August 2024 chemo starters

Hello @dhmb, yes I totally agree!! Although mine has just been done it’s the neck part I’m very aware of, and like you I’m moving my neck in funny ways. Fingers crossed it settles down soon for us both. My surgeon only glued my neck part and maybe that’s why I’m more aware, I mean it’s super strong surgical glue and not pritt stick as he made sure to tell me :rofl: but still … very aware it’s there!! X

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I can’t thank you enough for the chuckle @luc_12 , :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: The image just went through my mind imagining the surgeon putting pitt glue… good luck with that :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Hope we both feel ourselves a bit more tomorrow :crossed_fingers: We got this :muscle:.

Hi All, So sorry a few more of you have had to join, but so grateful to share your experiences and worries. I finally have my dates, had to chase the hospital yesterday. Chemo starts 15th August, have a few appointments leading up to that start date. I’ve been living in a bit of a bubble trying to live life normally but knowing the date was going to come any time soon. I almost wanted to say to the booking office yesterday I was in no rush but the waiting and the unknown is so stressful, best to get my big girl pants on and get on with it. :expressionless: I don’t attend a hospital where they give out the little lift boxes however I went on their website and I submitted a request for a box which has been approved today. I just needed to attach proof of ID and paperwork showing my cancer treatment. Good luck to those of you starting next week. I’m so thankful we have this forum to share our journeys.


Re the ports, I’ve been told my hospital uses just a cannula with paediatric needles to start with and only a port or picc line if it’s not working well. I have quite obvious veins but I hope they hold up!
Had an echocardiogram this morning and was told my heart didn’t seem to be pumping at 100% so hoping that won’t be an issue (I feel fine). :crossed_fingers:t3::woman_facepalming:t2:. Just more to worry about!

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Sorry to hear that @anne3, a squishy hug to you :people_hugging: but look at the bright side, at least it’s now known and can be dealt with accordingly and not some nasty surprise down the line :worried: still not what was expected and feels like a curve ball directly to the soul. :people_hugging::people_hugging:

Remember you got this :muscle: and you also have this forum and if anything eles hugs from afar with wishes of better days that are always at hand xx

Take care xx

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Sending you lots of good luck vibes xx

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Hello Everyone,
I have a crazy week ahead next week. I’m seeing plastics consultant on Monday to be signed off to start chemo on Friday and then the pre chemo visit, picc line to be fitted on Tuesday. Echo scan on Wednesday, oncology consultant on Thursday then start chemotherapy on Friday.
I’m feeling overwhelmed by it all, it’s all feeling so real now. I have no idea how I am going to face the next 6+ months.
I will just need to take each day at a time x
Wish everyone luck on their journey. X


Hi @natalie87 it does seem quite a packed week they’ve set up for you! Hopefully once you get started it should calm down a bit. It is overwheming, you sort of feel how on earth did all this start happening?! I feel like I’ve gone over it in my head so many times I should have finished by now. We’re all here for you though, take one day at a time and we’ll get there! Imagine that day a few months down the line when we can all say we did it! Sending hugs and positive thoughts :+1::two_hearts:


Hi :wave:

@anne3 and @natalie87 you took the words right out of my mouth… :100: exactly that.

A toast to us in a few months :clinking_glasses:

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Reading all your posts today makes me nervous for my own start, but youre all being super brave and making me feel like I can do it too. You’ve got this! X



I start chemo on 12 August. Triple positive. Had lumpectomy and therapeutic mammoplasty and reduction on other side. It was all going well. HER2 status changed so now got the have 3 x 3 weekly EC, then 3 x 3 weekly Dox as well as trastuzumab 17/18 . Still can’t believe it. But so many people have been through it and come out successfully.

Hope everyone’s treatment goes well xx


Welcome to our little group @bigpickle. I’m sure we’ll be able to help each other along a bit. Seems a bit easier with others on board too! :two_hearts:


Hi @luc_12 :wave:

Just checking in, how are you feeling?

Hugs and best wishes :hugs:

Ahh thanks, I’m all good now! It’s very bruised :roll_eyes: but doesn’t feel too alien any more which is good! Not sure if they can use it next week if it’s bruised? I guess we’ll see! Applying arnica to try and reduce it. I knew I’d bruise, I bruised like a peach after my biopsies! How are you doing @dhmb? X

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So glad you feel that way and bruises pass . Aparently the port can be used as soon as it’s put in, but that thought…eeeeeshhhĥ… nah

I’m ok, but still have dressing on it as was told to keep it on until i had my appointment to tske bloods before the first chemotherapy session… but hey ho… just another step on this path right? :wink:

Hi @sievehead, @dhmb and @natalie87 I think we’re all starting on 9th, but from what I can see everyone is starting ec first? I have paclitaxol first before the ec, but at least I might know what side effects are awaiting me on the second round :flushed:. Hoping all goes well :crossed_fingers:t3:

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Thank you @anne3,

True indeed, just the same you will be our lighthouse when it comes to P…paclitaxol ( had to copy/paste that, it’s just P in my head :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:), so we’re in this together :heart_hands:, always much better with company regardless of the situation we are facing :two_hearts:

Wiahing everyone a squishy hug as we start the weekend xx


Hope i spelled it right :joy::joy:. Yes definitely much better with company! :two_hearts:

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If you haven’t i definitely didn’t notice and we won’t tell :face_with_hand_over_mouth: our secret :wink:

But still P in my head :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Such a busy day today. Our hospital does a walk in service for ECG. Called in on Wednesday when I had a blood test….there must have been 30 people waiting and my husband doesn’t have much patience. So as I had my pre assessment booked in for noon, we decided to get there early to get my ECG. Nobody waiting :see_no_evil:. Now we had 3 hours to kill….managed it. Retail therapy is so good! Had pre assessment and then drove to meet the wig people. Was amazed at the choice, and best of all it is free . Picked one out which my husband really liked as well. Felt quite uplifted today. So many appointments next week.

Love to all August chemo starters xx

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