August 2024 chemo starters

@lilly123 ooh I do sympathise. Seems you’re doing pretty much everything. I did have it one or two nights when my legs and feet hurt so much and I could’t sleep but wasn’t sure which was the chemo or the injections or what. Does cold or heat help at all? (Socks I had with cold pads helped feet.) Hopefully though it won’t last very long and you’re pain free during the day (though no doubt tired!). :crossed_fingers:t3::two_hearts:


@lilly123 Really sorry to hear you are having such bad pain. I do hate the injections too, the full week I just feel lousy and weak. I’ve done two out of six chemo rounds and have decided I need to write off the first week totally. I use Emla numbing cream half an hour before the injection and that certainly helps a bit with the administration but when it comes to sleeping I have kicked husband to spare room and cuddle up with a big v cushion (from next purple fluffy one). I find I can get more comfortable wrapping my legs over that and it doesn’t snore lol. It sounds like you are doing everything to reduce pain but something like this might help. Also Camomile tea at bedtime helps me a little.
I hope the pain subsides for you xx


I’m really sorry you’re goong through these pains on top of everything else @lilly123. I hope you get some rest during the day to make up for the lack of sleep, it does make the world of difference.

Sending you a tight hug with healing wishes :hugs::heart_hands:

Hope everyone has a good day be it resting , going out and about, or anything else in between. Me? Sofa and crochet… not much energy for anything else :pensive:


@dhmb. I’m probably going out for a little while but have to be careful as today is the day after chemo so is my drugged up steroid day and then I’m exhausted later! but I know tomorrow onwards will probs be less symptom free. Hope you’re ok after your 4th ec (?). Settee and crochet sounds a good plan :smiley: xx

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Thank you kindly @anne3 , i usually have a shop around on the high street on Saturday’s but today i didn’t have it in me… better days will come I’m sure. The treatment itself was ok, better than no.3 by far, but feeling it today, not only lack of energy but everything makes me cry today… oh well… it is whay it is i guess… at least im finished with the EC now :raised_hands::raised_hands::raised_hands::raised_hands:


Sorry to hear that @dhmb - perhaps you do need to do quiet things today but yay you’ve finished ec! but I do so understand the crying bit! I feel the effects are as much mental health ones as I do that too, in fact I’m a bit of a wreck! Had a completely unrelated appt the other day and, probs because I don’t quite look right these days, was asked if I was ok, then the nurse gave me a hug. Well that was enough to set me off :disappointed_relieved::sob:. Similar happened today… I shouldn’t be let out really! Oh well we’re getting there and crochet is a very good distraction! Can we see pics? :blush:. Take care :two_hearts:

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Sure, this isn’t what I’m working on at the moment but my lastest make


@dhmb. oh that looks very sweet and very well made and neat too. So not just a distraction but a useful rewarding hobby.
Enjoy your ‘me time’ relaxing. :two_hearts:

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Thank you @anne3 , it’s definitely come in handy… making Christmas gifts lately, since my income has been largely impacted bt breat cancer i decided to make my Christmas gifts this year, that way i can also clear out part of my stash that I’m running out of space to keep :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Enjoy your weekend xx

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My sister just shared this with me, thought it might benefit some of you too.


Thanks for sharing @songbird1 , how are you feeling today?

I hope everyone is feeling ok, on the mend, better… you get the idea :kissing_heart:

Question for those that had a lumpectomy: i had mine in July with sential node biopsy that came back positive and margens weren’t clear. Recently I’ve been feeing like stab pains in the breast, does anyone feel the same?

Thanks and be well xx