August 2024 chemo starters

I think anyone who tries cold capping is very brave. I couldn’t face it. But I know what you mean about pulling clumps of hair out, it is humbling. But, I am a fully fledged baldy now. I laughed the other night when my husband and I went to bed. He has to wear some dentures, not total but about half his top teeth. I said look at us, you with half your teeth and me bald, what must we look like. :joy:


Hi @dhmb
Sorry to hear you are having it this tough.
Chemo and all the associated stuff with it is hard enough without the added cold cap layer.
You have to do what is right for you.
Kind regards


Hi @dhmb
Me too! It’s so useful to know someone who really gets this!
Thanks to you all for the support


Hi @lilly123
This must feel so disappointing for you.
But either way your hair will come back and think of the fun you can have deciding exactly how you want to wear it.
Stay strong


@lilly123 i am sorry, that must have been such a disappointment, it will grow back, but I can totally understand after trying to save it how hard that must be, sending you lots of strength

@bigpickle glad you are able to find some humour in what is a tough place to be, I did stay to my partner I will be bald like you soon :joy:

Hope everyone’s day is going okay, I’ve had pre chemo bloods, which were interesting as there was a big debate between the nurses as to where to take blood, as my lymph nodes have been removed in one arm and I have a dvt in the other arm and the port doesn’t go in till Monday, finally decided on the dvt arm, I seem to have caused an issue, lol!

Almost the weekend at least xx


After a restless night post chemo day, I’m now up very early as are delivering the new fridge freezer and we need to clear the side path and patio to get it in. I just want to sleep. As soon as they are gone, back in bed.

Is anyone else struggling with sleep? I’m getting no more than 3 to 4 hours solid, but about 8 hours in bed, frequently waking. Is it the drugs? The spiky scalp? The mind? I don’t know. But it’s every night now and i cant blame it on chemo as i had it all 21 days of cycle and before chemo for a while too. I can nap in the day but its not the same. I even splurged over £1k on an amazing mattress which is so comfy. Any advice…or just solidarity welcome?

Hope everyone else who had chemo yesterday is feeling ok. The steroid hunger is back with a vengeance! Xxx


Morning everyone :blush:

I do find the same @bluesatsuma , so a huge hug :people_hugging::people_hugging:

I’m not able to sleep more than 4 hrs straight if I’m lucky… so I end up keeping myself busy with silent tasks like folding laundry putting it in piles to put them away when everyone’s awake. Tv on slient mode or a bit of crochet… it’s become a pattern of sorts… then around 7am when everyone starts to wake , i get sleepy and nod off usually on the sofa… last few days i haven’t seen my family at the beginning of their day or when they come home because I’m sleeping :pensive: they do understand and I’m sure tip toe around not to wake me but I’m still feeling guilty… but in truth it’s nothing i cam control and definitely rest is vital


Sending hugs @dhmb. It’s the hardest part for me (other than looking like uncle fester) as I’ve always been an amazing sleeper. Teaching exhausts me…but being off work my body is less physically or mentally tired. Add in the extra toilet trips, weird dreams, steroids and stress, I guess its the perfect storm. Right now AO are taking my back gate off to get the freezer in, while I hide upstairs and leave husband to watch. I suspect he will be repairing that all afternoon. He will at least sleep well. Tonight I have headphones and netflix on standby for early wake up. Plus I’m getting very good at Wordle!

Sweet dreams!

Hi, I noticed that while on steroids sleep was awful. Once I finished I slept better. Having said that last night was not good. I wake after about 4 hours, my mind churns over all sorts of things but usually related to treatment etc, and I can’t get back to sleep.
Steroid hunger is crazy :crazy_face:


That it definitely is @bigpickle for sure. I find myself craving carbs like there is no tomorrow, but as my oncologist said, eat waht you want when you want so i do :joy:

Wholegrain sandwich anyone???

Wishing everyone a lovely weekend :kissing_heart:


That is wrong as I was told that then found out if you put a theatre cap or gauze on the bald bit it’s OK to continue. I just wore a headband. I checked this with the cold cap supplier. Which hospital are you at?

@bluesatsuma Uncle Fester! That image keeps coming back to me and has had me giggling ever since :joy:

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Day three second cycle has hit me. The usual 4 hrs sleep on last day of steroids last night. New anti sickness meds x 3 I think is too much and knocking me for six. Off my food today, a little bit of melon and then a bit of spaghetti hoops (odd I know) for lunch but just mouthfuls. Slept all afternoon, doubt I’ll sleep tonight, feel yuk but the burning mouth hasn’t happened yet, probably Monday that’ll hit. So much to look forward to :laughing:.
Hope you are all managing. Xx

@songbird1 I’m a day behind you but feeling a bit rough. It’s mainly tiredness but did my pegfilgrastim so waiting for the aches. Hoping husband is doing sonething nice for dinner as I’m starving for carbs and spices. Hope we all get sleep tonight. I took my 3rd steroid too late today but I will stay up later tonight anyway. Xxx


@bluesatsuma and @songbird1 I’m a week into my third cycle of paclitaxel (so am different from you) but I got the peripheral neuropathy this time. Nurses have advised me they might reduce my chemo dose. Also like you though have had the leg aches with the filigrastim. Am trying to guage whether ec might be more troublesome but I’ll find out soon enough! Do hope you feel better soon but it seems to take a few days at least to bounce back. We must be strong if we can battle these drugs and come out the other side! Hope you get some sleep :two_hearts:


@bluesatsuma & @anne3 filigrastim injections do make me feel awful, hate taking them for 7 days and felt so much better once I finished last ones (apart from a wee cold and conjunctivitis). It’s a necessary evil I guess :frowning:. Still 2 chemos down four to go and hopefully the hercepton and radiotherapy might be a bit easier after this :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:xx


@songbird1. the injections do seem to have done their job so I guess as you say it’s a necessary evil. I have another 5 chemo cycles but getting through them. Then it’s radiotherapy, abemaciclib and also letrozole hormone tablets, plus 6 monthly zolendronic acid injections. I try not to look too far ahead but it is a bit daunting :flushed:. On the positive side it is amazing how much better you can feel when you turn that corner half way through each cycle so trying to fit in some fun things too! We can’t let it rule our lives… so here’s to the fun times! :two_hearts:


Oh I hope they nip the neuropathy on the head fast @anne3. I’m on docetaxel next and its common with that too. I think reducing dose should help to prevent and reduce it. That’s what happened to a friend of mine on the taxane part too.
Hope you feel great tomorrow x


@songbird1 and @anne3 . I only have to do 1 onjection of pegfilgrastim which os equal to the 7 filgrastim. I am so glad for that. Apparently not all trusts use it. I don’t know why. It still has the sane effect on white blood cells and the same bone aches.

I’m not confident on sleep tonight. I slept from 5.45 till 7, and then got up at 7, sleeping on sofa from 7.30 till 9.20. Had late dinner, then dozed off again.

Sleep well all x


@bluesatsuma thank you, yes I hope a reduced dose might sort it. Not as bad now but still get it at night time. Sometimes wonder what state I’ll be in by the end of it! Do hope you got some sleep as that makes such a difference. Hope you’re enjoying your new fridge freezer too! Ours is now full of apple and brambles from our garden plus various forms of tomato soups and sauces! :two_hearts: