Can't believe it!

jan - you’ll be fine- the thought of it and the fear of the unknown is worse but once you get started oyu’re on a roll to finish!! Mary x

hi janet, i’m similar to you WLE and 21 nodes removed 20th March, 2 infected, unfortunately my margin wasn’t clear enough so have another op before chemo, but like you I’m terrified! Kittenkat i hope you are right!!! Debs xxxx

Hi all
Debs I had to have a 2nd op after my WLE to get clear margins. It was MUCH better than 1st op and both myself and the girl I was in hospital with(both times) got over the 2nd op much more quickly.
Kittenkat is right - once it all gets going it’s amazing how quickly things go. I started chemo on 30th Dec and am midway through 5th cycle out of 8. In Dec I thought the time ahead seemed endless but now I’m more than halfway through. It is the waiting that seems endless.
Hope everyone who had ops this week are taking care of themselves.
Nicky x

Thanks Nicky, thats good to hear! there is always someone on here who can help!! love debs xxx

debs - I had 21 nodes removed too with 1 involved, this week I’m having a hickman line fitted and then 3rd fec on thurs so will be half way through the chemo…do you know what you’re having yet debs - sorry brain is sloooow today and I’m getting muddled…mary x

Hi all

Hope everyone is enjoying their Easter break.We’ve been very lucky with the weather here- it does make a difference to our mood doesn’t it?

It’s great to hear from you all and you’re right, there does seem to be a fair few of us at a similar stage. Hopefully we’ll help each other through it all the way.I’m not looking forward to the node thing much.

Well, I thought everything was too good to be true with my healing of the WLE. Though the area seems to be healing well and I’m surprised at how neat it seems to be, I’ve realised I’m allergic to elastoplast! After feeling horrendous itching I presumed it was the area healing. Well I took off the dressing ( nurse told me to keep it on for a week - urghh!) and I have a nice rectangular red itchy rash in the neat shape of the plaster.I do remember a similar reaction when I was 5 with a verrucae dressing. Since then I’ve been fine though! I’ve now left the whole area plaster free.

Oh well- at least it’s not an infection or something more serious I suppose!! Sorry to moan about something relatively minor!!

Only two days until my results (hopefully). It is a strange thing to look forward to isn’t it?

Love Freddiexxxxxxxxxx

Hi Debs and Freddie - hope you both get over the ops soon…

I just wanted to say - i know it seems daunting at the start - i am just coming up to the one year anniversary of finding there was a problem… But honestly in some ways that year has flown by…

I just concentrated on one part of the treatment at a time… and the same with chemo if you find you need it… just get through each cycle and suddenly there are none left :smiley:

Freddie it is funny i’ve never had a problem with any type of plaster as well - but when i used some recently to keep a dressing in place i got a reaction too lol

Theresa x

Mary, no I don’t know what I’m having yet, think they are waiting to tell me that after the 2nd op! But you can be assurred once i know i will be asking for advice!!

Thersa, thanks thats how I’m going at the moment, one bit at a time! Glad to hear it worked for you!

Freddie, hope the itching has stopped! its one problem after another isn’t it!
love debs xxx

Hi all

Hope everyone is ok and coping well with current treatments.

Also want to apologise for my insensitivity. I’ve been going on about my neat scar and minimal bruising whilst whingeing about itching. i realise that many of us are not so lucky so again sorry for that.

I’m back to my other paranoid self too, convincing myself I have funny arm pains so must be node involvement. I suppose only time will tell for that once they’ve checked them out.In many ways I wish they’d have done nodes last week too as I’m getting anxious about that now.

Love Freddie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

don’t want this thread to disappear! Its been a life line!! xxx


Absolutely agree Debs…

Weird- I think we posted at the same time then!!

Freddie xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Freddie you are certainly not insensitive, it just helps us all to talk to others! Helps me mot to focus on my own aches and pains if everyone else has some too! My paranoia keeps kicking in, I’ve had a pain in my thigh…! xxxx
ps we’ve done it again!!!

Freddie, we’re all paranoid, obsessed with every little twinge (or in my case, swollen boob!) And I’ve had a pain in my chest today, other side, just beneath the boob… What could that be…? Er… maybe too much gardening, taking most of the weight on that side…? This is where we come for a little support from those who KNOW - because we can’t keep whinging to our OHs. Today you take, tomorrow you give - that’s how it works.

couldn’t agree more Susanne, thank god for this site!! xx

sasanne - did you get the wig?? mary x

Hi all

I’m trying hard to keep busy, but today is REALLY dragging. My 4.25 results appointment still seems to be an eternity away.

Have that horrid sick feeling in the pit of my stomach.

Oh well, not long now,

Love Freddie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Freddie {{{hugs}}} - fingers crossed the results are good…

Theresa x

thinking of you Freddie! Let us know how it goes! xxxx

Oh, the wig! No - the one I tried on last week was “petite” and I have… a large head (itz awl dem braynes wot doz it.) So they were supposed to be getting a normal size one, and even then it would have to be stretched a bit. But they didn’t have one, so they just tried stretching the petite one. Needless to say it felt like I was wearing a Victorian corset on my head! So, I chose another one, which should be there next week so I can pick it up when I go for my chemo (only five more sleeps!)

Freddie, I’ve still got my fingers crossed for you - not easy typing like that!

Susanne, good job you have a sense of humour!! sounds like an interesting experience, one i will have to face soonish!! love debs xx