
I have been off site for a while but would love to be inclued.Am a 38b-double mastectomy no reconstruction- size 14/16 aged 48 not glamerous but willilng!! could travel from .

may have posted message to moderator in wrong place as dont know how to send whisper messages yet!!lynn

hi thanks for the advice re message , i did try but it came up as not known when i put moderator in . hope this gets to you. i need as much advice as i can about getting the calendar up and running. lynn have tried to send you private message but still not coming up .

I am back from holidays, and it was great although too hot, (the sea water was hotter than my bath water, which made my stick on prosthesis unstick, so a bit of a nightmare, as the pockets in the swimsuits are oblong or square and my prosthesis are both triangle shaped !! when will these companies learn that square and oblong does not fit a triangle !!

Anyway, I have just read and caught up with the updates, so just still on to the case of getting this calendar moving forward.

I have a meeting with the fundraising team in the BCC offices next friday, as they have contacts with the team that have done calendars in the past, so they are going to look out the information that is needed for us to do this.

I have not heard from the various people that I had sent e-mails, accept from Trevor Sorbie, and a professional photographer who is willing to help on the photographs etc, I have also wrote to This morning, and various magazines, and all looking into how they can help us too. I will keep you informed.

Taffy, I am in S Wales too, so if we needed to travel together this would be good.

Hopefully I can get really onto it next week after the meeting with BCC offices.

anything anyone else can think of let me know and I will try and see if they can help.

thanks xxx

calendar, hi has anyone else got any contacts in the industry who would be willing to help with this as interest seems to be waning. lynn x


Just had confirmation from some companies that will give us mastectomy lingerie for the callendar, I need all your sizes for bras. They are going to give us some in various styles and sizes, (I mean it is of course publicity for them),

Trevor Sorbie has confirmed that he will assist us with this, (so if any one needs wigs he is there to help on this, since he is good at doing wigs ). Also make up artist he has contacts, and will get back to me this week via his PR lady.

I have written to loads of places for help on the callendar making, I have also contacted the Calendar Girls who did one last year to see where they went, they are going to get back to me tomorrow. Hopefully with news of where they went and we can go too.

I have also written to various magazines and tv programmes, so hopefully they will come back soon.

Also, we need a theme for this callendar, so any thoughts on this, let us know. Also, who wants to do which month, if you have no preference then we will see what is free on the months and do that one, or we could do groups month when we are all in it.

Anything else you can think of let us know, so please let me know which month and your size so that I can send this to the companies for the bras to be sent to me and I can arrange for them to be sent to you to try on prior to the event, in case they dont fit and you need a different size.

thanks for this and speak soon
carol xx

Hi Ladies,
I first though your idea of a callander was a bit tasteless (sorry!) but the more i read the posts the more it seems like a realy good idea . Anything to make people more aware that this disease can strike anyone. Hope you manage to get it off the ground. My brother is a professional photographer and would be happy to help ( with shoots and promotion) when you have a bit more of an idea where this is headed.
Cheers Caroline

Hello Carolihne

Many thanks for recognising that we are not doing a (tasteless) callendar, but more on a point that us women although having had breast surgery and wearing prosthesis can still look as sexy and glamourous as anyone else. It is also to show companies that we can look fantastic wearing lingerie, for mastectomy products, showing the bra being worn by women wearing prosthesis being more realistic than their models they use that have clearly not had mastectomy.!!

It would be great if you could give us the details of your brother (via private message if you want), so that we can see what his requirements are, and where he lives, as we might have to travel to london . Any help on this is greatfully appreciated.

As you have read in this topic, we have had some really good feedback and support, and hopefully getting some more. I have had some more phone calls with regards to this, and it is getting more positive each time. So it is looking really good.

keep supporting.

Hello Ladies,

Just had confirmation from several companies that will donate lingerie and swimwear to us for the calendar, Obviously this will be the most current seasonal items, so that women can purchase what we are wearing in the photograph. This is great news and a great start. I know you have given your sizes etc to Lynn (Aroma), so I will get them and forward them to the companies so that they can supply the items we need.

Can you also confirm that you wish to do swimwear as well as lingerie or just one or the other?

things are getting better for us, and hopefully soon we will be doing this.

thanks for everyone that is helping us do this, and thanks to all that are supporting us.
C xx

I am happy to model anything - 32 B - lumpectomies x 2, rads, Tamoxifen and now on Arimidex. Am 18 from the back and 68 from the front but tall,slim and blonde and live in London! Not bothered about which month but love skiing and yoga. Am trying hard to think of a theme. Perhaps it could feature us doing a particular activity we like - maybe something we took up after BC but whatever proud to be calendar girls.

Hi ladies,

I have some of your sizes etc, but we now need the remainder of you that havent given us those. We also need the months that you want to be in, if you have no preference then that is fine, we will sort out the months that are free for you to choose.

We also need to know if you are lingerie or swimwear or want to do both. So that we can get these garments ordered from the companies prior to this commencing.

We are still also thinking of a theme too. Any suggestions would be good.
thanks for all of your help

Hi Ladies,
With regards to a theme for the callander. How about everyone doing something fun like a sport or hobby (swimming, water skiing, riding golf etc? or else just doing 'normal stuff - hanging out washing, polishing the car , ironing ( not sure how this would quite fit in with the sexy underwear though!). Something that shows that people can come through the surgery and hopefully live full and active lives again.

Hi Carolihne,

I am not sure how we could get props of ski-ing, riding etc, I think it is a great idea though. Have you spoken to your brother with regards to his services of a photographer for us?? Perhaps he has props like these, or backgrounds???


thinking of a title ,maybe we could call it, Cme, or cup cakes!! ,anyone got any ideas, we are struggling with a title and theme so get your thinking caps on folks!! got to be differant,but also letting people know just what we are about. looking forward to suggestions, love lynn xx

yes perhaps the water-skiing idea was a bit ambitious! I reckon i could get access to most of the other stuff golf clubs, tennis racket, (even tramploine!) etc. Have tried to send you the photographers phone no but can’t get the hang of the private messaging service - will try again later
Another idea - how about each photo had a seasonal theam ie December decorating the tree in ones undies? Easter making pancakes, August building sand castles? I suppose this might sound a bit frivilous - don’t want to upset anyone?

Wel girls I think this is getting better by the minute, I had a chat this afternoon with a company that are graphic designers, Their directors mum unfortunately passed away last year with BC, and she is more than happy to help us, however their partner director is on holiday and wont be back till next week, but they are certain that this will be something that they would be more than happy to help with , but need to run it passed all the partner directors…
This is great news and hopefully they will help us, I have also had some more companies contact us with regards to publicity and promotion of the callendar, as well as this done for free.!! This is the word I like to hear ‘FREE’. So I think so far we are not doing too badly for getting goodwill gestures for this idea, I know it is not why we are doing this, but it is great how much support and help they are offering to us, especially from their busy schedules too.

We do need to start getting together, to discuss this idea further, as it looks like after we get things in place it could be fast forward to getting it done prior to either October (breast awareness month), or if that is not achievable then definatelly before xmas for stocking fillers. !!

We need to know who is definately committed at this stage.

c xx

I am happy to pose in yoga positions or skiing in a bikini, if necessary, and can provide the clothing and accessories. Or even weight lifting. I like the idea of a different theme for each month and a group picture on the cover maybe. It could definitely be a bit racy with few feather boas, fans, glass of bubbly - we are survivors strutting our stuff and telling the world there is life after BC. Puppydog 1 - you are doing a fantastic job.

great news on graphic designer ,we do need as much free things as we can . this idea is really taking off and hopefully we will reach our goal of raising awareness of this disease. keep up the ideas re a theme, and title for the calendar, im all for the bubbly!!! take care all thinking caps on!!! love lynn xx

What about doing the callander in black and white and having it bound with a pink spiral spine and possible putting the pink ribbon logo on each page (would have to get permission for this). Black and white is cheaper to produce than colour but the people providing the undies might want them in colour?
Olivia you have some great ideas - skiing in a bikini - perhaps we could get a mink one for you (only joking) Also what about if the less sporty ladies could be photographed playing a musical instrument or line dancing or some other fun activity?
Run out of ideas now

Living Dolls (apols to Cliff Richard) or is that too corny?
