August 2024 chemo starters

Hi all

I’m feeling so much better and had a fairly normal day today. Even ate a roast dinner :blush:

Still a couple of side effects lingering. Sore nose/face, ongoing diarrhoea. Hair is shedding all over the place and 80% of my hair down there fell out in one go today :joy::joy: Honesty I couldn’t help but laugh about that!

Full on week next week Picc line fitting and oncologist appointment on Tuesday. Suppose I better go to work at some point too :roll_eyes: the pre chemo app on Thursday :persevere: a week of normality is better than nothing.

I hope you’re all doing ok. xx


Well done @lilly123 on eating a Sunday roast. I’m jealous, I still couldn’t do something like that.
I so want to eat a full meal, I’d say that’s a major achievement for you this week. :blush:

Hi @lilly123 :wave:

So happy you’re feeling more yourself even though not 100% but you’ll get there fingers crossed.:crossed_fingers:

Not feeling the best myself, my somach is killing me and ive already had the max dose per day of gaviscon. Ringing the nurse tomorrow to see if there is something stronger i might have :crossed_fingers:

Wishing everyone well :blush:

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Feel better swiftly @dhmb.

@dhmb have you tried buscopan? I have found that works for my stomach cramps. Bcn advised it at first, I bought it but then oncology cons prescribed it this time so had it in my ‘goody bag’ to take home. Worth a try. Good luck :two_hearts:

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@lilly123 so glad you’re feeling a bit better today. @dhmb sorry you’re not feeling so good. Hopefully a good night’s sleep will help.

I’ve got a full on week ahead too. Onco tomorrow, bloods wednesday and chemo 2 on friday. Hair is shedding fast now. Almost no body hair, and my shaved head is thinning rapidly. Skin has settled a bit. Only gripe is the bloody picc line dressing which is irritating my skin.

1 more week done! Well done everyone. X


Thank you @sez , @anne3 and @bluesatsuma for your good wishes and advice, i shall look at Buscopan for sure, and sleeping more that 3 hrs straight would def help, fingers and tes crossed🤞

Hope everyone gets some restoring sleep well needed for the week ahead be it for recovery or for the bustle that awaits. Take care everyone xx


Hi lilly
I too am suffering with terrible diarrhea. Ive had two rounds of chemo so far and both times ive had severe diarrhea for 7 days. Its so debilitating. The first round i gad terribke mouth ulcers as well and then when it came to my second round of chemo i had to have it postponed for a week because my blood levels were too low. This time now ive not had the ulcers because they reduced my chemo dose but the tiredness has been awful. Im 58 but i feel more like 88. Got my 2rd chemo session on 17th so between now and then will be my good days. Looking forward to going out for a nice walk (if the rain will finally stop) as ive been cooped in for 8 days solid. Not left the bathroom much. I use immodium for the diarrhea but find my body gets used to it so i stop cos i also feel.that its better to get the poison out of my body.
I hope you are coping okay .
Also i lost my hair after my first session so wear bandanas .

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Hang in there @ade66, I’m day 11 after my first chemo treatment and my taste/appetite has only just started returning today (and I’ve still got a loose gut, no additional porcelain throne trips so I’m just assuming the chemo/poison is stopping the little I can eat from forming a regular movement).
I was resigned to the idea that my chemo mouth (had been wrinkly and taste-free since day 4) was just going to be the state of things for the foreseeable until I finished the treatment, but it’s almost gone.
Surprised myself by eating a small portion of beef casserole and some smash (wasn’t up to making mash from scratch) and feel much better for it. Hope everyone else who isn’t at this stage yet gets here swiftly. Thinking next week I might actually be able to eat an adult sized meal.:crossed_fingers:t3:

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Welcome @ade66 to the group. Hopefully you will read some advice or tips that might help. It’s great that you’ve got 2 done though i do hope you feel better soon.

While I sympathise with everyone struggling to eat well, my problem is that I’m so hungry. I am craving food constantly! Interestingly, when planning the chemo, my onco asked me if i had suffered with morning sickness in my pregnancies. I hadn’t at all but she said that women who got morning sickness often had worse nausea with chemo. I have had a few days of upset tummy but nothing too bad really. Wonder if she is basing her idea on anything researched?

Hope everyone feeling poorly today is feeling better soon. X

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Morning all.
I have a question please for those who are cold capping and have a picc line.
I have been given Prontoderm (for MRSI prevention) and have to start applying this todays and it states to rub into my scalp too.
Obviously I’m going to need to do this but I’m nervous as I’m treating my hair like it’s made of gold at the moment.
Has anyone else done this process already and might have a few words of advice please?
Thank you and hope today is a good day for all.
Gill x

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Hi @dhmb

Sorry to hear you’re feeling poorly I hope you were able to speak with the nurse today and get something to help with your stomach pains. Let us know how you got on. Xx

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Hi @ade66

Sorry to hear you’re struggling. It’s so awful isn’t it. I’m still struggling, I found the Tesco own capsules better than immodium maybe due to the way they are absorbed. Iv got 5 packets stocked up! I also found that tea didn’t help.
Toast and smooth peanut butter and rice has been good.

I went back to work today after two weeks off and found it weird being back in the land of living.

I have my oncology appointment tomorrow so will find out if he is going to reduce the dose.
Also having my Picc fitted.

I’m losing my hair rapidly but not the lower part of my scalp so I’m going to look weird! Can’t stop fiddling with it I’m probably making it worse. Xx

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Hi @lilly123 ,i did speak to the nurse and she said lansaprosol or whatever its called is fine doesn’t interact with anything that was my main worry but said might take 1 week to fullt kick in, but thats ok because I’m done with the steroids for this cycle and it will kick in time for the next cycle :crossed_fingers:

How are you feeling ? I hope better :pray:

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Yes i keep fiddling with the hair too. Picking bits out!

Had rubbish afternoon. Went an hour on train to my oncology appointment and the receptionist said she was runningb90 minutes behind. I waited 2 hours andcthen 5 minutes before they closed cancer centre, a random dr saw me as my onco was still seeing the previous appointment. He basically asked if i felt well and said i was good to do next EC, blood results pending. Now currently on hour journey home. Had a cry in hospital after seeing the dr as they were closed and kept saying i needed to leave, but i was told to wait for my sick note to be printed. It was embarrassing and stressful.

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MRI went okay today (what’s the point of noise cancelling headphones when they do diddly?).
CA125 blood test done and spoke to my oncologist earlier than planned (as she was told about my insensitive specialist call while I was in A&E last week).
She’s advised me to try without the picc again and see if it’s as bad (what joy :unamused:), apologised for not giving me the steroids last time (should think so too) and we decided my specialist shouldn’t be the one to give me news like that in the future. He has a terrible bedside manner and is very clearly a surgeon and not a doctor, I’ll be glad of his specialties come my surgery but until then I’m happy for him to sod off (he has little empathy).

Turns out I have lost 3.8kgs since chemo (not a shock), I’m overweight through so I’m not viewing it as a bad thing.

I’ve developed quite the sore nose though, not sure if it’s an A&E or GP thing (probably end up calling the hotline). Bit of swelling in one nostril.

@bluesatsuma that sounds a really stressful way to get signed off for your next chemo :confused:. Think I’ve been lucky in having bloods done at the GP surgery one day then the onc doctor ringing me at home to check how I am once they have the results. I can completely see how stressful travelling there for not much input must be! Had my third one on Friday and just feeling spaced out and emotionally drained. Been getting the tingly toes too and the return of a sore mouth. Hopefully it will improve! Hope you have a quiet evening everyone :two_hearts:


@anne3 I do hope you feel better soon. Yes it was stressful today and there must be a better way. I’ll ask before next onco appointment if it can be done by phone x


I’m feeling so much better thank you.
Busy day tomorrow.

Hopefully the lansoprazole will work for you and things are easier next time xx

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Sounds dreadful for you, I’m not surprised you had a cry and I would have too, as if this isn’t stressful enough. There must be an easier way for you moving forward I would contact your GP and see if they can help.

Good luck with the blood results xx