August 2024 chemo starters

Actually didnt sleep too badly. But i do feel ill today. Like a bad hangover. Kids are all out for morning. House quiet. I feel all puffy and red. Steroids i guess. Going to wash school uniforms and potter about but today is a day for rest I think. Comparing to last cycle, i definitely feel worse this time. Doesn’t help that I’m shedding hair everywhere and my skin is so dry on my face. I look like a cancer patient now. Feeling sorry for myself today.

Hope everyone else is a bit chirpier. Xxx


@bluesatsuma oh no well definitely listen to your body and rest as much as you can. The steroids are so weird though. I actually am looking a lot better while on them (apart from the hair!). I normally suffer from allergic reactions and in the summer face was quite dry, but now skin is loads better on face. Yesterday I had a quiet day pottering as didn’t have any energy, but do feel better for it. Sorry it’s getting to you but now is the time to be kind to yourself and do what’s best for you. Ec definitely seems to be harder to cope with. Take care :two_hearts:

@anne3 the nurse in chemo said EC is one of the strongest so glad Ive only 1 more of that to go before i switch. But it is doable. I know some of us on here are doing EC first, and some are moving to it soon. Last cycle was really not too bad, but it does obviously build up. I can get through it but today is just a bad day. By week 2 I’ll be up and about I’m sure. Glad you are doing well xxx


Morning all

Sorry your suffering @bluesatsuma I know the steroids kept me up at all hours, I was told to take 4 8in the morning and the other 4 before 3pm to help. I started my first days today before 2nd round of chemo tomorrow.

It’s awful knowing the side effects from last time and dreading them happening again. I’m on a 20% reduction so fingers crossed I won’t be as bad.

I’m not cold capping either so will not be there for 5 hours this time!

I think just hold on and be assured that by week 3 you will be almost back to normal which means a good week at least :smiling_face: xx


@lilly123 a reduced dose will help I’m sure. I’m feeling a bit better since lunch but only managed a cupasoup and some fruit. On the sofa with a blanket. Kids on PlayStation. It’s not my ideal Sunday, but the kids are happy at least.

When is your next cycle Lilly? X

Hi @bluesatsuma

Best thing is rest, it’s good you have managed to eat something, my go to was chicken soup and bread and butter and yogurt and jelly x

my next cycle is tomorrow morning.

I have not planned anything for the next two weeks if I’m okay then great :blush:

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@bluesatsuma - sending you a big healing hug my friend, hope you feel better tomorrow. You’ve got this, you are strong and a winner.

To everyone else battling through chemo I wish you well too and I have a hug for anyone who needs one.

I’m one of the fortunate ones who hasn’t had to have chemo but my heart goes out to you all.

Lots of love Bee xxx


@nannabee thank you for your kindness. Still watching over us even though you aren’t having chemo. It’s been a rough day, but I’m okay. Just need a good sleep and the kids to be at school tomorrow so i can rest better. Thank you my dear xxx


@lilly123 thank you. I hope tomorrow goes well and that you don’t have 2 weeks of feeling ill. You might find it much better this time without the infection to contend with. I certainly hope so. Xxx


Giod morning everyone,

Just wanted to leave a tight hug and wishing everyone a good day , hoping that you feel better than yesterday and to thoes having treatment thatbi goes well xx



Hope you all had a good weekend and no one is feeling too bad.

I had my port fitted yesterday which I was a brave girl and had it done under a local rather than sedation as they said recovery would be quicker. It does hurt today though, very bruised and battered, was lots of pushing tugging.

Have chemo today, need to leave shortly, so fingers crossed that’s all smooth, not looking forward to the steroids and the poor sleep for the next few days. They can’t use the port today so will be a cannula so hoping that’s straight forward.

Sending love and hug to all xx


Fingers and toes crossed everything goes well @mz45

Hugs xx

Morning all

Good luck today @mz45

You wouldn’t believe i was admitted to hospital after my chemo yesterday as I couldn’t get my blood sugars down they were dangerously high! Iv been on drips and insulin all night, praying they can sort this today and give me medication for the next time as it’s the steroids making them high.

Iv had very little sleep for two nights due to steroids and the comings and goings of the drs and nurses in the hospital.

No side effects from the chemo yet but that app started at the end of the week last time.

I hope your all doing well :blush: xx


Sorry to hear you’re in hospital @lilly123 , hope the medical team can get you back on track where you need to be.

Sending a huge hug xx

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Sorry to hear you are back in hospital @lilly123, hope you are on the mend quickly.

Sending you a hug xx

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@lilly123 sorry to hear you are having issues, I hope they manage to get your sugar levels sorted xx

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Oh no….you are having a rotten time. Here’s hoping it gets sorted soon.

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Hi @mz45 and a big good luck for today. That port should be a big help. Let us know how you get on. X

And hi @lilly123. Hope those sugars are under control…like we need anymore things to make us feel grotty. Let us know how you are later. X

Feeling better today after slightly better sleep, a rant on the nurses page about docetaxel and a good chat with my best friend. Going to head to shops for some more hardcore moisturisers and some cuticle strengthener.

Super bald today. Last night, I had hair dropping in my dinner, which was nice. :face_with_peeking_eye:

Hope everyone else is feeling okayish. Sun is shining in brum, hope it is where you are. Xxx


The joys of our hair! but sun is shining in central Scotland too :blush::sun_with_face:

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On a slightly different hair related matter…. is anyone due to be on abemciclib after ther the chemo/radio, alongside hormone/endocrine tablets? I had a bit of a meltdown last night reading about possible side effects including hair thinning! My hair doesn’t stand a chance! It’s a targeted therapy drug to take for 2 years (if I agree) and quite expensive but…. :flushed: