hi @bluesatsuma My oncology appointment yesterday was talking with the consultant about the regime, side effects etc then a long talk with the specialist nurse about the practicalities and I got my box if goodies from Little Lifts! Plus a blood test, height and weight.
I’m not feeling brave, even though I want to get it done. My biggest fear is the whole hair thing but apparently I’m getting a wig voucher (not on benefits or anything so didn’t think I’d be eligible!). So glad we have this forum :two_hearts:

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Hi @bluesatsuma , welcome aboard :wave:

My first appointment was basicly to go through medical history, explain where i was at, what the expectations are and what treatment would look like, always with the thought that things might change because i was still awaiting confirmation of test results and an MRI that still needed to be done, because what they said maybe mean the plan would need to be tweaked.

Several times was asked if there were any questions and there was none, but as soon as i got home questions started to pop up like mushrooms.

I didn’t make a list of questions because I had no clue what to expect, and was to anxious to even think about it.

My suggestion: write any and every question that comes to mind, no matter if it’s sounds silly, it’s natural because they are professionals, and unless you work in the field or been through it before unfortunately no one has an idea.

You’re not alone and this forum is fantastic , talking about it helps as you realise you’re not the only one that feels the way you do.

Best wishes, fingers and toes crossed and take care x


Thank you @anne3 and @dhmb. That’s helpful. There’s part of me that still thinks oncologist will say I don’t need chemo but I think I might be kidding myself. But I shall know more at least in a week and 2 days. I am scared of losing hair too, but i don’t fancy the cold cap either. Might change my mind but I doubt it. Not long till you get started now xxx

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@bluesatsuma you never know, you might not!

It was always on the cards for me due to my age and size of tumour and then my surgery results inc number of lymph nodes affected just added the icing on the cake ha! But my results were discussed at MDT so my surgeon confirmed the likely plan with me.

At my oncology appointment they just went over what had already happened and told me which type of chemo I’d be having, how long for and then said I’d have 3 weeks of radiotherapy but we’d discuss that later down the line. They discussed if I wanted to scalp cool, and as the answer was yes I’d have a port fitted so they got the referrals sorted for that and that was pretty much it. X

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Thanks @luc_12. I hope all goes well in these coming months for you and all the August starters. I’m going to keep reading and then see if i join you. X

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Here are the contents of the Little Lifts box I was given during my initial oncology appointment. If you don’t get one via the hospital and you’re undergoing breast cancer treatment you can apply for one yourself :blush:. A very thoughtful gift box of useful items…



Thank you kindly for sharing :smiling_face:

This wee box looks amazing. Thank you for sharing it.

Looks amazing! What a lovely gift. I don’t know if my hospital does them but hope so!

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If not you or a friend can apply for you via
if or when you will be having chemo or radiotherapy :blush:

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I was told about this forum from a friend who had chemo for BC last year.
I’m due to start my treatment on 9 August. 4 x EC on a 3 week cycle followed by 12 x weekly paclitaxol.
I was diagnosed with TNBC and had a lumpectomy in June.
I was considering cold capping but decided I didn’t want the added hassle and pain of going with it. Have decided to embrace the no hair look but with the added confidence boost of a wig and ‘hat with hair’ options.
Good luck to everyone as we embark on this journey into the unknown.
We can do this ladies.


Hi @sievehead and welcome to our little group! I’m not cold capping either so I think there’ll be a few of us embracing the hairless option! (well not embracing exactly but trying to accept!). Let’s hope we all have a fairly smooth ride :two_hearts:


Hi @sievehead :wave:

I’m also due to start on the 9th, and ive also had a lumpectomy in June with the results not being what was expected so the plan now is chemotherapy, mastectomy followed radiotherapy. I’ll be having EC 1x every 2 weeks for 8 weeks followed by 1x week of Paclitaxel for 12 weeks.

And you are right we got this , just one step at a time, easier said then done but really makes things more manageable I’ve come to realise.

Take care and best wishes with a hug xx


Hi everyone
Just got a date to start chemo on 9th August. At first they told me 9th September so I sort of relaxed a bit but no it’s next week! I want to get on with it but I’m suddenly terrified. Glad there are a few of us on here :two_hearts:

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Hi @anne3 :wave:

I think there’s 3 of us at least starting on the 9th… and we all got this we ate all strong people and we got eachother :muscle: :sparkling_heart:

Truth be told, I’m bearly managing with all the support of friend and family… i ofthen think what would become of me if i were alone and my heart goes out to those that are, so just sending hugs.:people_hugging:

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Yes that must be difficult. It must be hard with small children too. I’m lucky in that mine are in their 30’s and married etc and I have a supportive husband. I do find I spend time reassuring other people though. I don’t want people worrying on my behalf. I can do enough of that on my own! We’re having a few days away before I start and had planned to see our boys and their partners with our grandson the day after I start so hoping I’ll be ok for that. At least we can keep checking in here :blush:

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I’ve just had my port fitted this morning so that’s one thing ticked off the list. Ready to start next week, looks like there’s a few of us starting next week xx

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Hi @luc_12 :wave:

I had my port fitted yesterday and today feeling a bit under the weather, the port itself doesn’t bother me it’s more the incision on my neck so I’m fearful of moving my neck as i normally would… oh well…I need to put my XXXL big girl pants on :rofl:

Wishing you and everyone good vibes, take care xx