
Anyone got a copy of the WI calendar for ideas? The graphic designer will probably be able to come up with a title and theme. My son works in marketing so have asked him for ideas. My gut feeling says this is going to be BIG.

Just found the WI calendar on the web - what a success story. We have to do even better and with BC on the national news today we certainly should have no problem finding sponsors and fame - we certainly deserve it!

Hi Girls, well I AM impressed, seems like there is no stopping us lot when we get a good idea!! I am waiting for a reply from my contact at the magazine to see if she wants to help out - will let you know asap.

I am in Maidstone, am 32B and dress size 8/10. Thought it might be nice to also involve some ‘glamour’ shots of girls in dresses (to show that going out, dressing for dinner etc isnt a problem with the right clothes and underwear) - rather than just doing underwear -think that doing something a little different which give us more chance of being successful. Perhaps have a theme to include dressing for various occassions - wedding guest (or bride), evening dress, casual day out etc. What about GIRLS ON TOP for a title ? !!!

ps.Glad my Trevor Sorbie idea has taken off.

Karen xx

hi all well ideas are coming thick and fast now keep it up, like the living dolls one immensely. !i think black and white may not be what the companies that are donating the items would want, maybe background could be and clothes could be in colour. but thats the sort of ideas we need. w’ell all need aspirins after all this thinking!!! speak soon wendy and hayley i dont think we have you sizes yet. lynn xx

We really need a copywriter but for what its worth here are a few suggestions:
Tops off, Tops on again! - The Breast Cancer Survivors Calendar 2008
Defying Breast Cancer
A United Front
Upfront and Upbeat
No perfect but proud to present The Breast Cancer Calendar 2008
Abreast with the times

Hi all,

Well I think we are getting there, I had my meeting with BCC today, went really well, but not sure if I can put what they said on here, !! It was very positive lets just say that… and they are going to speak to the relevant personnel to take this through… all good news, and some good ideas were put on the table from them…

I do like the living dolls idea,
I will contact the companies to see what they want from us wearing their lingerie or swimwear, I have discussed this with BCC too today, as we dont want to offend anyone in respect of the companies lingerie, and our supporters, as well as the women that we are doing this for… as well as us…

As far as I am aware also is that as long as there is no nudity or sexual natures, then it is up to us what we do, so perhaps once we find out which months each person wants to do, then we could work around each persons lifestyle, as we want it to be realistic and not just the look of a lingerie catalogue,

I was thinking that we could have one big photo of each person on each month, with several different ones around them. This way we could all get to wear swimwear, lingerie, and perhaps clothes… not sure where we could get glamorous evening wear donated, does someone know anyone that owns a evening gown shop???

My thinking cap is back on again…


ALL Who are committed to this, please let us know, as we are nearing getting this done, we have definate links and confirmed support, so we need to get the garments organised.

Can you also advise what garments you are comfortable doing, Lingerie, Swimwear and some of you suggested evening gowns, perhaps this is something we could look into, I will contact several companies that may give us gowns for the calendar. But I need to know if you all want this.

I really need this information at your earliest, as we need to get this sorted sooner rather than later, Anyone who has still not given their sizes to either Lynn (aroma) or myself then please do so,

many thanks for this, and it wont be long before we are there.

coMe on girls things are really moving on now but we cant do it without your imput so post us your details on private messages if you want .SO EXCITING!!! LYNN XX


I am still definitely ok for this - would like to do evening gown or some sort of clothes really. I have mastectomy in March and am only using the lightweight comfie which I pin into a normal bra - mastectomy bras dig in a bit and cant wear one for a long amount of time (Breast nurse said this will improve over time). Dont mind modelling one for calendar though. Dont want to do swimwear. Dont mind what month I do either - easy going with that.
Already given sizes to you so should be ok there.
Sorry havent come up with any news on magazine contact - still waiting for reply - I am chasing regularly though.

Karen x


It is fine that you dont want to do swimwear, we are happy to go with what you are comfortable with so no worries. I know what it was like when I got my two comfies, it was over 12 weeks before I got my stick on ones, as the scar and healing process did take time. I took mine off at night, and still do, and sometimes at weekends if I am not going out or no-one is visiting, I keep them off to give my skin a breather, with the adhesive against the skin. It is just passed 2 years I have been wearing mine and it is just like putting your lippy on, I feel dressed and able to face the world when I have my ‘girls’ on. !!

I am trying to source gowns to hopefully be able to use for the shoot, but if there is anything that you may enjoy wearing and you feel fantastic in, please feel free to wear this, as I said it is what you are most confident and comfortable doing and wearing.

it would be good if the magazine contact comes through, but ok if they dont,

speak soon

hi aroma,i’m size 12, 34C, would be happy to model anything for any month…bit dubious about the title which includes BREAST CANCER SURVIVORS 2008 though [sorry bit of a pesimist] like the ‘Living Dolls’…speak to you soon.

karen x

Hi Karen,

Many thanks for this, we will add it to the list, I agree with the title, and love the Living Dolls better.

I will let you know of the updates as we get them. I am trying to get ball gowns for us to wear for the shoot, so hopefully it should go well.

speak soonxxx

thanks for that karen, hey its getting SO EXCITING!!! speak soon love lynn xx

Is there a theme yet? Ballgowns will need stunning jewellery. Maybe we all have a glamorous one in our cupboards with all the accessories?

id love to get glammed up but havnt got an evening gown so maybe we will get some donated?keep you posted lynn xx

to all interested in this we are still getting things sorted so keep on looking for details ok ! lynn xx


I’m 40D bust (only one boob left) and I live in Lancashire. I’ve tried writing to ‘How To Look Good Naked’ …I thought I’ve give Gok Wan a run for his money…“Here my boy, try to make a good cleavage out of my one boob”…but they don’t seem to be taking me up on my offer…PAH!!!..who needs 'em…


You can join in our gang, but you may have to double up on the calendar months though should you want to do a month that is already taken, because we are attracting loads of interest. We are doing lingerie, swimwear, and hopefully trying to get ball gowns, are you able to do them all or do you wish to do only certain ones. Whatever you are happy with is fine. I need to know earliest so that we can notify the companies that are giving us the garments Still trying to source the gowns though, but hopefully it will come through.

c xx


I’m Marilyn from Lancashire.

42D, mastectomy with immediate TRAM reconstruction. Last FEC 13th March so hair now about 3/4".

I think recon looks good in underwear - appart from lack of nipple and belly button looking slightly unusual.

Body anygood?

Marilyn X

Yep, I’ll double up anywhere you like and I will give it a go in undies, swim suit etc…but I bet I’ll look a right b…

Birthdate October if that’s anything to do with it.
