Oh @bluesatsuma sorry to hear you’re going through that Crossing everything you can think of so that Wednesday brings you a bit more comfort and that tomorrow’s appointment gives you a clear roadmap to the finish line
Yeah same thing happened to me: diagnoses followed by lumpectomy and radiotherapy always with the understanding that things might change but honestly never thought it actually would, and thought couple of months and i can go back to normal as if nothing had happened. … couldn’t be more wrong. Looking back probably i was being nieve
After the lumpectomy, results came back and no clear margins… change of plans to lumpectomy, chemotherapy, mastectomy, radiotherapy and hormonal treatment or something of the sort to follow.
It just felt like instead of reaching the finish line, the road just got longer and longer like when you stretch bubble gum… HOWEVER… first 3 done and now definitely things are going at a quicker pace so feeling like I’m getting somewhere I still dont know what radiotherapy and what comes after will look like but it will be dealt with in due course. Right now resting and healing are my priorities… doesn’t mesn i don’t miss my crochet
We’re at the same point @dhmb…between mastectomy and radiotherapy. Have you had your pathology from mastectomy yet? I’ve been told late Feb for mine. I keep imagining that they’ll find something else in there, like her2+ cells or grade 3 cells. I’m sure they won’t really though. Xx
Not yet @bluesatsuma , i should be discussing that around the 25th give or take so we should be having results back around the same time
I’m trying to put the results out of mind for now and just relaxing and healing otherwise I’m not doing myself any favours and drive myself up the walls with worry and truth be told won’t change the outcome whatever that might be. But yes I have caught myself thinking of it from time to time not gonna lie, guess easier said than done
@bluesatsuma and @dhmb yes it’s definitely taken longer than I thought, not as complicated as both of yours though. Initially I kept being told that it was good I’d caught it early and it was just a lumpectomy plus radiotherapy plus endocrine. Was told nothing suspicious under my arm in lymph node area.
Then suddenly after the first op, it seemed it was in my lymph nodes after all (two thirds of them) so then onto chemo…. I do feel like a different person from who I was last January . Still, we’re getting there and I’ve been lucky in many ways so onwards and upwards (as people keep telling me!). xx
Always one foot in front of the other @anne3 and on days like today (hope the same for you) the sun is shining and goodness me what a difference it makes!
I keep forgetting the lymph nodes… yep 3 out of 4 tested positive so had a lymph node clearance on Wednesday at the same time of the mastectomy. Not that im in pain, but it’s where it’s most uncomfortable really, kinda like a persistent twinge in my armpit…
And yes, could definitely be worse… so far hasn’t been fun at all, far from it but could indeed be worse
Thank you @dhmb and definitely time for you to look after yourself. Yes sunny and bright here today but was very frosty. Managed a pleasant walk though . Remember my bruising was very purple and extensive after lymph node clearance so hope yours not too bad. At least you’re now on the right side of the op and can recover a bit. Take care xx
Hi Linda - I had cancer in the third level so all of them I believe as they say they removed all evidence! (13 out of 19 were affected). It was quite purple but healed well and looks ok now.
Hi - not had any problems, no oedema or anything. The scar was a few inches (they reused the area they used for the sentinel lymph node biopsy) but there is now just a small area of scar visible really. The area under my arm still feels numb although I don’t actually notice it now so much. All in all for me the surgery has been fine. Hope you’re doing ok. Take care x
Saw onco today. She had my bloods done to check hormone status as i think ive gobe through menopause during chemo. She said that id probably start tamoxifen and ovarian suppression butvswitch to an AI after a while.
Anyone on here started tamoxifen and zoladex yet? What can i expect?
Does everyone on zoladex have to have biphosphates too?
Not feeling great, had a follow up with the nurse to check how the wound was (can’t believe it’s been a week!) and stitchwise all good, i can move my arm and do the recomended exercises ok, but it was so swollen my arm touching the side of my chest was so painful that the seroma needed to be drained. Without doubt felt much better but now the pain is a bit worse even though not nearly as swollen as before… starting to think I’ve lost my marbles
Has this happened to anyone? I’m trying to resist and not google it, but how (if possible) can i prevent it from swelling up again which the nurse said it likely to happen?
Anyway… i guess I’m just feeling a bit discouraged and i wish a peaceful night to everyone xx
Morning @dhmb. I have huge seromas and haematoma following my diep reconstruction and mastectomy. I saw surgeon yesterday and he said he wouldn’t drain them and that my body would reabsorb them. It could take months though. So i can’t help wuth why you feel sore. But i would suggest csllimg nurses. You can try microwave wheat bag on area too. That helps healing and reabsorption of anything left. Paracetamol, heat and nurses!
Hope you feel better soon.
I’m up and down after my op. Battling a chest unfection too. Sleeping is hard and everything aches. I have had dressings off but small area of skin necrosis was found
A huge hug and thank you for the recommendation i will definitely be doing that.
Sprry to hear you’re in pain and going through all of those issues, and apologies for my french, but bloody hell like it’s not enough to go through treatment… focusing forward though… what has the doctor said/recommend as a way forward?
@bluesatsuma and @dhmb ….so sorry you are both having a rough time, it sounds so uncomfortable for you both. I can’t offer any advice having not had these issues, I consider myself very fortunate.
Sending hugs xx
I saw the nurse yesterday, stitches were fine (perfect was the word she used) but had to drain the seroma which teuth be told she said would fill again but the relief was something else…
Today woke up feeli g sore.but hey ho that’s what you get after all this rollercoaster… did arm exercises even the advanced ones and fir a change actually went for a walk to post a letter ( I barely go outside unless for appointments) when i came back realised my top was wet… turns out I’m leaking but not feom where it was drained… go figure…tang the nurse and because fluid is clear.said keep an eye on it, if colour changes , redness, temperature,etc ,etc to ring her… in the mean time continue as normal as possible, within reason… luckily i can crochet again so that does help me mentally.
The call did give me some comfort but still… outch is the operative word
I feel really well thankyou. Occasionally feel a twinge from the irradiated breast but really it is nothing and doesn’t last long. My energy seems to be back to normal. I am taking 7 seas supplements for joint care….dont know if they are doing anything but you never know. Been to 2 football matches! To the pub, shopping , basically living life as I did before this journey began. Also dieting to lose the chemo weight! Already lost a stone since I started on 2 January, half a stone to go. Hair is gradually coming back. Sides and back are growing well but the top is still sparse. There is hair there but it isn’t as thick, so still wearing turbans and wig at times. Got heart scan on Monday, Herceptin injection on Tuesday and dentist Wednesday, which I am looking forward to as my teeth are so stained.
Have a pain free, comfortable weekend if you can xxx