August 2024 chemo starters

Thanks all.
Looks like the flu jab for all in household may be the way forward. I don’t really want the covid booster as it has made me ill in the past. Just need to work on the family now, they won’t be keen.


Hi @anne3 , hope everything goes well for you today, I’ll be thinking of you :people_hugging: That will be the step that follows for 12 weeks once a week…

Def the flu jàb :100:

Hoping everyone has a good day as best as possible, sending a healing hug xx


Hi @dhmb thank you! I’m on a reduced dose today because of the peripheral neuropathy I had so hopefully will be fine! Hoping to visit a farm shop/cafe first as appt is a bit later :blush:.

I am on the list for flu/covid jabs but when I asked when would be the best time the cons said maybe in your third week… well I am on a two weekly cycle throughout :face_with_monocle:. He then suggested maybe when I finish… so not sure :woman_shrugging:t2:. Good idea to have them though :+1:. xx


@dhmb. are you on the ec combination at the mo? as I start that one in two weeks time, closely monitored for heart issues after that dodgy echo I had! 12 weekly doses for you next sounds a lot doesn’t it! If it’s paclitaxel I think it’s not been too bad so :crossed_fingers:t3: for you. I think we all need a medal after all this! Take care :two_hearts:


Thank you for the info @anne3 , does make sense. Im on a 2 week cycle too. Oh enjoy the farm/shop, i do love those :heart_eyes:

Not going to lie, peripheral neuropathy is what concerns me most anout the new drug. I’m worried it will impact my capability to work on thw computer but we shall see when we get there :crossed_fingers:

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Oh definitely indeed @anne3 we all deserve bloody medals. We are all champs in my book :muscle::muscle::muscle::muscle:

We got this peeps :people_hugging::100:



Here we go again! Due to have final EC on Monday so went for bloods yesterday. The phone call came through…neutrophils very low so come in earlier on Monday for further blood test. Exactly the same as last time. Never been given filgrastim injections and really don’t know why. Just want this to go ahead as I will be half way through. Wish I could eat something to boost the levels.

Have a healthy weekend everyone xx


Hi @bigpickle , at least it’s not a definitive postpone… fingers crossed for you hun :crossed_fingers:

Just finished my last EC :partying_face: and made the decision to cold cap just the same and glad i did. Yep wasn’t fun at all but not as nasty as last treatment so :raised_hands: lesson learnt and note to self: talk to the team that’s taking care of you, they are experienced and know how to deal with issues, but they can only help you if they know they exist.

Sending everyone a hug , like it or not :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: (sorry just wanted to put a smile on your faces) xx


@big pickle, I was told by someone and I have no idea if it’s true or helps that to get your levels up before chemo to drink Vita Coco Pressed (the green one) coconut water. This came through a friend, whose friend had had breast cancer. I brought a carton, decided it was horrible and didn’t drink it, but I had a month between my 2 ec’s so had plenty of time to recover.

Hope the levels have improved by Monday.

Have a good weekend all x

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Don’t worry, those of you going to EC next. Its not been too bad for me. Mostly tiredness and dizziness. Hope EC is kind to you. I’ve got reverse fear…terrified of movimg on to the taxane part - docetaxel.

Glad to hear those having chemo today got on okay.

With regards to covid and flu jabs, i will have them when offered. My kids all have flu nasal spray at school usually. Husband will get them if allowed too.

Had a lazy day today, picc line redressed and flushed and just a short walk to shops, but my husband’s team at work have sent the loveliest flowers to cheer me up. Hoping for a relaxing weekend. X


EC hasn’t been too bad for me either. Heartburn stopped pretty much, energy good, sleeping better, a few headaches but nothing I couldn’t cope with…….but, it is docetaxel that worries me too. Just want this all over and done with.

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In relation to flu my kids vaccine team called me and advised to check with oncology. We agreed id have mine (non live) 2 weeks prior to kids having their nasal one. Oncology and vaccine team happy with this.

I’d also echo what @bluesatsuma EC hasn’t been terrible for me either to try not to worry those doing it the opposite way round.

I am also terrified of going on to palictaxel particularly as I have been given an insane amount of steroids to take the night before/morning of :grimacing:.

Good luck to those having treatment today. I’m finally half way after finishing EC Wednesday :partying_face::partying_face:


I echo everything the others have said on EC, got the last of those next Friday and then onto doxectaxel which I’m quite worried about like everyone else!

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@beckya, @luc_12 and @bigpickle I posted in Ask the Nurses the other day about docetaxel fears. Lots of people replied to tell me that it wasn’t as bad as they thought. Fingers crossed it is ok. I’ve still got one EC to go, so after that I will worry about Docetaxel. Hopefully it’ll be no harder than EC. Xxx


Hi @bigpickle what a shame! Could you try requesting the injections? As much as I don’t look forward to them at all they do seem to have done their job. Most hospitals do seem to give them so wonder why yours doesn’t? Do hope you get the go ahead for next week - half way point - you’ve done well to get that far considering the hiccups. Good luck! :two_hearts:

I have mentioned the injections to both chemo nurse and onco nurse. Apparently I will have them when I start docetaxel. Why the consultant decided that I don’t know. :frowning:. I read somewhere that dark chocolate helps….so I am filling my face with that….any excuse. :wink:


Hi @dhmb. the peripheral neuropathy only affected me for a couple of evenings/nights and just on my feet. See what happens this time but my hands have been fine.
Thank you everyone @dhmb, @bluesatsuma, @bigpickle, @luc_12, @beckya, @mz45. for the reassurance re ec. I’ve just had my 4th paclitaxel and main symptoms have been stomach ache a couple of days, leg pains and just a little neuropathy but I feel fine now so it didn’t last. Buscopan was useful plus paracetamol as and when. I had a big dose of piriton given beforehand plus steroids, then more to take at home but I actually felt ok on them.
Good luck all but I got the impression from my onc cons that you’ve done the more difficult bit now so here’s to a smooth experience from now on :two_hearts:


How strange - wonder if I’ll still get them when I switch to ec? Oh well if dark chocolate helps, might as well do your bit and make sure you consume a few bars :smiley: :chocolate_bar: Take care :two_hearts:


Oh definitely indeed, my oncologist said at the second appointment: eat what you want when you want now is not the time to think of loosing weight.

That’s all i needed to know :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

But in all fairness i do behave most of the time… can’t resist a red velvet or chocolate cookies but hey no one is perfect :ok_hand:


Morning all

Hope you all have some nice things planned for the weekend.

I have not slept all night due to the pain I’m in my legs due to these injections, It’s excruciating i took antihistamine and codeine and resorted to oramorph in the end but that didn’t completely stop the agony. Is anyone else having such severe pain with the filgrastim injections? Same thing happened last time, Iv been told there is no choice but to have these. Just have to get through the next few days I guess. :pleading_face: