This topic is for anyone starting chemo in August 2024 to share thoughts and feelings in a supportive environment.
You can find more info on chemo on our pages Chemotherapy for breast cancer | Breast Cancer Now
This topic is for anyone starting chemo in August 2024 to share thoughts and feelings in a supportive environment.
You can find more info on chemo on our pages Chemotherapy for breast cancer | Breast Cancer Now
Hi everyone - strange to be the first posting in this group! I’m seeing an oncologist next week with a view to starting chemo in August. Not something I ever wanted to be saying or even thought remotely possible before February this year.
I’ve had a lumpectomy and then a lymph node clearance for a 22mm invasive ductal cancer er+, pr+, HER2 borderline, with also 13 out of 19 lymph nodes affected. It’s all gone now though () so I’ll do my best to get through this next phase.
Look forward to saying hello! (although I’m absolutely sure you’d rather not be here!!). All the best
Helloo… hopefully I am also starting in August. I had my meeting with my oncologist yesterday and hoping to start within the next 3 weeks as long as they can get my port in before then. I’ve already had 2 surgeries, mastectomy and then node clearance. I’m ready (albeit a bit daunted) to start the next step of this journey. I know I’m having 4xEC and 4xpalitaxel fortnightly. Just waiting for a start date x
Hi @luc_12 Lovely to meet you! Yes it’ll be good to get started and be nearer to finishing! x
Hello, Following my oncologist appointment last Monday where I was told they recommended some chemo, I’m now waiting for my start date, about 3 weeks. I know I will have a picc line first so expecting that as my first appointment. . I am nearly 9 weeks passed surgery, mastectomy and DIEP flap reconstruction, and sentinel node biopsy 1/3 positive. Its such a roller coaster ride isn’t it. @luc_12 I’m also having 4 x EC and 4 x palitaxel fortnightly. I’m a bit of a planner and like to be prepared (trying to keep positive as well) so have been spending this evening reading previous months chemo starters. I’ve been keeping busy researching items I may need. One recommendation I was given was Moogoo udder skin cream (seriously, there is a thing!) Its an all over moisturiser for the body. I live just outside of Portsmouth and am off to a demystifying chemotherapy talk and tour at the QA hospital on Thursday. I’m hoping I will learn a bit more on what to expect etc. Am trying to remain positive, but find myself reverting back to ‘What if this happens…’ I’m interested to hear recommendations on things to purchase in preparation, also I haven’t come across any conversations about pets. I have a dog who loves to cuddle up, but I’m not sure if I will need to keep my distance when going through chemo due to infections etc. I know it sounds silly but as I said I have all sorts of weird and wonderful thoughts running through my head right now. I know none of us want to be here, but unfortunately we are on this journey so sharing our stories, our fears/concerns/questions and support would be so comforting. Good luck x
Hi both
I have my date to start now. I’m starting on 7th August. I have appt to have my port fitted 31st July and my pre assessment this Friday 26th. It’s all starting to become very real. I too have been reading previous threads - I like to try and be prepared! Also, sooner we start, sooner we finish and all that! Nice (not sure that’s the right word) to have some others along for the August journey. X
Hi all, not 100% sure if this will be my group but I’m certainly expecting it to be. My oncology appointment is 5th, so I hope to be with you by end of month.
3 surgeries so far, 2 positive nodes, IDC plus DCIS and LCIS, multi-focal.
It’s been 8 months since diagnosis so I’m keen to get this whole cancer thing wrapped up.
Hope you don’t mind me jumping in. X
@bluesatsuma Fingers crossed you’re part of the August club too!! Hopefully so if your appt is on the 5th x
Hi all
My oncology appt is this Thursday so I’ll know more soon. I keep thinking I’ve got my head round it a bit then remember the hair loss bit and have a mini panic. I’m lucky though in that I’m not working now and do have a supportive husband and friends. I find part of it is reassuring others I’ll be ok! We’ll get through it together!
Great news @luc_12 , I bet its quite a relief to actually have a date (despite a bit scary and real).
@anne3 I think hair loss and the unknown on how my body will react/cope freaks me out the most. I have purchased some variations of hats and scarves to try so I have something to hand if/when it falls out. Trying them on actually lessoned the fear and anxiety about it all. There are some lovely styles too. I have considered the cold cap but I don’t think I want the added stress and there is no guarantee it works. Interested to hear from anyone where it was successful. I am not planning to go far from home for the 16 weeks of treatment. I can work from home and hide on conference calls (no need to turn my camera on) when I talk to my colleagues. I have heard some people feel liberated. I have fine straight hair so hoping if I do loose it I may get curly thick hair back. Silver lining and all that
Hi @lou6. yes I am also worried how my body will cope . I just can’t imagine feeling good in any without hair but have got various scarves and hats too. Am glad we’ll be going into Autumn when hair might be affected so can cover up! However when I’m feeling positive I imagine the new me with (eventually) nice thick hair! as mine is also fine and thinnish. I’ve always been proud to have kept my hair colour but might have to reinvent myself
Hi @bluesatsuma hopefully you’ll get started in August. I’m also not totally sure yet but will know more this week. Certainly not looking forward to it but need to get it done and dusted! This year has been so weird…
Hi everyone
I m Anne too! Starting chemo the 7 th of August as well. Having my port fitted this Friday. Bit scared but it needs to be done! First step done and ready to tackle chimio. I ve been in a medical study since January ribociclib (hormonothérapy and kiscali) to try to avoid chimio but didn’t work so back to square one. At the end I m happy to have the strong staff to make sure my cancer ( called Gunther) is cleared.
4 ec and 12 taxol because I m only 46! Power to us and kindness!
Hi @ana4. Welcome to our little group! I really didn’t want chemo either but I’d rather make sure I’ve got rid of it all. Don’t have a chemo plan yet but seeing them tomorrow (). I’m often in a group with another Anne! Just adds to the confusion
. We can do it!
Hello Everyone,
This will be the wee group I’m in.
I will either start chemotherapy on 9th or 16th
I had oncologist yesterday and I haven’t slept a wink, just replaying the appointment over in my head. Information overload and it felt so surreal.
I have had 1 surgery, DCIS invasive, Stage 2b, Grade 3, multi focal and 4 tumours found. I had a Goldilocks Mascetomy on June 12th. However I’ve had a few complications with healing infections, seromas, wound breakdown extra vac pump time but it’s getting there now.
I think I just wanted to say Hi! and I hope we can support each other through this.
Hi everyone
I’m starting chemotherapy on the 8th, nurse assessment today and the port fitting is the 30th.
Rollercoaster is an understatement: one day I feel determined and ready to face battle the next all I want to do is cry, which isn’t the best example for my childern. I’m booked for a mental health assessment on 29th hoping it will help get come clarity.
Been off work since my lumpectomy so now starting to seriously worry about finances and going back to school for my youngest, 3 pairs of shoes, trousers, shirts, etc
Feeling kinda of a basket case really.
Hi @natalie87 Lovely to meet you . I also saw the oncologist yesterday and will have 4x 2 weekly paclitaxel and 4x 2 weekly EC plus other odd add ons. There is definitely a lot to take in! On the plus side I was given one of the Little Lifts boxes full of useful goodies
. Seems to be lots of support out there but I agree it is definitely a surreal experience! Take care
Hi @dhmb. Welcome to our little group! I don’t think you’re the only one who feels like that so hopefully we can help each other a bit. One minute I’ve got my head round it, feel determined and practical… the next I’m a complete mess and can’t believe it’s all happening. I do sympathise with you though - having young children must make it so much harder, but on the plus side kids are great for distracting you a bit! School holidays too . Take care