August 2024 chemo starters

I’m not sure I even want a picc line (I appreciate they are such a faff), I just hated the thigh injection and wish I could have that stuff not into a muscle. Didn’t help that the nurse asked me to put pressure on it, I had barely felt it going in or being administered but the moment I put a tiny bit of pressure on it afterwards it was as if I’d stabbed myself in the thigh with dozens of razor sharp, lava tipped daggers. I still don’t understand why she made me do that, it wasn’t leaking or bleeding and made me feel as though I’d injured myself.
I’m dreading that happening again. The bruise/discoloration on my thigh is only just going.

Sadly it’s been a year full of cancer for my family this year (cousin who wasn’t even 50 passed away in Feb from kidney cancer, father diagnosed with melanoma a month later and my aunt, his sister, diagnosed a month before me with breast cancer), having not had anyone have it in decades and no one actually pass from it in my lifetime it’s been quite the shock.

@sez yes i know what you mean about cancer suddenly being everywhere. I feel the same. I hadn’t really known anyone before with cancer, but there’s bern a few diagnoses lately in my friends and family. What was the injection in your thigh? Filgrastim? Even with the picc line, I still have to do that every cycle. Hopefully, all this will get easier. I’d never really ever been ill until all this. Very few dr visits or medicines. Now I feel totally drowned in medicines, procedures and side effects. If nothing else, I’ve realised that I’m more resilient than i knew!

I’m nervous about the change in chemo drug too. I’m having docetaxel after my EC. I have heard it’s worse, but my onco said most tolerate it better. Is anyone here having docetaxal?

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The filgrastim I took for 7 days in the belly and while administering it was easier (once I realised the needle retracted so quickly) it made me ache all over for about 3-4 days. I was happy to not need it til next time.
Whatever they put in my thigh hasn’t been made clear. I think phesgo but I’m not sure, my nurse has been trying to clarify all week. It was put in before they actually started the chemo meds.
My aunt says she gets her premeds through her picc so I’ve been hoping that could be an option but my nurse isn’t so sure.
I’m on Docetaxel now but to be honest can barely get my head round what’s causing what side effect.
Just caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror for the first time in a couple of days and it appears someone’s been summoning Beetlejuice to my house.

I think Beetlejuice’s twin might be living here. I can’t look in the mirror right now. I bumped into a colleague in sainsburys and felt embarrassed. But of course others dont see me the same as I see me. Too depressing. But I am loving not having to shave my legs and armpits.


Hi @sez

Welcome to the group, sorry your having a rough time, I can empathise with you and on the same treatment and it sounds like we have had similar side effects.

I am on 3 weekly docetaxel and carboplatin and Pertuzumab and trastuzumab (phesgo). 6 sessions and surgery to follow next year.

I had my first round on Monday 26th ended up in hospital isolated on the Saturday to the Monday due to neutropenic sepsis. I have had several diarrhoea, rash, mouth and throat ulcers, peeling face and spots. Extreme fatigue: Severe bone pain from the filgrastim injections. I was eating no more than a yogurt a day for a week everything tasted vile.

The phsego injection in my leg made my leg hurt so bad and i can still feel pain from it now. It was suppose to take 15 minute to go in but only took about 5, I feel the nurse did it way to quick and I will be asking her to slow down next time.

I have been in bed for 13 days now and only just feel like the side effects are starting to wear off. Although I do still have diarreah.

I don’t have Picc at the moment and my veins
Also very bruised. I am having a Picc fitted next week and have been told that the risk of having chemo directly into the vein can cause irreversible damage. When I went to A&E they all said that I should have a Picc as it’s better for them and for me. However they do not put the phsego injection into the Picc I will still be in the leg. You have the right to ask for one.

I also cold capped but my hair is falling out round the sides and on top. The cap I had on broke half way through and they put a smaller one on, I don’t think it fit me properly. Iv decided not to put myself through it again as staying another 90 minutes after is too much plus the wet hair etc was just uncomfortable.

I have an oncologist appointment on Tuesday and have been told by the nurse that he will likely reduce the Dose of docetaxal. Iv lost a stone in weight so he will have to reduce it for that as well.

I am sure they will look at all your side effects and your oncologist will review this before your next dose.

It’s awful isn’t it. I just want to feel normal again xxx

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hi @luc_12 - that’s good to know that your symptoms have been manageable. I think the worry for me was effects on my heart as some issues were found with the echo (just what I needed!) and so I’m now on some heart meds. What’s another couple of tablets?! Really glad you’re managing and hope your liver copes. For me paclitaxel has been ok really. First two days are fine (days 1-3) then I get stomach gripey pains (buscopan helps a lot) and bone pain from the filgrastim jabs, plus tongue a bit sore but can use mouthwashes and salt water. Once you know you’re prepared for next time! My next one is also my last of this drug but mine is on 20th so just two days after yours. Good to have someone who’s been there and experienced it! take care :two_hearts:

Think I am on the same plan as yourself. I have my last EC on 23 September :crossed_fingers:, then go onto 3 docetaxel. I am also keen to hear how folks are coping. There seems to be mixed messages, but then my experience of EC has been different from others. Guess we won’t know till we begin.

@bigpickle yes same as me. I made the mistake of looking into docetaxal. My onco says it if you can cope on EC, docetaxel is usually easier. I haven’t suffered too much with EC yet but I’ve only done 1 lot so far. Well i will get through EC first before i worry too much. I have 2nd EC on 13th. Glad the kids are all back at school for this round, as I can chill out a bit easier. You must be very happy to be near the end of EC. X

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I have exactly the same worries about doxectaxel!

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Wow @lilly123 , all very similar effects (except I didn’t have the sepsis, thank goodness).
I’m so sorry you had a similar experience, my week has been vile.
I finally pushed myself to leave the house as a friend offered to take me to the cinema and while I felt weak I made it through.
My thigh injection was also less than 10 minutes (I think she said it would take about 7-8 and it did) I don’t know if doing it slower would make the pain any less. My thigh had a bruise/discolouration that was the size of my hand and kind of looked liked I’d been burnt with an iron by the shape of it. They said they’d be alternating thighs, which I can’t say I’m looking forward to.
My oncologist ‘forgot’ to give me steroids before my treatment, so I was given them by iv on the day of the chemo and some pills for the day after, I have no idea if not having the first dose made things worse.
I’m dreading the next one.
This week have to have an MRI on Monday and an internal ultrasound on Thursday and I’m so scared. It was bad enough when it was just one of the twins but if it’s in my organs too I’m going to be even more of a wreck. 2024 is just the worst year of my entire life.

@sez sending you masses of good luck for the mri and scan. Hopefully it will rule things out and turn out to be nothing serious. I’ll be thinking of you xxx


Thank you @bluesatsuma x

Fingers crossed for the scans.
I have the thigh injection too and the nurse timed mine to be delivered over 8 mins. Last month was the first one and she said the ones to come would all be done over 5 mins.
Kind regards

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Thank you @gillian0808

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@sez So sorry to hear what a nightmare you’re having. Will be thinking of you, you’ll be relieved to get it all done and hopefully there’ll be nothing of concern. They always have to check absolutely everything don’t they! Treat yourself somehow in between times :two_hearts:


Thank you @anne3, I’ll try.

Managed to eat some hash browns, eggs and dry crackers yesterday. Not the healthiest food by any stretch, but it stayed down and actually tasted okay.
Today so far just have to deal with a dry/sore/bloody nose.

@sez I think at the mo anything that tastes ok and stays down is a bonus! Worry about healthy later… My bcn said if all you can eat is cream cakes, well eat cream cakes! What you had is still some nourishment that you need :blush:. Take care and do whatever’s right for you xx


That’s good as Ive been eating a lot of cream cakes. :yum:


You only need a couple of sprays of water on you hair if any for the conditioner apparently. It’s more uncomfortable the wetter your hair is. Hope you feel better soon.

@bluesatsuma and why not I say! whatever makes your day a little bit better :smiley: